California thread. lets do this

California thread. lets do this

Attached: California-Outline-and-Flag.png (2400x2743, 334K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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562 Lakewood

Attached: 1470038515655.jpg (1080x1080, 79K)

Bruce Wayne here, back with the vault open for any samples/request. Hello to any that recognize me!

Attached: TheVaultupdated.png (845x596, 182K)

805. Anyone?

Attached: D47BF615-D143-4B34-8E15-73169B15CD5C.jpg (750x548, 378K)

gonna keep dumping Kara/Janelle for the time being. LHS grad, looking for more

Attached: 1470041772670.jpg (587x880, 274K)

I mean other grads lol my bad

Attached: 1470036638256.jpg (667x1000, 53K)

805 here

Attached: 1539300484533.jpg (1371x2436, 371K)

Have a few 805 girls I knew/have info for as well, but these I got nothing more than the pics themselves

Attached: 135732125872_medium.jpg (576x768, 61K)

What part?

Attached: C680F473-B570-4FCD-8025-6A93F3ED7F21.jpg (852x1136, 108K)

909 reporting in, looking for other 909, if anyone has Don Antonio Lugo class of 2014 you are a God

any 916 folsom area?

Just gonna dump her whole folder then dump random 562 hoes i've collected

Attached: tumblr_m8k4tfDpBZ1qccfnno2_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 360K)

Not sure bro, sorry

Attached: 1539227656331.jpg (640x1136, 168K)


Attached: tumblr_maa1r86KQp1qccfnno1_1280.jpg (1188x1920, 904K)

Oh shit I know her

Attached: E46F5D1A-1337-4CA7-A1DE-B5E16B6D1B4C.jpg (640x640, 81K)

Attached: tumblr_me4rndF1Wm1qccfnno2_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 498K)

Any 661 bako

OH SHIT lmfao winnnnnner! Nice bro, wish I did

Attached: tumblr_me4rndF1Wm1qccfnno4_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 449K)

Dump anything 805 I’d appreciate. I will too

Attached: 9A73294C-5860-4A82-9D9C-95225B554F0B.jpg (720x1080, 117K)

559 trade

Will do!

Attached: 135984560080_medium.jpg (576x768, 52K)

Next few will be same girl (obviously)

Attached: 135984574934_medium.jpg (576x768, 59K)

Attached: 135984575049_medium.jpg (576x768, 56K)

Any 818. Or CSUN

Lol though I think all the pics I’ve seen of her are from her old tumblr so I think I’ve seen them all unless you have anything crazy of her

Attached: 26BE66B7-76AB-4397-A6CD-46AD6753CEF7.jpg (640x480, 36K)


Attached: 1764B8D3-4CAB-4956-B647-218B5424B0E0.jpg (717x960, 69K)

nahh, only thing I had weirdly enough

Attached: 135984575080_medium.jpg (576x768, 57K)

You just have a folder of 805 chicks or what?

Post all 562 pls
More 562

Just going to leave this here, for no reason at all lol...

Agustina from 805

I have a few folders of diff area codes with random nudes I can't put in specific folders. Then I have the vault lmao

Attached: img_0927.jpg (768x1024, 138K)

You want more of the same girl or diff now?
Didn't even notice I got quads :')

Attached: tumblr_me4rndF1Wm1qccfnno5_1280.jpg (1280x1707, 438K)

Shit my guy, tbh I forgot my login info and haven't been posting. Let me get on that tonight so I have a new place to dump lmfao

Attached: tumblr_inline_mftjgtHf4R1qcu5qd.jpg (500x375, 52K)

Just realized my library is scattered between my phone and my PC. -___-

Attached: tumblr_me2m22l0811rao26eo1_1280.jpg (771x1280, 298K)

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Attached: tumblr_nc0fsrehAU1qccfnno1_640.jpg (640x640, 119K)

Attached: tumblr_ndinboijvL1qccfnno1_640.jpg (640x640, 56K)

More of her

Attached: DC21A6CF-1FA2-4D58-8C1C-A3D589137895.jpg (1280x960, 444K)

Attached: 520754F4-4B20-437F-8692-FF4FA1F46E7B.jpg (640x960, 148K)

Different girls pls

Attached: 2143703D-5350-4BCF-AF29-F125F2CD12A0.jpg (960x1280, 224K)

805 SLO, anyone got more? info?

Attached: IMG_5347.jpg (720x960, 81K)

Attached: jews.jpg (795x1024, 205K)

Aye I know her too! Do you have anymore of han?

