What could cause a kid to think their trans?

What could cause a kid to think their trans?

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They're children, their minds aren't fully developed.

being gay and effeminate

Bad parenting

Their parents vaccinated them.

Your parents must have fucked up real bad then user, cause you're a MASSIVE faggot

Don Cheadle

hysterically stupid parents overreacting to normal kid behaviour. Online groups reinforcing their delusions. Medical "professionals" taking advantage of them.

Not being fully developed doesn't mean you don't know what you want to be. I mean people don't just wake up one day and realize they wanna be a girly boy. It's more like they always felt that way and were never developed enough to admit or seek it out.

And 30 years ago it wasn't even an option. Just a quick way to get your ass beat.

Hollywood stereotypes and propaganda confusing children as to what gender rolls actually look like, i.e. the aggressive hairy brute male who isn't allowed to have feelings, and the sparkly beautiful nobile princess. If they understood that those stereotypes had nothing to do with reality, the title of trans would be reserved for people with a legitimate disability.

Where I am from those stereotypes are the norm.

Genetic mutation

imagine going to do cocaine with this dude. hed bump the whole packet in one sniff.

>butthurt trap detected

being trans, usually

Abuse, or thinking the solution to their problem is just switching genders.

the same thing that makes them think they're a dinosaur.

Having a mental disorder

If you wanna know the real answer: gender dysphoria


I dunno. What causes a kid to think anything? A mystery we'll never know.

fucked up fetishes and effect of media i.e (current year)

loneliness triggers new fetishes to spark up in our brain so in a way loneliness I guess? Being a fucking loser is in the same category too

parental abuse.

most of the time you'll notice a sibling of the other gender being the mom's favorite, or the mom hating the kid's gender (aka being a raging femninazi)
or it's wishful thinking, kid says he'd like to be a girl, would forget about it the next day if he had normal parents but the idiots start shoving girly thing at him and he has no choice but to roll with it as it's what his parents want and (consciously or not) show him is the best

now that i think about it, are there any documented cases of FtM transchilds?

Everyone in this thread is a retarded edgelord lol read a book

It's a fucking fad.

Child abuse.

They reach that conclusion

People overlook this and complicate it but it’s all very simple.

Either they’re gay or it’s their ego.

Because dressing as the opposite sex is silly and embarrassing, it takes full commitment to label yourself as a “transsexual”, which is the only reason seen as appropriate for a person to dress as the opposite sex.

That’s the foundation of it. It’s undeniable but people will always overcomplicate it.

>protect trans kid
pffffffffffffffffffffffffff what are this world anymore

Attached: u fukin srs m8.gif (300x218, 1.46M)

>to think their trans
to think their trans what?

and how do you own a trans?

retarded parents

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>most of the time you'll notice a sibling of the other gender being the mom's favorite, or the mom hating the kid's gender (aka being a raging femninazi)
doesnt make sense

my mom was physically abusive from time to time yet i was still the "most paid attention to" cuz i was the youngest of 6 kids. my dad died when i was 8 etc. choked and assaulted from time to time by 1 brother etc. 2 others have other issues but theyre mostly alright other than 1 bugging for money from me all the time. sister was my favourite person as a kid and we did all sorts of fun stuff but my gender WAS NEVER AFFECTING ANYTHING in my treatment. i always got to be myself. i didnt even make a conscious decision to grow my hair out when i was 10 years old. it all just happened slowly and over time and here i am.

Its parents.

if you are saying you're trans then die

lmao nobody cares and if you do especially on b youre the worst faggot of all of us



regardless, you got abused, had no good male role model and ended up trans apparently?

sure you can make your assumptions and act like youre some sort of professional in developmental psychology regarding transsexuality which no one is really a professional at regarding zero conclusive/repeatable studies with how being transgender relates to upbringing and early childhood events.


When did you choose not to be trans?

still they are a degenerate, that's all that matters

well you dont really have any objective opinion on that other than your own subjective one

Being bored, wanting to be special in a world where famous people are so celebrated. It's the same thing as when I was 14 I gauged my ears. If I could have, I would go back and not do it. That's why it's hilarious when the parents let the kids do the hormone therapy. Those kids will hate their parents with a passion if they don't kill themselves before their 18th birthdays.

Being pussified with a bad upbringing