Watch the first couple seconds of this video and tell me what you think about these chimps hooping and hollering

Watch the first couple seconds of this video and tell me what you think about these chimps hooping and hollering.

Attached: blueface.jpg (779x779, 81K)



I would but I don't want to ruin my YouTube recommendations even further

bust it down thotiana

use an incognito tab

it's bust down thotiana, not bust it down retard

Day of the rope when?

Attached: 220px-lynching-of-woman-1911.jpg (220x364, 24K)

Alright I used incognito. I can't understand one word they're saying, it looks like they're trying to flex on people but they can't even form a decipherable sentence

blueface is actually good tho so fuck off faggot

hahaha same here, i see they've resorted to some primal sign language, probably because they're illiterate and can't speak properly

i never said blueface was bad? did you even read the thread faggot, i am just pointing out they yell like a bunch of baboons

> thinking blueface is good

never said blueface was good either. can you faggots comprehend not having an opinion on something?

wrong person whoops

>being this mad
>being this retarded

ah you must be an experienced 4channer with your copious use of greentext!

"I hold my own baby. Never need a nigga to stand next to me"

> entire video is niggers standing next to him


It's a shame what happened to black music. They started all the good shit in the 30's-60's and now we get this fucking trash

sorry nigger
t. someone who heard the song like once

I saw that he is facing 3 years in prison for felony gun possession, serves him right.

niggers nigging

oh sorry
being this mad

No it's my bad, like you said I'm mad and retarded.

being this

Why does that briefcase look like a cheap poker set from walmart

Good to see that they know sign language