GF of 10 months just broke up with me. She says she still cares for me and wants to be "friends"...

GF of 10 months just broke up with me. She says she still cares for me and wants to be "friends", but she just doesn't feel in love with me. Wat do?

Attached: q7k0p0s.jpg (601x508, 49K)

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Keep in touch and don't push it. Maybe she will get to want you back. Don't do anything stupid. Telling you from experience.

Get the fuck away from her. This means she wants you to be her emotional tampon but wants to be able to fuck other dudes

Call her a dumb cunt and move on

Attached: 1549284909636s.jpg (125x125, 4K)

I back this

Get big, get better looking, fuck more bitches and act like you never even wanted her to begin with. She'll regret her decision and want you back, and if shes too prideful to admit it you won't care, because after a couple good nuts from good pussy you'll forget all that lovey dovey fag shit

best thing you can do is move on, if being friends works then it works, it could be possible she could fall back in love with you, but I wouldn't count on it

This works like clock work.
This work for me, my 3 years gf broke up with me and this video save me


Why is this even an issue? Is she the literal messia? There's other women.

She wants to keep you around as her personal cuck while she fucks Chad.

Move on and forget about her

Hi beta


Embrace the pain, listen to sad/profound songs and hit the ground running. If you are like me you'll just walk into another god damned relationship in another year or work out, improve yourself, play video games, whatever...just be your own individual and some broad will eventually come along and break you down again lol but the pussy though.

Move on. Focus on work, practice your hobbies, hang out with friends, and eventually you get a fuck buddy or a new gf

Nah. If you put yourself im that scenario and bet on getting laid, its on you for sticking around.

Definitely drop her though. Whether or not she's manipulative, its not gonna make for a healthy heal for you to keep orbitting her. Just cut your losses and get on like everyone else does.

Srsly OP she wants to fuck the chad she’s been talking to and if it doesn’t work out then she’ll have you to fall back on cause you, the beta nice guy, will always be there for her

There's nothing to do... You're doomed man. That's like the worst thing that could ever happen, and you did it. You really fucked up now. You're life's ruined amd you aren't taking us down with you.

It was 10 months calm down faggot

definitely fucking drop her

Being "friends" is something girls do because they think it's nice. It's actually hurtful and very self-centered, they don't want to feel bad for hurting you so they give you some scraps while getting railed by whoever else they want. And how dare you have feelings about that? They clearly said they just wanted to be friends now, you're the asshole. It's a no win bro, cut ties, get some space, be polite and a man about things but never give her an ounce of control over you again.

Listen OP.
She may have likely cheated on you already.
I think she "tested the waters" to make before your breakup.
Don't talk to her dude.
Success is the best revenge.

Love is like farts.
If you have to force it, most likely it's shit.

Wish her good luck, don't make a big deal about it, play it cool. Use no energy on her whatsoever, be sad for a week, then pick yourself up and work on yourself for your own benefit. Don't let it affect you in a negative way.
She can't be your friend, doesn't work in the vast majority of cases, and you don't want to be hanging around with her while she's talking about other guys.
Healthiest thing for you is to wish her luck and cut off all contact, delete her from social media, delete her number, and block her if she persists.
If you have to see her in a common environment, like university or around town, or shared friends, just treat her as you would a mild acquaintance, say hello, be polite, don't spend any energy on her whatsoever.
The quicker you cut contact, the sooner you heal and the faster you regain your confidence. Take control of your life.
Move on, speak with other girls, keep your options open. When you meet a new girl you like, then just go for it. Might take a few months before you feel like it, that's normal.
Guaranteed if she sees you speaking with another girl a month from now, she'll suddenly try to seduce you. Don't let her, she wants to keep you strung along as a "friend" while she does whatever she wants.

Best post.

Fuck bitches.
Man up OP quit being a soy boy millennial snowflake.

You had your fun, hopefully you fucked the bitch, now go out there, fuck another one and get her out of your system. This is what MEN do.

Fuck this generation is a bunch of pussies.