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All memes aside, I would fuck the socialist out of that bug eyed donkey bitch
Who this?
New phone
we're gonna crash into that wall if we don't slam on the brakes! stupid libtard guess we don't need our seatbelts!
>Who this?
The fact she's not fucking some basement dwelling neckbeard really triggers you snowflakes
>literally obsessed
user please get some help, go fuck a hooker that looks like this cunt or something, this is unhealthy behavior
She is smarter than you.
you want her so bad it's cringe inducing, op
found the incel
kill yourself, MAGAt
The white knight cuckolds have arrived
>Listening to a latina with a 30% smaller brain
I'd still lather her up inside
here's what you do. you start here:
This stupid bitch wants to ban all cars, all planes, guns, COW FARTS, rebuild every structure in the country with 'green' materials, erase all student debt, give reparations to black people... but she said the world was going to end in 12 years... Goddamn this gash is a fucking retard.
you dumb
Use proper English, aquanoggin.
you're missing the point. if democrats actually believed that climate change was going to cause human extinction in a matter of decades (they don't. they're lying); then they'd be willing to negotiate as if that were true.
They'd make the difficult, but necessary compromises with their political opposition, Republicans who do not believe that climate change is an existential threat; in order to save humanity from extinction. They'd outlaw gay marriage in exchange for a solar panel on every US roof. They'd put forward a bill that bans both abortion and automobiles. They'd promote school choice in exchange for more wind turbines. They'd be willing to make massive welfare cuts, in exchange for massive fuel taxes.
They don't negotiate about climate though, because climate is not actually a priority for them. It's a useful tool to grab more government control. Name a single policy that would help slow climate change, that also reduces government power. There aren't any being proposed by Democrats, because they don't actually care about climate. They like climate change regulations cause they a like all regulation. They only care about climate, cause it's an excuse for increasing their own political control over the lives of US citizens.
lol bud, so sensitive.
I hate the government as much as you but I'm terrified of climate change. The private sector is refusing to take the issue seriously so what other choice do we have than government?
If a meteor was going to hit the earth, you wouldn't ask the free market to find a solution to the problem
everyone in this thread is a fuckig bot.
Russian bots
I would totally do all those things. Build the wall, ban the muslims, ban abortion and gay marriage, label trannies as mentally ill. Whatever it takes. Just do something about climate change ffs.
The problem is you can't get elected saying things like that. Personally I am a one issue voter on climate change but most liberals don't consider it that urgent
they're going after putin. tell your boss. the decision was made just a few hours ago, it'll go down in conjuction with next week's shitshow. Everyone in a single op, everywhee. this is real. ronpaul.gif lulz + hail discordia.
But thanks for playing.
Collect your dunce cap on the way out.
Climate change is the greatest threat we have ever faced.
Sticking your head up the butt doesn't change that.
Im from the government, and im here to help
This is an insanely stupid take, even for Yea Forums. Neocon morons have more brain cells than this dipshit.
Is tahat a question? No mor einfo forthcoming. If there were plans for this, enact them. OTherwise whocan say. KEK is out. That's all I ave
Not an argument.
then why aren't democrats willing to make compromises in exchange for climate change policies? They just demand unilateral compromises from republicans who don't believe that it's a big problem. They've been failing to convince "climate deniers" for over two decades. They should realize that it's a failed tactic, and move to trying to negotiate policy, and make the necessary concessions. however, they don't actually care about the issue enough to negotiate.
As if anyone can be called an idiot after everything the fuckng orang clown traitor has done. Literally an international embarrassment daily
>Just do something about climate change ffs.
What should be done?
OK, you got the memo.
Carbon tax. Corporations are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions
So since when did Yea Forums care about politics?
Orange man bad
Ernj man good!
