No backpage
No craigslist
Where do you find your hookers and rubs
No backpage
Try usasexguide
Bumping for potential
Is there no alternative bulletin board these sluts went to? Sexguides are paid ads so you don't get the desperate whore that need to feed their kid or get some blow.
The government was going to shut down several websites if they did not remove all sexual ads. They monitor everything since Trump took office.
Looks good but not really for US
>They monitor everything since Trump took office.
Dude, don't turn this into that. They've always been monitoring everything. They invented the internet AND the dark web. Let's all just find and enjoy some 'hos
i don´t know op,where´s your mom?
Any good site for 817
Locanto has potential but not much happening there yet
thats why it needs to be posted. Its pretty good here in Oz. I can get my dick sucked on the reg.
Green text your last win
An escort would be better
Escort, hooker
Tomato, tomoto
I miss backpage
Except for the Asian bait and switch, it's pretty good
Bump doods
Is it safe to assume any asian girls are fake as fuck?
Bump b/ros don't let me down
if you lived in Canada all good, this shit is legal so very easy to find.
Bumping with you bro