So I'm looking for a great EDC knife, I already have a Leatherman multitool...

So I'm looking for a great EDC knife, I already have a Leatherman multitool. A little bit bulky but very useful so now I want a folding knife. more into something small-medium size and thin. Which one is the better one? I have found several suggestions but most of them seem not worth the price. Post your suggestions or the ones that you have

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Other urls found in this thread: knife multitool

Anything from Microtech knife

I think a simple knife with a bit of a serrated edge is best.

Spyderco endura wave 4

also multitool keychain multitools are one of my favorite. Always have it and less bulky but the times I needed a small grip in a pinch is a lot more often then i would need a full size pair of pliers

I really like to post on Yea Forums at this time of the night because I never disappointed with anons posts. Let's keep this thread alive

Used to carry a Spyderco PM2, switched to a Benchmade 550 griptilian. Also carry a leatherman wingman in the same pocket, and an Opinel in my lunchbox. If you want something affordable, one of the Ontario RATs in d2. Pretty much the perfect edc knife.

Ontario RAT II.


Small serrated is good, very handy.
This is my spring assisted S&W SOG knife I pilfered from a friend like 8 years ago. Has a safety, clips into my back pocket, and can easily flick open to brandish at 3AM while walking past homeless men to my car. Not sure what it cost but I'd guess $50ish, regardless it is pretty fine quality--I'd have been content spending at least $75 on it and I'm a frugal motherfucker

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Don’t brandish knives, you manchild. Carry a gun or pepper spray, people like you are why I can’t carry my fucking multi tool into government buildings.

why do white bois feel the need to carry around their little knifes?
why you guys so scared of going outside? lmao.

>can easily flick open to brandish at 3AM while walking past homeless men to my car.
lmao, get a load of this loser.
I can smell your virginity from here..

Opening boxes. Cutting plastic, string, rope. General cutting tasks required in day to day work and play.

I’m Hispanic btw.

Ive owned one of these the past 5 years or so. Right now it looks like theyre out of stock but u can find em on ebay or subscribe to the mail list and it will email u when they make more. They have a bigger version but I dont need a massive knife in my pocket every day I work in a lab I dont need to kill people with it. Its just a nice little utility knife with no extra gizmos made in the usa if that matters to you. They have a lot of warranty stuff to iirc but I have never dealt with it (never needed to). They also will sharpen ur knives if you send them to them iirc but I cant speak for that either because I sharpen my own stuff.

this is the correct answer. have one in my pocket right now.

CRKT Squid is real cheap and pretty compact.


Douk douk. Superior steel and construction and a rich history to them. Best knive I've ever used

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most guys can do all that shit without carrying a knife around like some insecure nerd though... HMMMMM

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Also super cheap

Benchmade and spyderco are out of my budget right now specially since they are really expensive here but I'm looking for CKTW, SOG, Gerber, Buck. And one question. Is the Leatherman skeltool any good? The one with only a knife

CRKT sorry fuking keyboard

I EDC a Benchmade Infidel.

How do people cut things without cutting tools, out of curiosity?
Also, the no one in this thread carries a knife for protection except for the 15 year old who likes to threaten homeless dudes. How is it insecure to carry a tool?


Don’t buy Gerber. CRKT Squid, Ontario Rat 2, Buck Vantage.

>he edc’s an otf!
>wow, he really moistens up my preteen puss!

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Douk douk is definitely great higo no kami or Mercator knives are just as good

Fucking nigger kys

Douk douk and higonokami are great steel wise, but the fakes are crap and it’s so hard to find genuine. Also the design leaves a little to be desired safety wise when using one handed. I’ll always point people to Opinel or Mercator.

I carry this one...

It opens quickly, since it's assisted open. It also holds an edge.