Attached: IMG_39001.jpg (1152x2048, 367K)

Desiree P from 562/323

will do, let me know if you have any request from the vault in case you recognize any names. May make it easier.

Attached: 37ACBD1.jpg (1000x936, 279K)

Attached: 005CEF9.jpg (640x1136, 167K)

Attached: 7C576D7.jpg (960x1280, 284K)

805 bros, y’all know/want more of Santana?
Nah, maybe a reverse image search would come up with more tho!

Attached: BF2AC6FD-6711-4D41-AD89-4E2901C87FE5.jpg (719x1280, 182K)

805 Santa Maria / Orcutt

Attached: IMG_40921.jpg (1152x864, 231K)

Attached: 9F5AFCC.jpg (640x1136, 52K)

Attached: 28C4BF3.jpg (640x1136, 155K)

Still got a bit more of her, and there's videos uploaded on the place without mothers. Lmk if y'all want the link

Attached: 75C7289.jpg (640x1136, 54K)

you got any more of her bro? :o

Attached: 20181222_124853.jpg (1440x1767, 815K)

I have a few but nothing too revealing unfortunately

Attached: Screenshot_2016-06-21-16-13-38-1.png (1080x1080, 838K)

are any of them Asian?

Ahh i see, unfortunate!

Attached: 161F127.jpg (640x1136, 41K)

Attached: 17.jpg (637x960, 109K)

Christina out of 714 may be the only one tbh. Haven't had too much yellow fever in my day oddly enough lol

Attached: tumblr_o4dm2ltlU91rwtwtmo1_1280.jpg (719x1280, 214K)

Attached: 494CD5E.jpg (640x1136, 185K)

Attached: 539CE04.jpg (1000x1333, 326K)

I had no idea these women existed in the 805. I have lived here for years and around my parts they are all disgusting

full set or only non nude pic

Attached: AE543524-FB0A-4D1D-A41F-C2B7B166D984.jpg (730x885, 303K)

Anyone have Stormy Sterling?

Attached: 1550677039122.jpg (461x820, 70K)

Closest thing to win I got, but plenty of lingerie and likewise pics

Attached: tumblr_pbyrk3vnwE1rwtwtmo1_1280.jpg (750x958, 115K)


Attached: imagejpeg_2u.jpg (1600x1200, 363K)

Any other no nudes then?


Attached: 45301009.jpg (1024x768, 87K)

Attached: imagejpeg_2r.jpg (1152x1536, 738K)

Unfortunately no nudes muchacho, been looking/keeping an eye out. Mainly just pictures like this/tons of underwear selfies

Attached: tumblr_opzgrmBJAq1rwtwtmo1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 277K)

know her?

Attached: 1973372_10202683108133590_1918069832969222733_o.jpg (1366x2048, 132K)


Attached: 1482080803656.jpg (3264x2448, 809K)


Attached: IMG_8647 (1).jpg (960x1280, 140K)

any 916?
(Take off the extra dot)
LA IS COMMIE LAND, I hope fucking North Korea bombs that shitty ass place

Being from a populated area in CA, I always hope to see someone I know in these... never happens unless I'm the one posting them

Attached: 47f66724-a4f3-458b-9b81-1ee11b26a3bd.png (626x960, 439K)

Any more nudes of Agustina?

Fucking hottie

Attached: iecalifornia-deeply-reciate-the-wasaperson-if-california-was-a-person-31084583.png (500x688, 194K)

you post your shitty discord then a lame ass insult? lmao isn't it past your bed time, little boy?

unfortunately not bro, only got the tumblr wins she had up! Forever looking tho lol

Just got called into work so responses may be much slower, but i'll be around anons.

Attached: tumblr_ncehxaLb8A1rwtwtmo1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 312K)

I have a bunch of 909 to trade

More Santa Maria/ orcutt?

Attached: FDDFE934-5135-4251-8647-2A99A9469901.jpg (461x582, 49K)

Kik me. I’ve got some stuff you might like user_1900

what area?






Attached: 45301014.jpg (768x1024, 80K)

Attached: 45301007.jpg (400x533, 21K)

More 562 pls

Attached: 45301018.jpg (1024x768, 107K)

Attached: F13F6487-F8E4-489C-A5D1-3104E63F24BF.jpg (900x1200, 169K)

Messaged ya

Do you have any wins yourself?