Yea Forums doesn't. 95% of these posts are created by eastern european faggots. you can usually tell because they start a thread with the latest bait (like that bitch aoc) but they never actually argue in the thread.
simple, and given how many people fall for political trolling, makes money for Yea Forums (by generating traffic). expect to see more and more of them as long as retards care at all about politics
Spicy argument you got there faggot
Triggered much?
>First time elected, minimal actual power
>Knows how to twitter
>Attractive and female
>Says things that are factually accurate against the wishes of GOP and Dems
>World loses its fucking mind.
Keep ignoring the people paying for all the attack ads and keeping you in shitty jobs.
>Carbon tax. Corporations are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions
This is why nobody takes you idiots seriously.
Your solution is always MORE TAXES.
Explain how taxes are going to save us from evil Global Warming.
Sticking your mouth over a shotgun barrel would end your misery too
>herp derp
You see user, if you tax a company by how much carbon it produces, it incentivizes them to create less carbon. Why do extremely simple concepts not work in your brain boy?
We all pay the costs, but they keep all the profits
Isnt it funny how scared they are? They got the bots working overtime
Can't take anyone seriously when they use this word, sorry.
>You see user, if you tax a company by how much carbon it produces, it incentivizes them to create less carbon.
No it really doesn't.
They just raise prices to cover the tax.
In the end, you'll pay the tax.
Not even exaggerating, he is literally an international embarrassment on a daily basis
You're right, better to just keep handing the Jews literally every dime there is and do absolutely nothing about it
You're so wise
How old are you?
The body-language of Trump is admittedly feeble around Putin. But look at policy. Russians invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea under Obama's watch. Trump sold the Ukrainians anti-tank rockets, and authorized killing hundreds of Russian "mercenaries" in Syria.
Oscillate yourself tonight
When you're in your bed
Assimilate the dopamine
Passing through your head
When you get back on a Saturday night
And your head is caving in
Do you look like me, do you feel like me
Do you turn into your effigy?
Do you dance like this?
See yourself with cupid's flame
Chipped in your head
Pay them a cake, the satellites
Passing by the edge
When you get back on a Saturday night
And your head is caving in
Do you look like me, do you feel like me
Do you turn into your effigy?
Do you dance like this?
Do you dance like this?
Do you look like me
Do you burn like me
Do you look like me
Do you burn like me
Do you look like me
Do you burn like me
Do you turn into your effigy?
Do you dance like this?
Do you live like this?
Its pretty hard to change something as big as CO2 production without expanding the government in one way or another.
You are closer to the truth about the Democrats than most people would like to believe
But remember that the Republicans have been a giant brick wall on this issue too.
10/10 anarcho primitivist meme though.
Uh yeah.....pretty much.
Almost every gigantic problem we're in right now is a result of not taxing and not regulating the most powerful interests around the world. Not sure why tards throw their hands up at the idea of taxation of people who ARENT them, and taxation of people who should've been paying the most for the last 80 years yet somehow pay the least. Unless you're a trust fund kid, it ALWAYS helps you and people are all "what the fuck niggers more taxes! gtfo, i dont even want a better society!"
Any one got fake nudes of her?
republicans have been a brick wall, cause they honestly believe that the cure (a drastic reduction in 1st world living standards, and the semi-homicidal halting of economic development in the 3rd world) is worse than the disease (a slight reduction in living standards as more levies need to be built and some farms need to be relocated, bit by bit, over the next 100 years).
>Says things that are factually accurate
my sides.
>imagine making the same anti-AOC threads every day.
So much this
Global warning isn’t real. And even if it was there’s only about 4% of the earths water locked up in ice at the polar caps. A 4% higher high tide isn’t going to end the world.
The sea level is rising? How many millions of tons of submarine volcanic material is ejected into the ocean every year potentially displacing hundreds of billions of gallons. The average handymax cargo ship, which is relatively small 60k Deadweight Tons displaces 16.75million gallons of water when fully loaded multiply that by about 1000 and you’ve got a drop in the bucket. Add the displacement of a few hundred ships that are 150,000 Deadweight tons and it really starts to ad up. About .3% of the ocean is displaced by man.