Jesus, you say that like I think I'm going to go on a rampage. It's preventative measures you sheltered fools: I'm a lot less likely to get jumped by the wannabe criminals who loiter out in the lot after work if they know I'm not fucking around after approaching me. A knife may be a useful tool, but it is still a weapon. I use it as a tool in nearly entirety but I won't discount its other uses because of the projections of some unshaven oaf who doesn't have to deal with what lurks in the night.
Enjoy having your prostate punched flat by a homeless man in his opiate-infused passions behind the post office at 3AM because you worried too much about looking like some virgin loser to flash your knife in the glow of a street lamp for 15 seconds.

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I looks cool with steel design

I checked those I really liked buck vantage. I like the style but when I heard buck I think on the 110 automatically

maybe you just dont live where he does.. think of that?

I personally have never had a problem with my douk douks when it comes to safety. The spring lock is really strong. As long as you know knife safety it should be fine. Not a good first knife but a fine blade if taken care of

Hey fuckface, talk to your nearest police officer about escalation of force. Better yet, consider what a prosecutor would think of you flashing what you claim is a weapon at a stranger in a parking lot at 3 am. If you are concerned about safety, pepper spray or firearms are much more effective at incapacitating a threat than a knife. It’s pretty clear you are like 16, the homeless are more likely to ask you for beer money than rob you for it.

Fair point.

Assuming that he lives in the worst, most run down FEMA camp of a nigger trap, it’s STILL a shitty idea to flash a knife at someone.

Genuine question, why are you strict on your budget, or at least what IS your actual budget? Spending a little more on a nicer blade that will return that value into you and then some, is better than cheaping out by a small portion to get something shittier. I would shy away from Benchmade. I don't hate them, but in the infinite spydie vs bench argument, they are more expensive and not as good by comparison. That said, even a lower end spydie is amazing. Maybe consider picking up one of these second hand in solid condition at a lower price as well? Many of my knives were traded or bought off users in great condition.

Well you have a point. Tbh I didn't wanted to spend more than 60-75$ on a folding knife but I will go for the best one if it worth the price

I've carried a lot of different knives. I do not recommend assisted openers or serations, mainly because of failures I've seen. I would recommend a pocket clip and a lock. The standbys of douk douk, Mercator, and opinel are all good, I found douk douk to rust faster than the other two.
I prefer spyderco and crkt, buck has been making good stuff, and I haven't been impressed with Kershaw of late

So what’s the problem with the Benchmade Infidel , I carry a protech

no real reason to go beyond a kershaw leek with good steel pick, D2 or Sandvik, like part of an EDC knife is maybe losing it to carelessness or security forces, for expensive just get a benchmade griptillian in prob like D2 or something

don't get shit steels or meme steels

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Very rarely have I seen anyone edc OTF who isn’t a total fucking wannabe douche (law enforcement excluded). It’s mainly the model that’s the problem. Assuming the guy is even legally carrying the knife or needs an otf, one would assume he would buy a more robust or more well designed one.

Get an M48 cyclone. If you pull that out on the nigger trying to rob you he will shit himself from fear.

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A good metaphor would be carrying a gun. You carry a glock, he decided to carry a Lorcin or Hi-Point.

CRK all day

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Sure. I would advise adjusting to the 100 range if you can, and if you can't, same knives in that range but like I said before used/pre owned but in like new condition. For instance, I own a benchmade balisong which would normally be 400 retail, got it for 200 off a guy because it was "opened and pre owned" except he touched it once, put it in a trophy case, and stared at it for months. It was pristine. I have a lot more expensive knives now but still end up regularly going back to my hardy and robust spyderco manix 2 for an edc. Check out spyderco, zero tolerance, hell even kizer for some nice blades in their lower ranges and see what you like. Head over to bladeforums and see if you can't sit on it for a while and snag something nice at a good price.

>no money for Benchmade or Spyderco
>”haha just buy a sebenza lol!”

My personal preference is ZT. Pick something in your price range. If you don’t care about the quality of the build/steel a solid Kershaw will do it. I’m a little partial to the skeletool cx for a utility multitool. It doesn’t weigh five pounds and will last to the end of your days. Steel wise, when going for a premium blade, s35v is a huge jump and after that it is just incremental improvements.

