Steve irwin was a fucking idiot not worth remebering. Does anyone want to argue that?

Steve irwin was a fucking idiot not worth remebering. Does anyone want to argue that?

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I'm assuming the jews are paying you to say this

steve irwin hated niggers I guess.

which makes him alright in my book.

All fucking Zoomers must fucking hang

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Certainly not. 100% true. His entire shtick was:
1) Poke animal in eye with stick
2) Exclaim: Crikey! Look at how aggressive he is!
Utter fuckwad who got what he deserved.

>Steve Erwin
>Crocodile Hunter
>Dies to a sting ray
>Let me repeat that
>Dies to a sting ray
Okay dude

Come on mate, don't be a fag about this, the dude was alright

man was a fucking legend

Ausfag here. In a country not short of retards, he was an embarrassment.

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Good natured souls chose to extend into the physical. Use the Force, people. Tighten up. May you live in interesting times.

A magical man who pissed off a lot of animals.

He was a man that brought a lot of joy to a lot of people. Maybe thats a pretty good reason to remember someone.

I really want to watch his daughter get Blacked. She was made for the BBC.

>He was a man that brought a lot of joy to a lot of people...
By torturing and terrorising animals. He was a cunt and a simpleton.

I fol'd when he died
it made my niece cry

Steve is and was a top-notch bloke. OP just doesn't like nice things or people because they remind him how far he has sunken into depravity.

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including you

You create trap and shota threads daily. You’re gonna die forgotten unlike him OP.

Dun more than you ya cunt

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He saved animals too, you dunce

The day after he died, Norm Macdonald was on The Daily Show and summed it up perfectly. "People have been telling me all day, Norm, you're never gonna guess who died!" "No, no, you're very wrong. He's the FIRST PERSON I WOULD GUESS DIED. HIS FUCKING NAME IS THE CROCODILE HUNTER. OF COURSE HE'S DEA-what? Stingray? No shit? Huh. Alright."

I would argue I'll remember him long after I have forgotten about you and your thread. At least he provided lulz.

Nah because you're an edgelord who mistakes contrariety for personality. You're not here to form an argument, you're here because you've got nothing else going on for you in your life.

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no u

t. Official Thread Retard

t. Official Thread Retard

God damn some aussies are hawt
(Take off the extra dot)

I wanna fuck a Aussie girl

I mean, clearly you remember him.

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I'm assuming you're a shitskin nigger?
She could easily take you down you lard arse nigger

And Michael Schumacher got almost fatal brain damage from skiing. Dude drives around tracks reaching top speeds over 200mph pulling 4Gs in the corners for 20 years, but he eats shit one time in the snow - bumps his head-camera on a rock and he turns into a fucking vegetable!

Sometimes life is stranger than art.

He wasn't an idiot, just Australian. They're all like that.

he was a typical asstralian retard who molested animals, till one finally upped & killed him...and that too a fish lol

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Fuck off ya' sepo wankahs, Australians are classy Judo practicing manifestations of Democracy with immaculate elocution. Tah Tah and Fair Well

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