The other thing about ice is since the weight of ice and water is the same per volume measurement ice and water cannot displace eachother. You can test this yourself Go fcup fill a cup to the top with ice water. When all the ice melts the level will not change.
If the planet is warming up that’s not a bad thing. Much better than the alternative infact, remember the ice age? History shows that the human race has thrived and even advanced rapidly in reportedly warmer periods.
Actually it wasn’t me this time.
Lol what happens to water when you heat it up? Does it expand?
Water expands 9% when frozen. And also expands about x1000 it’s volume when made into steam.
>A 4% higher high tide isn’t going to end the world.
A 2% higher tide would. Guess how i know you're a fucken Burger who can't maths? That percentage is over the whole world.
Wow, who ever tries to order these psy ops campaigns are fucking retarded. Why are you guys targeting her so fucking hard?
1) She's never going to go anywhere far.
2) Yea Forums never would vote for her anyway
Why are you spending so much time trying to ruin her name here? You must be chinese or russian. No Americans would be stupid enough to try to smear her here so hard.
>the three branches of the government - House, Senate and President.
yea remember we have all died
Id have to find it their articles as far back as 1938 spelling immanent doom
Ever notice that Leftist solutions for "climate change" necessitate a Marxist takeover? Yeah, so did I.
What fucking solution to climate change involves a Marxist takeover you fucking lunatic?
What happens to an absolute fuckload of liquid water when you heat it up? It expands. Huh I wonder if sea levels will rise because of that not because of melting ice.
4% is about 4million trillion gallons... sounds like a lot. But like you said across the whole plant. It’s really not.
guess you missed when OBAMA removed a missile defense system from Europe at Putins orders, and now that trump is pushing to bring it back Russia is threatening us
Obama was a pushover and you know it
remember only the Democrat colluded with Russia for decades including in attacking Donald trump and making the dossier and funding Hillary Clinton but somehow that OK somehow with you fucks
Imagine a science where when things are heated they expand. You don't need to imagine. It's real.
you would be better off putting George Dubbya Bush quotes on them
Taxation ≠ regulation. There is a difference.
You can regulate without taxing, you can’t tax without regulation though.
Also the corporations as the source of 70% of carbon emissions is a lie. Pic related. Transportation (28%), electricity (28%) and industry (22%) is all due to us as private citizens.
It is our demands for power, for goods and services and our use of private travel that contribute to these emissions. Companies would not make these things if we, as consumers, didn’t continue to want these things.
There is a great deal of self responsibility for creating climate change we all participate in.
Now, rather than blaming companies, if you are serious about change, it needs to start with you - use less. Lower your own footprint and contributions.
Until you can do that, you honestly have zero moral rights to complain about anything you’re helping to create.
You're missing the point about America. We all know he's an embarrassment. We don't even care. 75% of us are living the good life compared to any other country on earth. My life is great and I'm just an average Joe.
But what you're really missing is that our set -up and systems are so much fucking better than the rest of the world's that any trained monkey can be president and it won't matter.
The rest of the world is upset because of our international policy. So what? Land on our beaches and do something about it. Post 9/11 we've executed Muslims worldwide on a 1000 to 1 ratio.
I'm not embarrassed at all.
Water when heated becomes....
A gas.
You think that the expansion of water is really that much before it boils? It only expands about 1-2% before it boils then it instantly expands into gas.
Secondly think about how long and how much energy goes into boil a pot of water. Now think about the amount of energy needed to heat 326 million trillion gallons of water enough to expand 1-2%
Even with the sun, it fights a losing battle with the earths rotation to heat the planet.
Have you heard of the sun? Have you heard of the greenhouse effect? Can warmer water hold more co2 which takes up more space? Your common sense analysis is trash and poorly considered.
Sshhhhhh stop sciencing the idiot. He’ll just lash out and REEEEEEEEE.
