Would you breed?
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You are literally a faggot if you wouldn't.
And her?
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yes. i’ve dated only black girls, fucking love cumming in them
Have you gotten any pregnant?
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Sorry, I'm not into bestiality.
probably, i fucked a couple then never spoke to them, moved town since
A plump, fertile ebony sow aching to be COLONIZED
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It's their true purpose to bear white seed
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You're just as much as a degenerate, race-mixing traitor as the stupid nigger loving girls.
It sure is for her
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Nit only would I breed, I'd raise that child!
I like black girls without this whole race thing, I don't even want kids, man
>doing things I enjoy instead of following some arbitrary code of ethics/morals since 1983
fuck. i’d want her carrying my baby
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But it's a bunch of ugly niggers. How can you enjoy that when you could be impregnating pretty white girls instead?
She's a white baby factory
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>pretty white girls
kek ok. just look at far better looking
Yeah, I am white and I only want to have sex with black chicks.
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Would you?
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3 to my knowledge
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Looks like a gorilla to me. Bestiality is wrong, you sick fuck.
Obviously a white roastie mad at how quickly she's becoming irrelevant
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Have more then
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Bet it smells like a horse that ran a mile with some pig slop thrown in. YUCK!
Fuck u!
White girls can't compete!
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looks even better with a baby in her
Everyone calls these black women "white baby factories" but wouldn't the offspring be mulattos, aka half white?
dubs of truth
but if the black girl has some white genes in her, the baby could turn out fine
White dad = white baby
Black dad = black/mulatto/metizo baby
Is not that hard plebs
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Nigga the womb belongs to a black woman, it's still mixed unless the woman herself is mixed already
She definitely fucks white boys.
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Wrong, black wombs belong to white men.
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Of course yeah!
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Wrong fucka
When's the last time you picked up a biology textbook? The race of the father determines the race of the child. Basic genetics.
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What?! Are you fucking retarded
Based and patronpilled
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Lurk more fag
They'll tell ya
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She keeps fucking white dick like that and that bell's sure to swell
Details/greentext? How did you find out your seed took?
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Literally perfect, usually hate tattos buuuttt holy fuck
Post more of her if you got it
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Of fucking course. At this point I'm so sexually frustrated I'd breed any girl with a decent bod.
That's exactly what she wants. That white cock is getting milked of every last bit of seed it can pump out.
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Tons of hot creampie nudes inside.