In that case, a Kershaw Skyline or Spyderco Tenacious would suffice

Here is a manix 2 lightweight and a kizer kim ning shoal for reference.

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Im look on the spyderco tenacious right now I look OK for the price. I m really interested on crkt and kershaw about the same style

lol I sometimes EDC a V-42 stiletto but I admit experiencing a home invasion will cause mental issues...illegal in my state, considered a "dagger"

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Have you checked out the Kershaw skyline ?

I really like those two.

You won't go wrong with either for their value. Depends on what you prefer, flipper or spydie hole. The skyline may be a bit slimmer in the pocket but the Tenacious has my vote.

Buy a gun user. Trust me on this, had some legal issues at 19 after defending myself in my home with an “illegal” blade, prosecutor almost ate me alive. You do NOT want that experience, you can be charged with manslaughter if the intruder dies.

Do you enjoy sharpening serrated knives too? I don’t!

Another suggestion is a Spyderco Delica. Those things provide the best bang for your buck imho.

LOL, all you're doing in Amerifat is giving someone the legal right to shoot you, you big, fat, stupid American. Go eat a Big Mac and build an Ark.

Or the Kershaw Diskin Strobe. ~$22 on BladeHQ. No assisted flipper, runs on bearings, deep carry pocket clip, and is a flipper if you're if a fan of that.


How about this? 75 dollars right in your budget, tried and true classic lock back folder with CTS-XHP. That's a fantastic steel, especially at price.

Tenacious is a great first edc. Frame lock, 4 position pocket clip, mine had an edge that I could strop with my wallet. I also love the scandi grind they use. Good slicer, but possibly not as robust as a less aggressive grind. But I carry a knife to cut and my leatherman for prying etc.

The Tenacious is a liner lock.

Disgusting. I passionately hate liner lock.

Right now I think I'm between : Ontario rat, Crkt squid, spyderco tenacious

Depends on your use. I primarily use the tip and the edge around it, so that's all I end up sharpening most of the time. The most I saw with it is thick twine but that's pretty infrequent since I usually work with thinner material

Ive owned a bunch of sifferent knives. Sog is decent for the price, carried a sog tridenr for a while. Did okay. Finally spent some decent money on a benchmade-what a difference. Feels betyer made in the hand, edge holds longer and its put up with daily carry/use for the last few years with no issues other then then needing cleaning and sharpening. Spend the money once, you wont regret it.

I don't disagree with you.

I don't understand why an Amerifat would carry a knife for defense. Can't all you retards run down to your local convenience store and buy an Uzi? Last time I was unfortunate enough to be in Amerifat, everyone had a loaded shotgun in the window of their big, fat, stupid American truck. Why not do that?

This. Spending money once on a great knife beats spending money multiple times for alright knives. The $100 mark will get OP some great knives that'll last for a while and he'll love using em.

Any lock that puts your fingers in the cutting path of the blade is apostasy. Compression lock, AXIS, Ball bearing, back lock, are all acceptable. Frame and liner lock are NOT.

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We carry knives as tools for everyday use, and guns for the ddfense, faggot.

Low quality bait.

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I know you have been stuck on my word choice of my original post because I casually threw out the word brandish to quickly convey a concept I have to endure, but why are you so upset about my poor decision to stand up for myself? How is this such an issue for you to accept yet you turn a blind eye to the retards who lavishly carry 3 or 4 knives at a time. What kind of work are they doing that requires 4 similarly sized showy pocket knives that you assume I do not do?
I suppose, but I will take my chances. The local police know the area's reputation and I see most them nightly on their lunch breaks so I don't fear their involvement.

Go with the Rat.