From 5C to 25C is like a 10% increase in sea water volume wtf are you talking about?
>Also the corporations as the source of 70% of carbon emissions is a lie
Lol no. REEEE some more for me.
Lol no.
Taxes on corporations are simply an added expense to their products. It's simply the cost of doing business, which in turn means that cost gets past on to the consumer. Ultimately ending with you, me, and all the other individuals who buy said products.
Companies producing goods and/or services for private consumption.
Without our demand, there wouldn’t be these industries - ultimately, the fault lies with us for what is being made.
>Corporations are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions
On a world scale, in the U.S. it's much lower see How the fuck are you going to go about taxing China without ultimately hurting ourselves economically?
That's not how supply and demand works. Please tell me about elasticity vs inelasticity in relation to taxation and who pays for it. Oh you don't know? You can't? Shut the fuck up you know dick about economics.
This is the most facile prestudy take and that people believe it is the main problem with everything economic.
See. The greenhouse effect is a myth. Have you heard of acid rain? Pollution goes up in the air and rain brings it back down often with a very high pH. The pH can get high enough to eat concrete and metals like brass/bronze.
That's putting the cart before the horse. A thing has to be made before someone can consume it. Your reasoning is technically correct though.
But something should be said for the 3rd party costs that are incurred by the public as a result of pollution. If smoke from a factory ruins my new pants when I'm miles away, that factory should pay for those pants.
>Uses Celsius.
>can’t ScIeNcE
>thinks point is valid
Have you heard that the Earth is flat? It's true if you believe it!
Butthurt much? And that is how it works; look at any profit/loss statement (10K) which detail various corporate expenses; taxes are an expense just like any other line item cost. Also, stop being a child and drop the crap language. It debases your argument.
You're right. The worker bears the cost instead. First in the cost of decreased wages. If the particular company decides the tax isn't worth it they will simply move to a country, such as China,where there happens to be no restrictions on carbon emissions. In the end you'd be even worse off than before.
You don't know shit about economics and language policing on Yea Forums wew faggot lol
No. Predatory companies aren't desirable. If they leave it's a good thing. Imagine what Amazon's prices would be like if they didn't pay their executives out the ass. They'd be even more successful and competitive. If they left someone will fill their gap in about thirty seconds.
>factually accurate
At one point she said the population of the US was around 400k
>Predatory companies aren't desirable
Predatory how exactly? Like in prices? That's an intuitive myth that does not stand the burden of high school economics.
>If they leave it's a good thing
In the sense that their product is now going to be cheaper to the American consumer, you are correct.
>Imagine what Amazon's prices would be like if they didn't pay their executives out the ass.
You mean if they didn't pay them what they thought they were worth? If Amazon is paying their execs that much it's for the purpose of keeping Wal-Mart from snatching them up
>They'd be even more successful and competitive
If this were true then that's the route they would take. Instead what would happen is that those valuable execs would leave like what I just mentioned, leaving them with worse management and therefore less successful.
>If they left someone will fill their gap in about thirty seconds.
You're playing the pronoun game so I'm not sure who "they" is here. If it's the execs I would argue, yes they would be replaced as a human being that has mass and occupies space, but their value and labor would not be replaced, as we can see from how much they are paid. World class executives aren't lining up at the door. If "they" is referring to the company I'd simply ask of you to ponder what is keep those other companies out of the market now?
I forgot to mention after
>If they leave it's a good thing
that if they leave and go pollute more than they would here it is not a good thing and your tax will have backfired.
He may have been referencing her endorsement of MMT which is (technically) sound but is fatally flawed in its application.
OP is too stupid to understand the analogy.
That's ok, little Timmy, not all of us can excel ... some of us, like you, have to be retarded so the rest of us can feel better about ourselves.
