Muh feelings

>muh feelings
>muh socialism

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tf u talking about?

plz raise my taxes

Why are you quoting yourself?

>muh bot shilling

She's a Goddess and all will be revealed soon. You won't be fit to lick the dirt from her toes. Into the incel mines with you.

it's sad that you're probably not joking

It's sad that you probably are.

that made no sense fucktard

Hi I'm big boy Donald Trump Jr. My pops is such an egotist that he named me after himself. I constantly try to suck his cock and balls but he is only interested in Ivanka. So I have to settle for just being his sissy cheerleader. I recently had a divorce because I wasn't instilled with how to be a proper husband and sometimes I like killing animals in a safe environment to feel better about myself. Sometimes I fuck them after for reasons even unknown to myself.

Or did it make so much sense that you just can't comprehend it?

Oh look a butthurt conservatard snowflake

I.....I am speechless. You have my eternal thanks.

We did great things on this day. None of which was this. Amen.

ah, I see you are "unwilling to work," along with those hippies in new york who refused the 25,000 new jobs from amazon

>claims to hate socialism

>benefits daily from socialist programs

why would anyone be willing to work for a living, that is literally fucking stupid and makes no sense


We don't have to work. All of it will be free. Robots will do the work for us and won't decide to overthrow us until 2201.

Not going to lie, that made me rock hard

Greedy fucking billionaires that don't want to pay taxes. They'd rather spend that money on propaganda so they don't have to pay taxes. Lord forbid they can't afford their monthly diamond encrusted chicken wings in gold sauce that costs a half a million a plate.

back to /pol/

get off my Yea Forums faggot


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It's socialist to want tax dollars to pay for a wall

nope. National defense is actually one of few things the government is SUPPOSED to do.

>national defense

We havent had a war with Mexico in like 100 years. Not liking immigrants isn't a case of national defense you chode.

Either support wanting a wall on the Canadian border and to shut down all naval ports as well, or just admit you're racist.
(Take off the extra dot)

Liberals are so fucking retarded god damn