Oldfag thread

Oldfag thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


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you dont belong here


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I'm not even an oldfag and your fucking retarded if as soon as you see a black dude you have to stop fucking your sister in the back of your pickup just getting back from throwing glass bottles at rocks by the stream to scream NIGGER at a piece of internet history you should be paying respect to

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any new thread with any kind of personalised content or anything real to talk about is being deleted within minutes, despite having active posters.
any cuck/trap/faggot/generic thread shit stays up for hours and is constantly bumped by bots.
take a look at the page p.Yea Forums.org/
They are beta testing for a pay-to-post format on this site.
This site is about to be put in a coffin.



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Hello fellow oldfags. How do you do?

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I miss coupon threads. Coupon-bro got v&, but that glorious bastard helped me not starve during my early college years.

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heres my proof


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That's ballsy as fuck. Best I managed was $40 off Halo: Reach a few days after release.
also relevant newgrounds.com/portal/view/549991

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Fucking japs

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Something everyone should see.

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Rule 34 makes me happy the internet was created.

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lol the old triforce tricks won't work anymore.
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well that was embarrassing

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It warms my heart that ytmnd is still around.

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"Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

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I remember this riot. Rudy poo burned down their town: 15 years later it's a hipster paradise

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here's a real recipe

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Was anyone else using Yea Forums way too young? I was about 12 when I started coming here

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How are you gentlemen?

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Anyone remember this guy?

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yeah that nigger got what he deserved

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7 sammiches man, 7 sammiches and 4 cartons of milk

MAY 11--A college student--and Yea Forums enthusiast--was named today in a felony complaint charging him with the illegal online distribution of counterfeit coupons that were designed to look like legitimate ones made available through a marketing firm owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.

Not exactly Yea Forums related, but a early internet phenomenon

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Remember when Anonymous hacked the shit out of that van?

jphns gay

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Hahahaha this is a good thread

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Good job

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spit shine my shoes you nigger

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you're not supposed to play with food you know

You can't spit shine velcro sneakers

fake and gay


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Still oldfag AF tho

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ahh eel soup?

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I was late to this party. I was too busy wanking to age appropriate Kazaa downloads at 12.

Why does that poster sound like a pajeet?


Attached: hurts.jpg (265x190, 5K)

Its a jap

(Take off the extra dot)

I remember finding Yea Forums on the school’s computer back in 2008ish, Yea Forums wasn’t blocked back then

Sup bros

> Fine chick Snapchats me
> "come fuck"
> I reply
> "Sorry I got a test in a few hours"
> Rub one out
> Try to sleep
> Can't sleep
> Log on Yea Forums
> Oldfag thread

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How fucking old is that image?

pool's closed

Mid to early 00's


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Correction, it made an appearance in Shfifty Five which was released in 1999.

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It's the apocalypse.

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I didn't use Yea Forums as much as newgrounds back then

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it is

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Why am I even here? I have a life now.

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(Take off the extra dot)

I remember when the Yea Forums boards were on the left side

they still are you dumb nigger
use Yea Forums.org/frames

It could be a Chinaman.

I was here for the last time Yea Forums officially "died". which was what, late 2004,early 05? I came here, Yea Forums was literally nothing but Reidick, then ZERO HOUR happened. Good stuff.

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Looking 4 the nude drawing you can buy in the first town

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Does anyone remember the Ebaums World war over a stolen YTMND that seemed like it took down half the internet? Like pools closed was funny, taking down Eric Bauman was absolutely legendary.

jewpon threads were truly awesome. I ate so much free burger king and and got several ps3 controllers and games free

What happened to Cockmongler? The website for the dinosaur park the pic is from doesn't seem to exist anymore. I know people found pictures of this guy elsewhere, but is he still alive?

Attached: MONGLER.jpg (600x791, 426K)

> is he still alive?

Memes never die

I thought you were out fighting the Great War




how you doin'

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Consequences will never be the same after it took a crane to get it out, so get in the shelter before trips are rolled and lets have some puddi and keep it crescent fresh. About as many dated references as I can muster, as I am still considered a newfag.


Your not wrong. Started posting 2009, which does constitute me as a newfag.

> posting for 10+ years
> calls himself a newfag
> Your

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>tfw I've been browsing Yea Forums for a decade

First time i came here was back in highschool maybe 2004-05

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Time flies by when you are calling people niggers on the internet, I guess.

>negro community
>half of them are coloreds
Whoever made that didn't think it through.