Attached: Screenshot_20180302-071955.png (768x1280, 373K)

Gonna assume you mean a diff girl from the others posted. This one is 562-Downey

Attached: B5ADAA54-0DF1-4ED0-A1A2-EF5C8700CFCE.jpg (900x900, 102K)

Attached: IMG_8665 (1).jpg (960x1280, 226K)

Posting a few randoms from my phone. Haven’t sorted my Cali album yet on here

Attached: 5E39BFFA-E071-4FC9-B5EE-88DAEC390380.jpg (640x853, 72K)


Attached: B05312E0-6C8F-45EE-91F0-4BB4428E3B71.jpg (2448x3264, 834K)

Where are all the Folsom milf pictures?

Butthurt Faggot alert
Buthurt Fagot alert
Booty hurt Fag Alert

Caroline/Destiny from the bay?

916? folsom?

Folsom milf.

Attached: 98457234-3ADD-42D0-913C-B7FFF2922D43.jpg (640x853, 78K)


Any discord for Cali?

Destiny first, screens from a video. lmk if interested and I’ll reupload it somewhere

Attached: F5E36A9B-7543-4806-918D-EEDBC4F3B4CA.jpg (1242x1400, 215K)

Let's see Nikki M


Only pic of Caroline I have on my phone :(

Attached: 36C7B6D2-FC67-4FF0-BB42-F39BBADD60FF.jpg (909x1024, 118K)

Anyone got Kaitlyn J from 805


Attached: 50FFA919-2827-46EC-BDA6-A685B5F7ACE5.jpg (675x1200, 124K)

M 28 F 25 626

Looking for swinger couple or single straight guy to fill our sexual desires. Must be local. Sharing pics/vids and maybe meeting up in IRL. Guy or couple does not have to be fit(preferably not fit) and have average size(nothing crazy)

Kik is NaughtyCrazyCouple

Attached: 20190218_084828.jpg (1440x2560, 1.03M)

Ahh nvm I thought it was a different Nikki M.

Thanks, anyways.

661 Bakersfield here

Attached: received_245465606356370.jpg (3024x4032, 476K)


Attached: 872E00D4-24FC-423B-83B1-DE2CA76CF662.jpg (640x1136, 138K)

She got a cute pussy, any spread or ass pics?

bump for csun, sup fellow matador

No problem!

951 Danielle

Who is she? Also any more Bakersfield?


Attached: received_2112773182110137.jpg (3024x4032, 520K)

Her name is Cheyenne Mundhenke

Attached: received_2060160777399896.jpg (750x1334, 96K)

Where you at 559

Anyone have Krista from 805 or 415

Attached: DvATT4OU0AAjSQ0.jpg (1536x2048, 428K)

I need all nudes of this 714 cunt

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Attached: received_350261732234787.jpg (575x1024, 49K)

Attached: 1549685728432-1.jpg (390x680, 33K)

Any 209, Calaveras area?

Attached: 1547934297919.jpg (961x961, 96K)


Attached: image.jpg (1085x1471, 310K)

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Attached: 7A368866-8A5A-4A55-AA35-6C3A73A82341.jpg (692x921, 148K)

any 916 folsom area?

Attached: 1550380643767-1.png (640x1136, 1.56M)

Noice, dump all you got bro!

Attached: received_544454652712202.jpg (1024x768, 64K)

Attached: received_371636766950206.jpg (2320x3088, 301K)

Nikki P or Priscilla may know them.

Attached: received_817179065281798.jpg (750x1334, 51K)

yes please

Nikki P, recognize or interest? (R/i)

Attached: 9F900E08-1581-4CC5-A1EB-22EAF5CB434B.jpg (640x640, 74K)

Soreya and her mom


Priscilla r/i?

Attached: CD10F51F-7903-43ED-9BFF-495DC7957B28.jpg (576x1024, 149K)

Nah don't know her that 951 is my hometown though so thought I'd give it a shot.

Attached: received_418842345589601.jpg (750x1000, 47K)

Attached: 077292E4-D899-4272-9B23-8337DC10416A.jpg (274x404, 25K)

any 562 Downey/Pico?

Attached: 0FD31261-87BE-4655-9CCF-F84CC758E8C3.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Attached: E30428E8-1E2E-40F2-9FF2-DA63892BC5ED.jpg (690x920, 162K)

mayra alejandra ornelas
riverside ca
norte vista
then ramona high school
anyone have any more?

