Going to drive thru South Carolina. Advice/tips/tricks? I want to see some Deep South hillbilly shit.
Going to drive thru South Carolina. Advice/tips/tricks? I want to see some Deep South hillbilly shit
You just driving down 95? You'll see nothing abnormal.
What’s a more scenic southern route?
>SC = deep south hillbilly shit by default, k
I-10 east to west. Through Louisiana.
If by Deep South hillbilly shit you mean decrepit towns and low education rates then drive due west toward Mississippi.
Practice squealing now.
2 dight odd interstates run north/south, e.g. 95, 81
2 digit even run east/west, e.g. 40, 64
3 dight odd goes around a major city area
3 dight even goes through the city area
Make sure you stop here and get the Cajun chicken biscuit, large fries, and some Bo-berry biscuits.
Turn left bout a mile past the crick, if you pass Jeb's shop you done missed it. Follow that road about an hour or so til you come to a fork with some tires piled up in the middle. Go left and pretty soon sure as shit you'll be pullin up to the Kum n Go. Park and flash your lights if you want a lot lizard to suck your hog, but let me warn you, that hog gon be itchin like hell come morning i shit you not. Now if you're lookin' to snort some good ol' fashion roxicodone and watch me fuck my cousin in the poop shoot, come on into the back of the Kum n Go and have yourself a cold milwaukees best.
I grew up on the North Carolina South Carolina border and I’ve been through almost the entire state.
Start in Lake Wylie, go through Clover, then Rock Hill, there’s a lot of weirdos in those areas despite being at the top of the state, then go straight down to the tip, then the Islands, and stick to the edge for a while. I find the towns around the Georgia border tend to be very redneck. Also while you’re there definitely visit Charleston.
this guy knows what's up.
Try to make a lit stop at Scott's BBQ in Hemingway. Best pit smoked whole hog on the planet.
Very likely to see the somewhat elusive negro redneck in its natural habitat.
i just looked this up thinking you have Asperger or something but holy shit you just blew my mind... it's true
Oh hey I’ve been there!
And a bo size tea yeet yeet
are those... shopping carts full of watermellon
Definitely this. Grew up in Charlotte and had it all the time.
Went to school at Clemson. You'll see some shit in upstate SC. Although Spartanburg is also noteworthy for being a dumpster fire of a town.
best advice 4ver. before google came out with maps
still decent tho
the bojangles near me in virginia is pure shit
Turn around when you hear banjos/ and or smell butseks
Avoid anyone named darrel/Derek
Know car repair, don't ask for help
Bring 1 gun, at least 9 bullets
Don't wear shoes with laces if you enjoy life
If you are ever chased, throw fried chicken as a distraction. Works every time
Every girl is someone's sisterwife. Do not flirt/approach
If a conversation becomes confusing, just mention nascar and slowly walk away
Just go to Texas where southerners are civilized
so much superior to gmaps... gmaps fucks up constantly and comes up with unnecessarily complex routes. If you just look at a map and identify the highways on your rout you're way better off. I got fucked so many times by gmaps, now i have a book of paper state maps like an old fuck but guess what... the battery never dies, it's always right, and I have more battery life to jack off to pictures of andy sixx taking a shit
>Texas where southerners are civilized
found the retard. The absolute dumbest of the dumb people I've ever met in life have been from texas
Found the Derek
Spartanburg is home of The Beacon (one of the greatest greasy burger joints on the planet), but that's about it. The rest is shithole. I grew up in Greenville, went to College of Charleston... Most of the state is full backwards, ignorant fuckheads.
Chili cheese a plentaaaaaay!
my names andy dumb fuck
1st off this ain't mapqeust anymore my dude. if you want to spend 10 extra minutes mapping your route instead of taking the unneccesary 10 around google's way, be my guest.
2nd who doesn't have a portable charger for a quick sixx fixx? philistines, that's who
Was surprised to see they had locations outside of NC and SC. That's a bummer user.
I just knew to avoid it based upon all the ridiculous news stories I saw on WYFF. I loved Greenville though. Beautiful downtown and that nice shopping center on Woodruff Rd was great.
It got quiet. Must be butseks time again
>quick sixx fixx
Just visit anywhere but charleston county. You’ll see some shit. Can confirm sc fag here.
From central SC, look up a town called Blackville. I fucking hate it here, I feel like I'm the only motherfucking white boy in this fucking town.
This. If you hear "Hey y'all, watch this. Hold my beer." get out your camera. You're about to see some redneck shit.
WTF do you expect its called fucking BLACKVILLE!
Lives in "Blackville". Complains about niggers.
I know. Got poor and fucked up my life had a buddy that worked in the warehouse with me said he'd put me up for a while. Got a stupid ass trailer and haven't left. Local landmark is the damn healing springs...
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