>technically sound
>fatally flawed in application
Okay so these two things are not mutually exclusive, and in the end only reaffirm that she's outright retarded. Moving the entire human population to Mars next year and letting the planet go back to wilderness is TECHNICALLY a great idea but yeah good luck executing that shit without everyone living in poverty and disarray. You can make all sorts of whimsical fairy tale plans for a perfect society, but if you can't cross the finish line with it then you need to stay the fuck out of the race. My issue is that she took the chair of congresswoman from someone who MAYBE could have had more than half a brain. Instead we threw a popularity vote for "Smallest Teeth-to-Tits Ratio".
Shitpost server come join faggots.
republicans deny its even a fucking threat
kill yourself you fucking useless piece of shit
>republicans deny its even a fucking threat
To be fair the left has done a very bad job making the case that climate change is necessarily a harmful thing.
>republicans deny its even a fucking threat
it's not political, yet republicans think it's BS and democrats believe it, Hmm
I've been studying botany and geochemical sciences for the past decade, with a side of climatology and marine biology, and there is no actual evidence backing the amount of man-made climate change as claimed by popular media on any side, in any country. The scientists who have made these claims have even admitted to faking the numbers in order to fit their predictions. The Earth is on a cycle, every 50 years we warm up, every 50 we cool down. This century-cycle is within a millennia-cycle, which is in another of tens of millennia, and so on. Before the last ice age, we had a massive explosion in plant and animal life. Higher oxygen levels(more trees), mean higher global temperatures, which leads to the melting of ice caps and higher ocean levels, which inevitably leads to a global cooling effect and an ice age. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere actually cools the biome, and "greenhouse" gases do not function by trapping heat, they actually reflect quite a bit away from the planet. So if anything, we are actively cooling the planet. Have you ever heard of El Nino or La Nina? You should look those up, and see how when we were last in El Nino(as we are as of 2018), they were claiming we were on our way to an ice age. The problem with you people is that you're terrified of change and want the world to be exactly the same in 50 years, because you can't fathom that you're so insignificant that the planet has plans all it's own and there's nothing you can do to keep your little bubble. Keep being scared, I'll keep understanding it
cry more, lie more, little leftard
Then we are doomed you will never get the bug people or the curry niggers to change their ways.
The difference I see is in the photoshopping, Trump is 6'3", Obama is 6'1" whereas Putin ~ 5'5"
Please explain your meme.
Just a reminder that the original draft of her "Green New Deal" literally promised financial support for those "unable or unwilling to work".
I can see the photoshop lines around Putins head in the first pic. It's funny that you have to lie in order to make even a terrible point. Trump slouching is still taller than Putin, and he's not the one who got treated like a bitch for 8 years.
this. Costs are passed to the customer. You learn this in the first week of economics.
Why did Putin pull Obama's tie like Obama was a dog?
because putin is a fucktard without any manners
Yea sure
this. introducing them to industrialization and capitalism was a huge mistake. Better give them communism and let them starve
because he was Putins lapdog
>pulling a foreign diplomats tie
yup the shopped Putins head on someones else body
so? this doesn't justify such behaviour. It only makes you look bad and uncultivated
notice the height difference in a real photo
not one edited for a mime
Becaus its a fake.
>be putin
>be leader of glorious mother russia
>be one of the most powerful persons of the world
>represent a nation
>act like a highschool bully
>You learn this in the first week of economics.
Only in American public schools. Find me a single reputable economist that will support this claim. And read up on tax incidence.
Putin is one of the most powerful people in the world, all by his own power. He was pulling on Obama's tie as a show that at any moment, he could bitch slap that fool into oblivion and it wouldn't slow him down one bit. You wanna talk manners and political etiquette? Obama gifted the royal family DVD's. Regardless of how you feel about the UK, that's one of the most bullshit things I've ever seen. Fuck that little bitch, I'm glad someone had the balls to remind him how spineless he is.
