Colossus second?

Colossus second?

Attached: Magic 8ball.jpg (474x642, 48K)

That’s a yes. It’s always a yes.

can I get black bolt 1?

Should I go to bed?

Will I get a girlfriend this year?

Is it true?

asking again

will she notice me?

ok what if I put in action my plan for her to notice me?

Do I have a purpose to exist?


Will I get a gf within the next few months?

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will i ever get fit?

Do my family actually love me?

does she like me back?

Will I get laid in the next week? Escorts do not count.

will i get some fuc this year

Was I fired?

will I get the s word

will I get fucked this year?

Will nuclear war happen this year?

Will everything work out?

Is day-day worth my time ?