My ex girlfriend who I thought I was over and ended on good enough terms with immediately stopped talking to me after...

My ex girlfriend who I thought I was over and ended on good enough terms with immediately stopped talking to me after we stopped dating. It upset me but I was alright with it but I’ve just heard she told her friends that she fucking hates me and the last few months of our relationship was a lie. This girl was one of my best friends and I fucking stings to hear this it’s been months since we broke up but idk I feel so fucking chewed up and spat out. She also hates me for a complete bullshit reason and no one agrees with her hating me and think I treated her 100% fairly and respectfully. What do I do? Do I try speaking to her despite not talking for months or do I just leave it. I feel foul.

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who broke up with whom? if you did, then it makes sense she would be salty, If she did, she is just crazy.

Just stop. Move on with your life and never talk to her again. Forget about it.

Forget about her. She's not worth the trouble, dude.

She broke up with me. I didn’t really do anything to spark it and told me as much when we broke up but now she’s telling others months after the fact that I got angry at her for not talking to me for an extended period of time and that’s cause to make her hate me? (I also didn’t get angry, I mentioned it once and asked if everything’s okay and she then immediately dumped me so)

If you need closure, tell her how you feel. Be open minded and listen to her side.

If you just want to be over it, pck up and move on. Plenty of girls outthere that wouldn't do you dirty.

I did for a bit there and was in a good place but hearing her say this has put a fucking pit in my stomach, and I can’t sleep.

it's an ex, move the fuck on and stop acting like a pussy

She was already cheating on you

The girl I dated for 7 years, broke up soon after high school, she got married, but she and her friends still keep telling people I beat and sometimes say I raped her. That's just how it goes sometimes.

Perhaps. Although I tried to get that closure when it happened and she ended up fucking hating me and making things up about me to our mutual friends. I don’t want her to make this some ugly, bitter conflict.

You are a faggot.

That’s fucking horrid. Guess it puts my situation into some perspective. I hope you haven’t been too affected by it.

I fucking wish women give me a fucking headache.

Well thats what happens when you beat and rape a girl. Why else would they say it?

If she truly dumped you the way you say she did, then there is no hope. She isn't going to have an intellectual "ah-ha" moment if you talk to her.
Move on.

>but I’ve just heard she told her friends that she fucking hates me
This is also your big problem. You "heard" from other people. Other people exaggerate, or outright lie, all the time. It's called hearsay. Don't be so willing to believe what other people are telling you. Unless you hear it from her yourself, consider it highly suspect.

I'm projecting here, but you probably have an idealized version of them... and then who they actually are.

Try not to take it personally, when that idealized version comes back to call you a monster. They're not the same person.

Yeah Tyrone thats what happens when you beat and rape your girl dumb nigger

Stop whatever you're doind and do yourself a favor and go read The Rational Male.
You're gonna be thanking me for a lifetime

It’s a trusted source, someone I’ve known my whole life. They were very clear that she used the words “I hate him”.

That’s actually completely true. I mean I’ve been trying to take the higher road and tell myself I don’t hate her back, because this isn’t the person who I was so close to, but was she ever different or did I just not see this ugly, twisted side.

I’ll check it out

My current girl didn't believe it, and so I guess it had a wierd positive effect in the long run. Still not worth.

Look man, Girls, sometimes, are just absolute shitheads. Guys can be too, truly people are often just ignorant on how to deal with how they feel. Your ex probably was not mature mentally or had enough relationship experience to know how to break up properly or explain her frustration properly.

There's very little you could do, and frankly nothing worth doing. Try and move on, it won't be easy because I've honestly been there. Feeling chewed up and spit out is a great way of putting it. But the best choice I made was to cut all ties with her, move on, try and make use of the time I had. You'll find someone else and you can take what you learned from this relationship and apply it to the next one, to make sure you're with someone who isn't romantically stunted. Sorry to hear about this Yea Forumsrother.

I asked myself the same question, man. It's like they did a 180. And to be honest? I don't have an answer either.

You kinda hit the nail on the head. Thank you man. It just feel completely worthless now. Before I could at least take it as a positive experience and move on but now it’s all sour and sickening. I don’t know what was genuine and what wasn’t anymore.

Leave her be, she'll come across as petty if she's talking shit. You'll come across as a creep if you try too much to get on with her.

I just gottta ask - why do you care so much what others things? Including her?
It seems a little desperate and pathetic

I don't wanna get all into what happened with me, but it was super similar you man. The whole time things were great, we're talking about our futures together, etc. and then she hits me with "I don't think we should be together. I'm not happy anymore" with no REAL explanation. I never got a truthful one to this day I think. I'm going to be blunt, it took me a few months to really parse through everything to where it didn't make me wanna throw up. It sucks man. it royally fucking sucks but, now that I've gone through with it I know what to look for, I know what conversations to have with someone before really investing into them. Now you do too. It's okay to be sad about this user, just don't let this make your relationships jaded and abrasive. There are good people out there who are mature enough to handle problems.

Holy shilling Christ Batman.
1 cuck giving another terrible advice

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Always something you could have done, don’t be ignorant



Im well aware I could have done shitty things, but I'm specifically talking about the fact that she made no attempts to solve the situation by talking it out, or giving a rational to anything that was going on. Any other problems aside, OP's feeling this way probably because feelings weren't communicated appropriately.
I know I used to do that when I was younger, I was absolutely a shithead too.

lmao tits or gtfo u fucking bitch, no man would ever say this you retard

Idk just cause we were so close I guess. I was over it or at least tricked myself into thinking so but the revelation has thrown me through the ringer.

Would you feel better if she just told you she fucking hated your guts or something

Probably would have felt better if she had just told me that in the first fucking place instead of pretending she didn’t and making me seem like a fucking retard for months.

Betas would sperg out about a breakup, feeling they did everything they could and how unfair it is.
Alphas laugh at pathetic bitch trying to smear you and moves on

You shouldn’t be so much of a doormat mate. Start thinking about yourself every once in a while, and not just how to please everyone around you in an attempt at making them like you

The only thing you can gain from continuing to speak to her is to understand why she hates you. At that point, you can either look back to what you've done and agree or disagree. Realize though that one person's annoyance is another person's passion, so what she didn't like about you, another person might. So is her feedback really that important?

My advice is to just move on. Delete her number from your phone, block her on FB, etc. Move on and pretend she never existed by removing all evidence you two ever met.

who gives a fuck

>seem like a retard for months
You are vastly overestimating your impact on the people around you. Literally only you think this, none of the rest care enough about you to think about it longer than the 5min after she told them

Don't listen to these faggots. Dont forget about her. Remember her well or else you'll end up in the same fucked situation in the future. Not all memories are good but all give you experience. Also what the guy said about her already cheating on you is highly likely.

Keep that version of her that meant so much to you, and the memories.

Simultaneously, realize that that was your creation, and laugh off the bitch that did that to you. Judging by her fake face to you near the end of the relationship, she'd twist those memories and that love to get what she wants. Don't give her the option.
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She's full of shit. "I dumped him cause we didnt click" is always attacked by questions demanding answers on how you screwed up, and if you didn't screw up she goes "nothing really", and then it turns into "Then whyd you dump him". Saying she hates you is the easy answer, just leave it and accept she's a cunt. Either she completely lied to you and doesn't deserve your respect, or she's completely lying to her friends and doesn't deserve any respect. Getting hurt by that feeling of betrayal sucks, but just leave her be and you'll be better.

>I hate him
>why though?
People don’t blindly accept that without further questions. She has valid reasons, OP is simply in denial

I fucking love it when a long winded “argument” gets shredded in just a few lines.
Keep it up user!