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Same plan here. But I would like to have something just a little bit smaller than. The tenacious. I found a lot of kershaw floding knives with similar designs about the perfect size but I m afraid of the quality

CRKT 04Z Tanto Large is what I carry. Runs bout $80. She's a hefty girl, not very good for small detail work. I carry primarily for self defense. I got it without serrations bc the last thing you want in a life or death situation is the serrations catching on something. Plus tiny knives aren't intimidating

No one in this thread has professed carrying 3-4 similarly sized showy pocket knives. And one person (you) professed that he threatens homeless strangers. That and the way you type tell me that you are kind of a dirtbag.

spyderco endura or delica,
if you want a cheaper knife: byrd cara cara 2 or medowlark

also Buck 110 Slim Select and Slim Pro are neat

Not the fuckface op you’re talking to but I say carry all three just to be sure

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Update: anything from CRKT is good quality. And their knives come with a lifetime warranty.

Your stupid decisions in self defense not withstanding, do you find serrations useful in edc knives? I don’t cut enough cordage or fibrous materials to justify serrations, but I’d assume that the popular half-serrated knives don’t really give enough blade length to really make use of them. Any thoughts on serrations for edc sized knives?

Mah nigga

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A loaded shotgun in the back window your truck isn’t on your person hence carrying a knife

Luckily, I needed to go put to the car for cigarettes, so here's the main edc rotation. Frame/liner lock are really about the same operation in practical use. The utilitac (Ontario) had the most disappointing steel. The byrd is my main work carry, along with the crkt. The Kizer is fantastic, but the clip sucks. Manix is great, but out of your price range.

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also Cold Steel Code4 and Broken Skull are pretty thin

I don’t like ‘em hairy but I do like this

i dont get it. i shaved my armpits ONCE in high school like 13 years ago, grew back and was itchy, never shaved again
Yet this girl has darker and longer armpit hair than me? shits weird man

A sharpened steel balde could cut through bones but I've heard somewhere that the serrations can get caught on the bone. And if you are attempting to kill someone in a self defense situation, the rib cage is protecting all majority of vital organs. And honestly if you need serrations that badly just carry a pocket chain saw.

Great knives

I carry a half serrated and i always will. I use the serations much more then i thought i would. Be it wire, rope, seat belt. Seration slices through easier and still leaves plenty of blade evem on my smaller side knife.

also ESEE Avispa is a slim frame lock version of RAT 1
Kershaw Leek

Nigga, I said edc, not self defense. Carrying a knife for self defense is fucktarded unless you are Doug Mercaida or some shit. I mean cutting shit at your job or outside or at your hobby.

mexican sacatripe

Do you feel like a fully serrated blade would be more useful than half serrated, or do you like having both on one blade? I’m considering buying a fully serrated Spyderco.

>Fully serrated
Buddy that's a saw

No. Id definitely only get part serrated.

"Can't carry knives because those are dangerous, someone might shoot you!" Kek

spyderco calls it their spyderedge
Native 5 salt in case anybody is curious

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>So I'm looking for a great EDC knife
>larp thread

Thanks. Hope op finds a good carry knife. I've given Byrds, tenacious and variants (Chinese liner lock spydercos), opinels, and crkts as gifts and they seem to work out. The Kershaw I gave blew apart in 2 weeks, so I'm a but wary of the brand now.

Just bought one of these bad boys the other day, just make sure that you have your identification and purchasing license when you walk in.

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For small shit I use a small folding buck knife by grandfather owned. Blade length is like 1.5". For normal shit I'd reccomend like a 3/4" blade with a drop point. I used to have a Gerber Decree for $100

Yeah, it surprised me that Spyderco offered it. But the “sawing” action is kinda the point. I mainly wanna use it for cordage, cuz it kills my shaving edge within like 50-100 cuts.

Jesus Christ, the question was about serrations, not blade length. Go back to the 3rd grade.

Life is crazy man

Depending on the gauge of cordage, I'd just recommend a guy hope style of knife

I dk what you think guys but I'm feeling really attracted to Crkt pilar

>Guy hope
I meant Guthook but my phone autocorrected

Well said.
>fucking edgy autists without proper parenting

How many seatbelts have you cut so far?

I have a spyderco native 5 with no serration and I love it. I’ve had it for about 5 years. It has no liners so it lighter in the pocket and it’s one handed opening/closing lock back. The only bad thing is the pocket clip broke off one day.