Attached: CDAD2D14-7DFE-4341-81C3-BDA2870B8C4C.jpg (640x480, 97K)

Soreya, no nudes but I got some creep shots of her ass at the gym lol

Attached: 5FE1C231-EF84-460C-92F2-7BA483D71694.png (640x1136, 937K)

gave the best head

Attached: 68C1F4C6-36FA-4756-AF0F-A604BFB3E6E5.jpg (640x480, 88K)

Soreya’s mom, recognize or interested in either?

Attached: 8D5AB5C5-E196-46DD-B8B8-EF7C2CF225AF.jpg (406x406, 35K)

i’ll take it!!

562 Downey

Attached: 72D09C7A-CA7C-484E-8FE7-8BC0CF5756B6.jpg (585x1100, 88K)

Attached: EB8825F3-131D-449A-B6A5-C2F736FF14F7.jpg (640x480, 97K)

anything from the san jose or rest of the bay?

Forever looking for her nudes, had a crush on her for almost a decade now lmao

Attached: F91708DB-1F10-4800-8210-B7ADCC860D19.jpg (675x1771, 198K)

Fuck it I'll yoink Diana and Cynthia too they're both from the LA area so may as well try.

*san jose area

Attached: A7653538-052C-491D-BECB-F11768C82360.jpg (796x1904, 188K)

Steff - 714

Attached: 11386577_1629101234043617_930748961_n.jpg (750x750, 86K)

Attached: E8B3064F-FE80-435E-B1C3-0E8FCAF2D7D2.jpg (640x480, 97K)

thank you!!!

Attached: 791D5325-DCD1-4261-8E4C-65DE49A9922F.jpg (640x480, 96K)

Cynthia and let me find Diana lol

Attached: 0177F9A4-AA49-4AA8-B9B1-55E5A9ECBD69.jpg (764x1024, 101K)


Attached: 505B3DF6-39AA-4DEA-BF09-D24D60075DE7.jpg (640x1136, 146K)

No problem bro

Attached: 5E37F7B7-6511-44E9-9E75-2E5D0E2A8DB0.jpg (1242x2208, 395K)

Unlucky sorry for wasting your time my guy


Attached: CC513080-9997-4999-810B-16EB3BBAD6A5.jpg (1536x2048, 852K)

No worries bro! All about the thrill of the hunt lol

have any of Jazmine S, Jessica R or Monica G? names sound familiar

those are her initials?

more 916?

Any from 530 or 707??

More Downey diff girl

Attached: DF26B634-597F-40E5-964F-A64CFDFFEC0D.jpg (600x800, 132K)

Attached: 12D760FA-3D5E-45B4-A662-FE005F80C4D7.jpg (920x690, 150K)

I'd sacrifice both nuts for anything of Tashena from Merced. I know for a fact the bitch has nudes out there.

Moar 805
Any Alex, Amanda?

Any more 619?

Nah, she’s a random I have. The initials are my signature for BruceWayne I usually forget to post lmao

Jazmine S sample (let me know if you recognize or have interest in any of the samples)

Attached: 4EFC2A83-F354-4F81-9CD9-C71FFAB3011C.jpg (450x600, 44K)

Jess R sample

Attached: 4FD148CD-0E9B-49BD-BB63-20817612792F.jpg (640x480, 43K)

Monica G sample (only have like one more pic tho lol)

Attached: 4D06964E-1A7E-477C-9617-7D97C07361AB.jpg (1024x768, 140K)

More of her? She looks so familiar and has the same first name as the girl I know.

Attached: 91833259-E74C-4C3B-8D7C-945FB50CC0D2.jpg (922x921, 126K)

Sure bro

Attached: B39DC60F-D802-4CD0-A984-B9E0C38BD862.png (640x1136, 1.15M)

Is she from 805? Any nudes?

Attached: 7EA0B7DE-FF0A-4D98-B7BA-62FF71B7F1E3.png (640x1136, 1.17M)


Used to have loads until a hard drive failure. Yeah she’s 805

Attached: 16EB2E20-E217-4ADA-A15A-6C890DFEDE4C.jpg (640x1136, 138K)

nah not Jasmine, maybe Monica if you have one more.. does Jess have different colored hair in any other pics? you're out here doin' the lord's work man, appreciate you saving and posting these

Same girl maybe?

