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Im in texas and a highschool next to me has had a rebel flag up for years on their digital billboard in front of their obviously prominently caucasian school. I feel like it's outdated and trashy to do this. I really doubt there's other highschool's that do this? What should i do /b?
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Get the fuck over it. Having your feelings hurt doesn't entitle you to shit.
Get over it.
Get on with your life you piece of shit
Set yourself on fire like a Buddhist Monk in protest
>Sore losers since 1865
call cnn
tell them flag bad
It's the flag of traitors and losers. What about it is good?
Go join antifa and cry with the rest of the everyones racist but us libtards that do more hate crimes then a flag.
Well if it pisses off a faggot like you that should be enough
Who the fuck cares?
kill niggers
>Proud to hate the US
Why don't you try to secede again so I can shoot you legally?
(Take off the extra dot)
Somehow I'm not afraid of you shooting your AIDS infected load in my general direction when I actually have a gun
The States has a lot of healing to do. This is not shitposting.
You should be. Last time around Sherman burned and salted every field in every shitty little backwater he passed through causing economic damage that the South still has not recovered from. It's about time for another ocean field trip
And kikes.
Underrated post.
Like really.
Fuck that. Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo
Trips of a faggot, but dubs of truth...
kys carpetbaggers
Secede again and give me all the justification I need to start clearing sisterfuckers. We'll have Sherman's March and user's Pogrom
I call bullshit. PC faggots removed them from schools around the country in the early 90s.
its the state's history. if that bothers you then you can fuck yourself.
(Take off the extra dot)