Actually quite a few...i pull interiors out of cars and its essier to cut the belts to pull the pillar trim vs removing the giant torqued down torx bolt

Not the guy who said that but I carry a seatbelt cutter on the sun visor of the car. It's made so you don't cut yourself or someone trying to cut the seatbelt

He just does it for fun. They call him the Illinois seat-belt cutter; responsible for escalating small collisions into manslaughter for the better part of a decade.

I loled

Have you ever used it? Just curious if the situation happens enough that I should add that to my utility belt

I feel like this is more suited for /k than /b

Here, Yea Forums enough for ya?

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Luckily no but it wasn't expensive and it only has one utility. I'd say get it, it's one of those "got it but don't need it, need it but don't got it" kinda things

Carry a Kershaw brawler right now. Love the size, look, and deep carry. Also have a scallion and clash

X-ray that

people who carry knives for self defence are idiots.
people who think that everyone carries a knife for self defence are idiots as well.

See, I bet a seatbelt cutter could also be used for this

Here's something similar to it for $6

Tbh, so could a knife.


You dont need a small knife and you dont need a folding knife. Be a man

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Hence why an every day carry is needed. This all makes sense now.

I live in commiefornia so carrying guns is practically impossible to do legally. I don't use it specifically for self defense but I chose one with self defense in mind

I hope you're not that guy that walks around with a fixed blade.

I had a fireman's knife on me once when I was detained for matching the description of a guy breaking into cars. I was big into dumpster diving and used it to cut through bags and cordage. The RCMP who pulled it from my pocket wennt "AH HA A CONCEALED WEAPON!" before he flipped it open and realized I couldn't stab shit with it then got all disappointed because he couldn't arrest me for it. Glad I'm white and he didn't just plant a knife on me.

not a very American wallet


that man*

It was a gift and therefore free, the most American type of wallet.

As long as it’s not the primary reason for carrying it. I carry a metal pen for writing, but could also use it for self defense. It would just be fucking stupid to say “I carry a pen for self defense”. Excellent way to get killed or go to jail.

Compensating much?

You drive a fucking mazda your arguement is invalid

Stop living in Canada, stop having knife problems.

There's other practical purposes for it but I'd rather not be forced to defend myself with a fucking Swiss army knife

Mazda, BHPC wallet, gas station knife. Are you a faggot, an Arab, or an edgy teenager? Perhaps all three?

The day America makes a 2400lb rwd fun car ill go to the dealership.


Fair enough.

If had to use a pen in self defense there’s no way I’m passing up the chance to say “that’s all she wrote” or something like that

but you didn't choose your knife to be a self-defense knife, you just chose an EDC tool that could be self defense item if needed.
I carry a tiny but powerful flash light for EDC, and I know that in some cases I can use it for self defense but it's not why I carry it.

Fair enough. Most of the reasons I’d choose a knife for edc are similar or the same reasons I would select it for self defense, in fairness. Lock strength, edge retention, ease of one handed use, blade length, portability, etc. I get it. Just remember to tell the cops that it’s used to open letters, not used for self defense.

Great little knife, excellent handle for the size. Would recommend, solid build.

>Big ass American aesthetic covered knife
Hell yeah 'murica
>Mazda keys
Commie fuck

Glad you included the chapstick to in your edc

Sorry a miata is a gokart not a car.
If you want an american made rwd "fun car" grab yourself a corvette.

>Dumpster diving

Classless filthy fucking degenerate. Fuck you. I'm no bootlicker but I hate you. RCMP should have arrested you for being a diseased parasite plaguing society.

Gotta keep those lips nice and healthy

I like convertables

It gets better. I used to dumpster dive for women's underwear, kek. Not that I didn't have a job or anything, just a hobby.

Everything is about the quality of steel. Just look up knife steel grade and buy the best spiderco in your price range

Corvette xomes in a convertable. Just not a miata price tag.

Also way to be classist. Check your privilege.

This is about as Yea Forums as you get.

Low key genius if you are into soiled women’s panties. Can’t get more soiled than “I had to toss them”. I hate you for being Canadian and a degenerate, but I respect you for being smart.