Why did Obama, a grown man and a President allowed that?Why didn't he do anything when Putin and Assad broke his warnings and crossed the red line in Syria?I don't think liberals can answer that
How is this...thing....even allowed into Congress.
grow up. Power isn't an excuse for poor taste
NO NO! Don't use a gun against climate change, that sends the wrong message. I'm sure if we just give it a stern talking to and make it see the error of its ways it will change back on its own, naturally.
Can't all our climates just get along!?
Grow up
Trump lies more in a day than AOC has in her whole life.
Power is an excuse for anything you can do while maintaining that power. Get fucked, pussy.
Why did Obama bow down to a Muslim king?
>Lies constantly about his toes with Russia
>Downplays his connection to people after they get arrested for lying about their ties to Russia
>Campaign manager literally giving them internal polling data
>It's a w itch hunt
Go to bed, ivan
Look at that face and monkey nose. You can't breed the black out of people.
nope that's the result of a god complex. Truly powerful leaders have self control and know how to use their power without looking like a peasant.
Guess what? I was making six figures until my job ended. Now I am on unemployment.
The state says I do not have to take a job that does not pay less than I was making, or is more than 45 minutes away.
So, I guess you could say they already support those "unwilling to work", since they specifically spell out two cases where I do not have to take a job to get my benefits.
Why did you fuck your mom last night?
Could just stop sending Israel American taxpayer's $$ as well as cease buying all their spent artillery, weapons, tanks, trucks and military surplus. That would pretty much cover every single living creature in the U.S. AND it's territories.
>The standpoint of water-wet
Nothing beats Donnie Moscow when it comes to saying stupid shit
idk, guys. I think OP might be a woman, considering how much she seems to need attention. Maybe she's actually jealout of AOC.
addition: same rule applies to obama and other political leaders.
Uhhhh he armed rebels and did drone strikes and sent forward observers?
I bet you're the same kind of cunt that complains about hillary drone striking children in libya when you're not complaining about obama not fully invading syria
You're a dumb
Freedom. Is the Freedom to say Two plus Two equals Four.
>How many are not free to state that there are only two genders. That the only Genders that Exist are Man and Woman. And that a Woman cannot have a Penis.
They are taking our freedom speech away out from underneath our noses.
Why didn't Obama do anything once Putin crossed the his ''red line'' in Syria,saved Assad,help Snowden,created 2 Nuclear power plants in Iran and used UN Veto for defending Iran?
If that was Trump hm...
climate change isn't a big deal
doomsday cults are pretty fun tho, so maybe i'll pretend that it is
Yeah let's all fight to do the worst job for the lowest wage. You cucks are retarded.
Why did Crimea become Russian during Obama's term,Assad stayed in power,Iran got more nuclear power plants,and his administration ended up selling uranium to Kremlin?
If that was Trump hm...
You can tell it's a Russian
Can you not read? I was explaining why that is a bad thing.
>You can tell it's a Russian
You're a fucking retard. Stop watching television.
You underestimate how retarded Americans are
Wow, a Retard you are.
WTF is wrong with you?
Censorship is considered Free Speech by a Leftist.
Yeah, you clearly have no idea what the fuck you’re even talking about.
>They just raise prices to cover the tax.
Which reduces demand, decreasing consumption and carbon emissions. The company will either fail from decreased revenue or adapt to reduce carbon emissions. If it fails then it will be replaced by a company that does the latter.
This shit is basic economics
It’s because we don’t have any room for compromise. Just ask any scientist and they’ll tell you the same thing, you fuckwit
LMAO............ Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>Just ask any Scientist.
Fucking stop watching Television.
>people who support an idiot who can’t even finish reading a sentence are trying to call this woman stupid
If you believe there are 2 genders you are obviously Russian.This kid was a secret Russian agent too,pretending to be a pro-trump boomer.They are all Russians,that always live in America and speak English!
poisoning the well with a straw man. Way to use two fallacies in one argument. You're ready to work for fox news.
You don't recognize Satire?
>Which reduces demand, decreasing consumption and carbon emissions.
