Is opening a bank account and having thick wrapped bundles of benjamins in a physical safe deposit box a good way to...

is opening a bank account and having thick wrapped bundles of benjamins in a physical safe deposit box a good way to fuck over the irs? hypothetically speaking of course. what are my rights when it comes to having a safe deposit box? do I have to declare what's in it?

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No of course you don't there's no way the IRS overlooked this kooky loophole

are u trying to avoid having to report the money?

After a total deposit of $2500 for the month, the bank is obligated to report to the IRS.

the whole idea is that the bank wouldn't know about the cash

well unless they demand to look into it, there is no way for them to know whats inside. And i am not sure how if you have to show them whats inside the deposit. Hypothetically how much money would it be ?

I mean, sure, you could say, put it in a box labeled as something else. Or you know, you could just, pay your taxes.

yeah, if i remember the story right Al Capone went down not from not paying taxes on illegally obtained income. if OPs worried about having illegal activities discovered, he's probably better off putting the cash into an account and avoiding tax evasion charges.

A bank isn’t going to let you just put anything into their vault. There are numerous items that are not allowed in and the majority of banks do not allow cash to be deposited.

Your a fucking moron. It's anything over 9999 a transaction. How are you getting the money op? Selling shit? Getting paid in cash? Safe deposit box is a safe way

Another fucking moron. Have you actually had a safe deposit box? The bank employees aren't even supposed to be in the room

no, you're thinking of the dodd frank reporting requirements

ITT a bunch of morons who don’t know shit about money, banks, and the irs.

there's a camera in every deposit that the bank checks every night

Fool, I worked in a credit union throughout college. Yes employees aren’t allowed to know what goes in it, but you have to go through a rental agreement with said bank. Moronic idiot.

yeah, but the irs doesn't check those

most banks have an IRS connected x-ray machine, allowing them to detect cash. dont do it OP

Depends on the bank. Some use dog sniffers to find those with cash

So put it in a cash bag. You honestly think bank personnel are going to check the fucking bag? Can the camera see through the bag you fucking autist? Op your hopeless also. This entire thread is hopeless.

And to add to that to access a safe deposit box, you need two keys: one that you keep and one that the bank holds. This system ensures that neither party can access the box without the other. You can access a box only if you’re the registered owner, and you must produce identification and the key to the box before entering the vault. So I’m beginning to think you don’t know what you’re talking about. Here’s a hint though, when you’re sitting on your couch stoned the movies aren’t always accurate.

Ok. I took the bait. You really can't be this dumb can you?

they do not accept cash bags of any kind, they are routinely checked. if you try to cheat the system, there are cameras

ok idiot, i've personally spoken to dodd frank himself and this is what he told me

"Rental agreement" go fuck yourself bank boy. They don't know what's in the box. They can't Know what's in the box. They don't look in the box. Bet your voting for Bernie and his new slut. You like being told what to do?
(Take off the extra dot)

Just bury your money op lul

Just buy gold or something similar.

OP, what is your ultimate goal?

You people are retarded. Yes I've had and may still have safe deposit boxes. With cash. The teller unlocks the fucking box and leaves the vault. Maybe you need to bank at a non-communist bank

What bank are you talking about because mine has non of the bullshit you people are talking about

Mad lil soyboy? Go ahead, try to fool a bank. See what happens to your loser ass. Mama can’t save ya. You don’t just put anything in a bank. They know. Also, that’s just a sad attempt at trolling with the Bernie comment. Unlike you I don’t need Bernie’s socialists policies. So go hit your bong and go to sleep.

Which one faggot. Dodd or frank?

you must be going to a credit union

Yes daddy please give me orders sir

No they don't. You have 2 nickels to rub together Nigger? Ever had a safe deposit box? Do you even have a bank account or does the government just refill your ebt card? I've had a box for over 20 years kiddo. You can talk again when you have something intelligent to add to the conversation


>Bet your voting for Bernie
>Bet your
it's "you're", you homeschooled nigger.
go to real school and you'll outgrow your trumptard nature.

>highschooler detected
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Yes because i use correct punctuation on Yea Forums you fucking autist nigger. Head back over to your Fury thread faggot

Bye bye faggot. 18 and over here kiddo

Another libtard. You going to kill yourself after trump wins again in 2020? Hope so