Hey /b, any other shoplifters on tonight been having trouble with Lowes...

Hey /b, any other shoplifters on tonight been having trouble with Lowes? Had three bad experiences at three different Lowe's in completely different areas recently, the last one ended up getting actually confronted. Normally I've found Lowe's a pretty easy target and I know I did not do anything to make it obvious so i don't know whats going on. I know for sure (before that last one) that they did not have my picture. At this point pretty sure I'm done with Lowe's in my state (which sucks, that a big blow to my income) but I'm just curious if anyone else has had issues lately?

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Get a job bitch!

Ever thought of getting a fucking job and paying for shit instead of being a pathetic thieving cunt?

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There’s never enough people staffed at night

Just pay, retard. What are you stealing, paint?

What are you stealing


Die in a fire and get a job.

Trips of truth

what's it like to work there? friend just got hired there. also shoplifting advice in general?

We are degenerates here at Yea Forums, not scummy ass thieves.

Stop being a fucking nigger/spic thief you Fucking piece of trash

"I need you to get a job because I'm an insecure faggot who has no idea what he's doing with his life"

Steal some rope or razor blades and donte world a favor and off your self you worthless piece of shit. I hope you get hit in the head with a fucking hammer

Raiding server ! JOIN US !!!

i think stealing is shitty and you are probably an idiot, but i am genuinely curious about your strategy. care to explain?

I steal everything I can from Lowe's all the time

Lol at all the fucking children who still believe in private property.

Walmart employee here
Words of wisdom
Don't look like a thief
Old white people are instantly labled thieves unless you look like a family person
Niggers and Sand niggers are never accused of shoplifting unless the security is also a nigger, in which case they'll probably let you get away with it
No backpacks, bringing your own bags makes you a target for security even though they literally tell people to bring their own bags and charge you for new bags
You can create a security alarm proof pouch with aluminum and some kind of bag, put this in your pants attached to your belt
Drop expensive things with electric tags in there like jewellery, watches, small electronics
You can get free ammunition as long as you have a firearms license, just get a non manager to get you the ammo, they're too busy to fallow you to the checkout
Everybody eats the fruit for free
Fill a shopping cart to look like you're shopping
Eat grapes, bananas, etc as you go whenever nobody is around
The pets Isle is almost always void of employees, use this to dump waste such as empty food containers
The security and greeter go home at 10pm, the store is open until 11pm

Not op. Power tools are 500+$+ like dewalt or makita laser leveler etc. I’ve seen homedepot employee chased some dude before.

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I love the self checkouts at walmart, saves a ton of money when you only scan half of what you buy

I mean, pretty much just your standard concealment shoplifting, grab a cart, get some normal items, get the stuff you need, disable the security tags, pocket the stuff. I also have a partner to watch my back, alert me in a not obvious way if hes noticed were getting to much attention or if I'm about to get caught when pocketing or disabling the tag.

>Everybody eats the fruit for free
fucking savages

oh, and I target specific items my fence will always buy, things that are not even among the most commonly stolen (and their for watched) items.

>Everybody eats the fruit for free
>Fill a shopping cart to look like you're shopping
>Eat grapes, bananas, etc as you go whenever nobody is around
I am laughing my ass off imagining someone walking around Walmart eating fruit

How much do you make annually? jw

>their for
God no wonder you have to steal shit...

hell not someone...everybody's doin it

Never fight, always flight
If you are caught in the act, run as fast as you can to the nearest fire exit
It is illegal and against store policy to chase a thief into the parking lot
If you are caught in the parking lot there are many reasons you could sue
Always know where the fire exits are and where they go
Have a friend wait for you outside for a quick getaway or park yourself close of working alone
The Walmart I work for has a stair case at the side of the building by a fire escape, thieves use this knowing managers are always to fat to climb stairs
Your car was caught on camera?
No problem, chances are nothing will happen.
According to our security guard, he has made arrests and held people for police several times only to have them get off free of charge only to return again
Busy days are perfect for stealing
They don't call it black Friday for nothing
Grab a 60 inch tv and head straight for the fire escape
Just be sure to bring wire cutters to snip off and ditch the spider wire
If you steal a tv police may actually get involved
Theft over $1000 what it takes to get police action
If you are caught with any kind of thief tool like an aluminum bag you can face pretty serious charges so don't risk it unless you really want to
I'm sure I'm forgetting some info but w/e

between 1.2 and 3 grand a month. Could make more (Like, back when I did this with a dedicated crew 10k+ a month) but I'm lazy and more careful so I don't like taking more then 3-4 items per store max and always wait 2 months minimum before returning to a store I have hit before.

>Always know where the fire exits are and where they go

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hey, I got a legit spelling disability...its not nice to make fun of the retarded!

>Grab a 60 inch tv and head straight for the fire escape

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Walmart info poster here
Managers teach employees to chase thieves
I've chased people and photographed their license plates with my smartphone
I've had to send the images to police
Pretty sure nothing happened though
I later took a computer learning course telling me I could be shot or stabbed and that I shouldn't chase thieves

>If you are caught with any kind of thief tool

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>don't risk it unless you really want to

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god that is fucking based, I applaud you sir

I work there and I do it daily
I said everybody does this and I meant it
Kids, little old ladies, niggers, employees
I once saw a manager grab a few grapes and just keep walking like it was no big deal

>They don't call it black Friday for nothing

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i don't give a shit that you're stealing from kikes but get fucked nigger

>Have a friend

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Happens at least once a week m8
If you go out an exit you don't know where it leads you can end up having a long run back to your car
There's being caught stealing
Then there's being caught stealing with professional tools
Sorry I'm retarded
I already said I work for Walmart, you should know I'm mentally slow

Don’t you have a protocol when shift change. Like you don’t just clock out and leave alone into the parking lot. Since there might be some people seeking revenge

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Employees don't get their yearly bonus check if they have to much loss in theft
Managers get like 3k while associates are lucky to get 1k

stop being a poorfag and get a fucking job faggot.

>I already said I work for Walmart, you should know I'm mentally slow

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well this one is actually good advice, but same goes in just about any scenario. Having what the police call impliments of burglary does implicate you if you were picked up in while comitting some shit. It also tacks on another charge they can give you time for.

It dose require a significant chuck of time to make that much, gotta hit multiple stores across a wide area, multiple stores a day 3-4 times a week. The amount I make is a little low for the effort (in the field of crime that is) but that's because I never want to have enough on me at one time that its a felony is I get caught with it, so even if the store dose call the cops (which they likely won't for what I'm trying to take at a single time) I won't be in to deep.

I ran over a dude stealing from lowes and got fired.

the only implements I carry are implements of ass whoopage

Post it

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I don’t understand why idiots employees does this or risk their life to keep the share holders richer. They can replace you anytime and instantly whenever you’re risking them being sued. No the thieves isn’t taking money out of your pay checks like those fucks been brainwashed u

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If I could get a decent job right now I would, I plan to in the future I don't really wanna be a career criminal. Until then, fuck off!

Thinks he can openly talk about scummy actions like stealing just cause its Yea Forums

like people don't talk about a lot worse here lol

I used to steal small shit from Walmart and other stores all the time. they now put all the cologne over like ten bucks in those plastic cases but before they did, I stole so many bottles of good cologne. expensive sleep aid like Alteril I also steal and knives and flashlights and shit too. nothing serious though. done it for 10+ years and never been caught *knock on wood*

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