Spyderco knives are fucking fugly. All of them

Get balmshot, it's in the shape of a 20 shell and it cost's half as much along with adding to the 'murica factor.

Side note, do not recommend to take balmshot to an airport unless you want a free prostate exam


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Read the thread before you post whatever methane gas bubble escapes your inbred shitbox of a brain.

Are we still talk about his chapstick?

Shit, I like the way those look. And Burt's Bees is too fucking expensive

I recently bought a leatherman skeletool kbx and I was not dissaponted...

Nope, through all the soiled ones away. If I had kept all of em I'de probably have around 2000 or so pairs. I think my collection right now is stagnant at about 200 since I moved to a rural town and there aren't any dumpsters. Also my fireman's knife >

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*threw. What’s your interest in women’s panties? And what do collectors consider to be a large collection?

blamshot is actually really good on top of looking like 20g shell. I love that shit

I had no idea dumpsters had that many in them. Where you finding these?

Serious question. What dumpters do you dive in that happen to have piles of soiled womens panties in them?

i've got a native 4 and its great, fits in the hand like a damn glove
went to a local knife shop and held a native 5, it was basically the same ergos, very pricey though

My interest is just the panty itself really. No sort of attraction to the women itself beyond the fact that a woman had used those panties. I kept all of the good condition, unsoiled, sexiest / interesting pairs as I believe they most likely belonged to the most fashion sensible, sexiest, least disgusting women. It would be considered a large collection to those who ritualistically steal panties from women they know, as they typicaly have a few dozen or so, but in a good night I could round up 50 or so pairs to sort out, resulting in up to a dozen keepers. I also used to collect bras, but they take up a shit ton of room.

Retirement homes.

Abortion clinic maybe? Maybe behind those places where you can get a coffee colon cleanse?

please tell me you work at a junkyard
i've only ever cut 2 seatbelts because the car was in a collision and both front seatbelt pre-tensioner went off. Hard to replace'em

You should make a quilt out of them dude; that would be pretty comfy

Actually I think robes would be better

I paet our cars but not a junkyard. seatbelts aremr worth dick and just slow down the teardown of the car. Easier to cut them out to get the parts i want off quicker and easier

First step, locate an area with many apartment buildings that don't keep their dumpsters behind gates, locked fences, or underneath trespass signs. I was lucky to live in an area where I could hit up about 100 or so dumpsters on a run. It call comes down to the law of large numbers; hit enough and you'll be sure to find gold. Large black garbage backs can be sorted by hand, noting the softness of the contents of the bag. Tear it open and if you see clothes then empty it out and sort. Most clothing you find will be clean. Remember to clean up after yourself as tenents will complain if there is always a mess around their dumpster and be honest if anyone asks what you are doing and leave if asked to.

Could you imagine if he ever had a chick over "why the fuck does your bed smell like tuna"

indian war bonnet would be better youve been confronted and whay? You just were like oh yeah just diggin for some old panties no biggie

Well make sure you donate what you done use to Goodwill or something like that


The dumpster diver that cut his panty collection from 2,000 to 200 does NOT have chicks over.

I washed all of em. Again, not into the "soiled" aspect. Never had any female "visitors" (who would have guessed lol) but female house mates always said my room smelled nice. Panties are washed frequently and don't carry much smell, bras do however but its a really nice smell.

That i'm ok with. None of this "drive'em in and push'em out"
I'm surprised modern seatbelts with pre-tensioners arent worth anything

Don't have to say what for, just a "Yeah, dumpster diving here, I'll clean up after myself." does the trick.

Fuck you. You are literally the reason why people hate the poor. You give the honest, good people trying to get by with what little they have a bad name by selling your dignity and becoming a filthy degenerate disease upon society. The quintessential embodiment of white fucking trash.

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Who cares? Do you intend to use your knife or take it ballroom dancing?

Can anyone help me find a good EDC tool?
I need something with a thick spinned knife, pliers, a scissor, maybe a nail file, a saw for wood and a screwdriver.