Except no company would actually do that because these forms of taxes do not influence demand for the product. Thus if Company A raises its prices to pay for the tax, people will go to Company B who has not raised its prices. So Company A would not raise their prices.
>The company will either fail from decreased revenue or adapt to reduce carbon emissions.
Decreased revenue =/= failure. And the easier alternative is to just move to a place that doesn't have said tax (or any regulations at all). Likely leading to them just producing more carbon emissions and your entire tax backfiring.
>If it fails then it will be replaced by a company that does the latter.
A new company isn't just going to shoot up out of the ground. What would happen instead is Company B would take Company A's share of the market and you'd be left with less competition and ultimately higher prices. But that won't happen anyway because both Company A and B are just going to up and fucking leave the country.
>This shit is basic economics
I used to think so...
Oh... Sorry. You're literally too obsessed to make any sense.
It was the left that fought to get books unbanned and end literary censorship. Investigate naked lunch.
''Russian'' is a social consturction created in late 2016 by Democratic party,so everyone can be a Russian.
Just like gender,you can identify as attack helicopter oy vey
He is right. He is victim of non-stop fake news about him. But now the medias desperation, have made them slip up too much. Hoax after hoax, after fake news, are being revealed.
And then company b would have to buy more carbon credits thus raising costs thus would have to raise prices, thus price would be similar to company A, thus company A gets more customers.
It works, and it's already in practice, you just don't know shit about business.
Note the total lack of replies. She must be doing something right to trigger this many manbabies.
>Telegraph opinion
I am not interested in fake news lol
She's everything fox news boomers hate. She's young, she's a minority, and she's a woman.
Totally not fake,biased or one sided
You mean like how the other side is obsessed with Trump?
The opposite is true. The scientists of the IPCC are not all on the left, it is an ideologically diverse group, simply because of their size. They're scientists first. In my country climate change was never a left/right issue, until we imported the culture wars from the US. The deniers are far more ideologically driven than the IPCC scientists, they're libertarians first.
Framing their opponents as 'socialists' is a tactic that a) associates climate change with their ideological counterparts and thus strengthens their own identity, and b) diverts attention from the scientific debate they are losing.
Then why do you suck Alex Jones cock?
Based. Also this.
So she is the only Hispanic female in US politics?lol
>Except no company would actually do that because these forms of taxes do not influence demand for the product
Increase prices don't equal decreases in demand? Seriously, look up a demand curve, it's literally first day of economics shit
>And the easier alternative is to just move to a place that doesn't have said tax
Yeah, it's so easy to just move an entire business to the third world and export to the U.S. No tariffs or any other shit they'd have to deal with...
>A new company isn't just going to shoot up out of the ground
Do you think there isn't already competition in these markets?
It must be a conspiracy! No chance trump actually said a bunch of dark shit...
She's the only one to beat Joseph Crowley. Who was one of the most powerful Reps in the country
It doesn't matter what Trump says,Liberal jurnalists (opinionists) will always make it negative.
Libtards ignore Trump's foreign policy because it makes Obama look bad.
Trump doing anything bad? Not possible, leaders I elect never do anything bad!
Tell her to stop using term ''Democratic Socialist'' and nobody on Fox would talk about her.
So a thing happened and all the papers reported on it and that's a conspiracy to you? lol....
So when all the same papers report on the same natural disaster that's a conspiracy too? lol...
n i g g e r
Only Liberals watch television today. I perfer memes
None of those things would be a problem for Republicans, the problem is she's a moron.
Kek sniffff
Notice how decade by decade our climate is getting worse? How many more decades of shitty weather events will you put up with before you want to do something, user?
Who are these liberal journalists making up fake news? Do you have a youtube video of a rambling neckbeard to show us?