Attached: 20190222_002011.jpg (679x1081, 367K)

Not sure if it’s the same girl, but from Downey turned into a porn star

Attached: BBDEB0F8-2D55-4DAE-BD65-04685D9AE9EE.jpg (1064x1600, 259K)

Post nudes please?

only one I had left :( ^

Titty pics at least lol

Any Madera here?

More Monica. Don't know about Jess having diff colored hair tho, haven't seen her in years lol the pics/wins are super old at that

Attached: FILE3836.jpg (640x640, 140K)

Attached: FILE3516.jpg (720x720, 81K)

I'm with you bro.
Scammed me for 50

Attached: 1548559881764.jpg (282x609, 38K)


661 bako

Attached: 1472200175497.png (486x329, 209K)

trust, wish I still had them but only had that one left. May try to get more soon

yeah Jess is a no go then, Monica I think used to be a friend of my sister's at her job... haven't seen her in years but I'm pretty sure it's her lol

Ok, any other 805 girls?

831 Santa Cruz

Attached: 50B6238E-FE4C-43F0-B2B1-5108DB4F4254.jpg (2000x1032, 754K)

Sabrina 661

Attached: f493fhb93rbg.jpg (1080x1080, 907K)

she's hot

More Santana/805 hoes!

Attached: 1514784383304-4.jpg (1024x768, 113K)

I got a couple I believe, let me look through the folders real quick
you got the rest or should I dump em? I just dumped these back on anonsharer too lmao

please tell me there's wins or at least underwear/lingerie/bikini pics!? she's fire af


moar of that ass?

Bebette 909

Attached: GQRr3Nm_d.jpg (640x960, 31K)

Got some of Braeden from 805

Attached: img_9260.jpg (480x640, 118K)

dump what you got I don't have much

Attached: 1514817066054-0.jpg (535x951, 401K)

Let me dig through my archive, if not I'll check IG

Attached: 1514784383304-3.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

Got more? Tits?

Missing any of these?

Attached: Santana.png (1587x924, 1.17M)

Just more ass

Attached: Lui2WT4_d.jpg (640x960, 32K)

those all you got? i have all of those except 4th and last one

There’s more non nudes on that thread I can grab and post for you if you want.

Attached: 4ACCEE35-AD93-499F-81FE-E3D52A264BE9.jpg (1479x2578, 862K)


Attached: 74CC88DE-1E97-4B20-BCFB-B5DA0463A438.jpg (576x1024, 68K)

any 951?

That’s a first! Lol how do you know her bro?

Lydia 650 & NY

Attached: lkreanvo.jpg (640x640, 53K)


I think this is that Cynn Lea chick

Angela 650 Berkley

Attached: An.jpg (1080x1349, 82K)

Got a couple that are so so

What do you guys use to manage all of your images?

Anyone please tell me they got more of girl on the right.

Yenni 661 Bako

Attached: 25016771_2032292750389470_7479952473906479104_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.54M)

I work with her! Nice!

Heres a csunwin plus other wins all 805

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-22-01-02-01.png (1080x1920, 1.73M)

Any Rocklin/Roseville??


Attached: Kalie 1.jpg (392x468, 58K)

any more?



Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-22-01-02-52.png (1080x1920, 447K)

A fucking keyboard and mouse..?

In all seriousness just dolphin file manager. Theres really nothing special about it. Just make a bunch of folders and drag and drop, not that complicated.

That sounds more accurate! I believe you're right.

very nice bro! try and get some wins for next time ;) she's a bag full of issues but those titties are some of my favorites i've seen

I remember seeing something about she did porn, but it was only solo stuff. I wished someone had nudes of her now

Ask and you shall receive.

Attached: Anvnrienvwoi.jpg (1080x1080, 928K)

Do you have Donna 408?

Amina and Jasmine

Attached: 1548834699636.png (720x1280, 813K)

post em


Since you pussies dont wanna post em, i will

Attached: IMG_0222.png (640x1136, 735K)


anyone have any dana H ust from riverside area?

Your faggot ass couldn’t even get nudes. Fuck 909

any 916 wins?

>image limit

Didn’t that bitch die like a week ago?

you really showed us!

not that um aware of, she been posting stuff online

Hey man, when you gotta fap you gotta fap.

someone start a new thread

New thread! gogogo


does it matter? POST THAT SHIT

Ayeee Madera user here too. I’ve only seen someone post one girl here but not many revealing pictures.

Any more?