I need it to be robust enough so i can pount on it with heavy objects when i need to destroy something with it.

A ken onion foresight. I have had this thing for a year and it has never done me wrong. It feels solid and so smooth.

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SOG EOD multitool. Costly, but you can customize and replace the tools.

More than a half of these knifes are not EDC in my opinion...

Tell me what I don't know. You can fit a lot into one container if you fold them nicely.

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As in, they are not capable of being carried every day?

You are weirdo )

This is pretty much all i carry (myn has a mini led light on it) beyond a push blade for my everyday carry, if you honestly think you need more, buy a gun and call it a day.

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Uh oh. I was dubious as to wether or not I had 200 there so I counted em out and only had 137. I'm pretty sure when I cataloged them I had over 400 photos of the backs and fronts meaning over 200 pairs. I guess I only kept the best of the best when I moved. Each pair is in near mint condition and not a plain pair to be found. Still disappointed in the number.

When the revolution comes scum like you will die by the rope.

A rope made of panties? Gladly.

Ontario RAT #2 in D2 steel is the knife you're looking for. Reputable company, excellent construction, buttery deployment, truly ambidextrous, full flat grind, and did I mention the D2 steel? Found on lots of high end fixed blades and custom knives worth hundreds, yet here it is in a package below $50. Built well enough to last you the rest of your life.

I felt confused because this isn't a popup or sidebar ad.

Yes but everything is heavy as fuck...

>liner lock
>truly ambidextrous
Pick one

It is the civilized thing to grant a condemned man his final wish. Faggot yes the rope will be made of panties.

bitch, I've recomended:
Spyderco Endura, Delica,
Byrd Cara Cara 2, Medowlark,
Buck Slim Select, Slim Pro,
Cold Steel Broken Skull.
Are these too heavy for you?
Do you suffer from dystrophy?

YAS, silky sweet release.

No wonder he needs a knife to win a fight. A toddler in a stroller could probably disarm him however.

Btw in most countries if police stop you in a city and you carry knife you can be in big trouble. Cos normal flesh robots arent allowed to have any self defence in this jewish system.

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Can't go wrong with the Benchmade Osborne 940

IF you suffer from scragglosis

Underrated reply

Dude, this thread is not about self defense.

how do the thugs know you have a knife?

>brein ded

Lefties can use liner locks can't they

we only need to butcher like 10 rich jews to have food for everyone, why wouldnt we kill them instead?

It's a non-intuitive motion to use a traditional liner-lock as a lefty
There's a reason sebenza makes those 500 dollar "is this picture reversed?" models

>Hey man, want to pass me that flat-head screwdriver?
>Nah just let me use my knife
>Would you like guac on your sub sir?
>Sure, but use my knife intead
>Fire needs some more-
>Windshields frosted ov-
>Shit user, we didn't use condoms and I'm feeling a little-

Honestly didn't know that. I guess it's not truly ambidextrous. Still a good knife lol.

My knife has a flat head screwdriver on it.

I've got a rat 1 in aus8. It's a great little knife, a bit heavy because of the full liners. I like how it's tip up/down lefty/righty able for the pocket clip
I'm a righty, so liner locks are no issue for me, but to say that they're fully ambidextrous is a bit of a stretch

>rat 1
>little knife
are you sure, m8?

So does my gun. Pic related. Never go anywhere without this strapped to my waste in case some spic from the power tools isle from home depot tries to jump me. Pic related.

Attached: 61kMHun3OrL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 24K)

Find the one that makes you think your penis is really big and buy that one. That is the point, I assume.

I'm not using little in a literal sense, obviously

I carried a Gerber EAB Lite Utility Blade at work. Basically a small, thin box cutter. Cost under $20, and replacement blades were like $2 for 5.

Cheap, effective, no hassle. Don't know how it would be cutting rope though.


tron disk knife

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>mistakes the model of own knife
>”I was just meming guys!”

A pocket knife isn't a weapon. It's a handy as fuck tool. How cucked are you?