>thus raising costs thus would have to raise prices
But Company B would still have all of A's shares meaning it's less burdensome on them to buy said token. Again none of this would happen because they would just fucking leave. You can't fix any problem by artificially creating scarcity. That's not how economics work. Let's say both companies did increase their prices. Let's assume they are gasoline companies. What's the result? Gasoline is more expensive. The demand for gasoline is very high so people aren't likely to stop buying gas. Instead they stop buying less important things. I'll let you pick that industry. Now you are left with less demand in another industry. This leads to less jobs in that industry, leading to unemployment.
>It works
At reducing production and causing unemployment, yeah.
If by "moron" you mean "earned a degree in economics" and has her views backed up by a Nobel prize winning economist, then I guess she must be. Keep on sucking that billionaire dick, brah. The money will come trickling down to you any day now.
But it snowed once checkmate liberal sjw antifa
I want to believe
She will sell out sooner or later, like all polititcians. She's in politics for a career, nothing else
LOL. Here’s a (you).
>Nobel prize
>Obama won the peace nobel prize
>bombed pakistanis with drones
says much about the state of the Nobel prize
Believe it user, she's got some great tits despite being a commie beaner, I could fap to her all day
>Increase prices don't equal decreases in demand?
They do. I'm not convinced that a Carbon Tax would lead to increase prices (all the time) but I will concede this point as ultimately it leads to the same conclusion (consumer or worker suffers).
>Yeah, it's so easy to just move an entire business to the third world
For companies like Exon and Shell? Fuck yes it is. Thanks for bringing up a good point that I missed. The big companies will leave, the smaller companies will have to stay suffer.
>No tariffs or any other shit they'd have to deal with
So your solution to solving that government caused issue is with more government caused issues. Tariffs are necessarily harmful to the economy.
>Do you think there isn't already competition in these markets?
That was my whole point. The companies already in the market will take over the market share. The original comment made it sound as if there is another company that doesn't exist yet just waiting for its turn to.
Proof? link?
The problem is she is ludicrous and doesn't really know what she's getting herself into.
And you're a bigger faggot in one day than freddie mercury was in his whole life nigger
Libtards cant answer the uranium sale question but theyll blame Trump for Iran even though it was Obama who sold them the uranium and where did the money go along with the DNC;s 20 million for campaigns which came up missing in 2015.
What's the uranium one question?
The truth hurts doesnt it. All your liberal news and propaganda is fed to you by the jews you want wiped out.
>gets clowned for his stupid beliefs
> claims satire
Pelosi and Schumer hate her too. Watch CNN or MSNBC when either one is asked about her.
The irony is that the oil companies who are the major cause of global warming are the ones who initially discovered the fact that their product did/will continue to cause global warming and they pay the Republitards in this country a great deal to bury the truth. Still the initial reports are available for free online.
>degree in economics
Economics is basically like getting a liberal arts degree. Useless in modern business and easy as hell to get. I know I have one and got it while drinking my way through college nightly and rarely going to class.
And I guess they don't pay democrats anything?
Post it with a timestamp. You don't have an econ degree. You lie about it online.
Where did the money from the sale go and why would Obama sell it to the Russians knowing they would ship it to countries who would use it to make weapons to use against us?
Would still duck her!
What do I stand to gain by lying about a worthless economics degree retard?
Different user, what is hydronic heating then? It’s water water being heated but because it’s in a pressurized system the water stays a liquid. Not uncommon to have 300-500 degree water under 150-250 psiag.
Idk why do you do it? Must be something if you lie about it.
Israel is a thorn in the side of all those goat fuckers. Plus they fuck with Palestinians which after the stunt they pulled on 9/11, burning American Flag and celebrating American deaths, they can all fuck themselves and I hope they get wiped off the face of this earth.
Dear faggots,
Take this shit to pol.
yeah because the daily FB/IG/VSCO, loli, fur, roll, cuck, pics you shouldnt share, traps, and u mad wite boi threads are so much better. At least there's some actual discussion happening in here. fucking nigger
Fucking ledbit in here, guys.