Be me

>be me
>has been in love with this girl all through high school
>we're seniors now
>too much of a coward to say anything to her
she's so beautiful

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more pics of this goddess

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i love beating off to this one

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She has downs.

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At best she makes you happy for a short while then she makes you want to kill yourself. Just get laid and stop pining over some dumb cunt.


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only have more selfies of her :(

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Dont put her on a pedistal OP, I know that can be hard, but just make her equal to you. Im sure she takes some smell shits, and bet she leaves tp pieces behind when she wipes. Good luck with this slut.

thank you user. it's hard

Life is hell. Get your ass in gear dont yeet your meet in such a creepy manner and improve thyself until she likes you back. also try and find out if she likes you back. Even if she doesnt, the pain is temporary and youll be able to move on in time.

Life is hell and youll get to heaven in time.

You have to say something or you’ll regret it the rest of your life.. step up!


Great fucking advice. You're a senior, make a move on her this summer if you can otherwise go fuck some hs girls while you still can


If you Confess your feelings you have a shot if you don’t then you don’t

i ask myself this everyday

thats a man

Yeah user stop being a pussy, you don't lose anything, go and get her faggot

Fuck ten other girls as soon as possible and forget this ugly slut.
Don't waste your precious years waiting to get friendzoned or dumped by this little shithole.

Keep doing nothing, I'm sure it'll work out for you.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

You ain't got nothing to lose, if she says no, she says no, at least you can move on

You are such a betacuck it hurts reading your story.
Just find and fuck another girl!

Grow a pair.

Bro don't ask her out... If it ain't white, it ain't right

she's a latina with an ass i am not picking a white girl over her

Okay, maybe I jumped the gun a bit....
Look I'm sure you will be fine, just strike up a few conversations, try and be a bit funny (not cheesy funny) and if she's Latina try and ask about her culture

What have you got to lose? I know you might love her, but judging by every thing that I've seen, you are just in the midst of young love. Even if you don't get her, you will be okay after awaymeind... Sure it might scar you heart and make you resentful but it makes you a better man ::)

(Said the man who instantly started with a racial response) fuck my life is shit.

Get some confidence, ask her for a drink (coffee in your case I guess), talk to her about her culture, research her culture, and try to be a funny guy, but never, I mean never, become a pushover, you need to stand your ground sometimes, girls love a guy that take a stand on things

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i might just try that. we have mutual friends and we're making a spring break trip all together soon so i might make a move on eher then

:') hey man it's all good. I seriously appreciate this. I hadn't thought about searching up her heritage (she's Honduran) and I think that might be a good place to start.

I'll be asking her out for a green smoothie or some shit since she watches her calories. I hope you have a great day!

While your girl in question isn't my type I suggest you go for it.

I know a guy that was crushing a girl hardcore in high school and now about six years after we graduated he still brings her up every time I see him.

rejection is better than wondering what could have been.

No worries, I hope it all goes well for you.

Just go to Mexico and fuck another cheap and more beautiful girl there before the wall is built.

gimme her number, I'll take her off your hands

Spring break with a group..perfect. Everyone is tipsy, flirt with her and see what happens

Wait, wait has anybody reversed this shit yet? Cant stand larpers.

Yeah watch her fuck 5 other drunken chads in 5 days.
It will be the time of your life!

Who cares.
He will burn in tell anyway.

checks out via google reverse. ill try bing maybe we can find her social media and help the kid out

do it!

trying, don't worry op, ive saved all the images, ill do what i can to find her, and then your Yea Forumsros will make her fall for you.

she doesn't have social media, just a private instagram that I don't even follow, just her girl friends, which is where I got these from. One of my friends took screenshots and sent them in our groupchat.

whats her insta

post it

Thanks, instangram made things a little eaiser.

LMFAO you guys are crazy and will probably torture the poor thing.

nah man Yea Forumsros stick together

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nah we're here to help OP, remember?

Need more sock pics

what the fuck

alex is this you?

Her insta is katiecherry

alex are you fucking posting pictures of me on fucking Yea Forums

Grow a pair and ask her out, you pussy

Be a chad, have fun

alex are you kidding me???? who was sending screenshots??

Leave it for a decade or so - let her get all the fucking she's going to be doing in her 20s out of her system first.

Once she's all washed up, if you get your timing right you can become her baby daddy 'will do because I'm not getting any younger' guy.

based on these thot pics... I bet a gang of college boys have already mashed every hole on her young body. Too late, champ.

Help me out Yea Forumsros we have have a fellow user that will make a great life mistake by not asking out his highschool love. Use these images, and lets make love happen!!!

She has a dangerously high proportion of nigga genes.


nobody is taking the bait, take a hint

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nice try lol, she doesn't even know what Yea Forums is.

Bruh she got raw beef in that air vent. She's a keeper.

ignore the fag any more info to help tho?

It's important to remember that women are not people. They are just cum receptacles, op. Walking, talking, cum receptacles. So you have to ask yourself, what value does a cum receptacle that won't let YOU cum in it provide you?

I love this cum receptacle though LMFAO

I would fuck some beautiful girls and not this shitskin.

her insta was ccloudpaintt but apparently she isn't using that anymore?

is she a virgin tho?

she had a boyfriend for almost 2 years so I don't think so...

thats a lot of time I fucked my girls first year

How can you love an inanimate object that does not perform its primary function? Would you love a toaster that couldn't toast bread? Would you love a remote control that couldn't change the channel? Of course not. Then why would you ever love a woman/cum receptacle that is not currently or has not previously drained the cum from your testicles?

yeah they broke up around 4 months ago or so?


I love this cum receptacle from afar.

But I totally get what you mean...

thats lust not love m8
love is when you both click after dating

maybe we'll click once I can actually carry a conversation with her

maybe but dont beat yourself up if shes just a fucking normie

>in love
>litteral Dora the Explorer

also as an added note ask her out when you are both having fun if shes laughing/smiling at you do it

id explore that dora

careful bitches with instas tend to be trash I mean the way shes posing out for the world to see her is what a thot do

nah it's a "girls only" insta, a bunch of guys at our school try following it but she never lets any of them

our friends also tell her she looks like bea from Fish Hooks and she gets so mad lollll

What girl her age doesn’t have an insta

time stamp and a selfie or you're lying.

Focus on the eyebrows if you want to get over your obsession with her.

If you do that she's only about an 8.6/10

Good luck op

what is she when you don't focus on the brows ?

Fuckin' tell her then. Trust me, you'll wish you did.

not everyone is a vapid whore
and yet one of the dudes got a hold of some pics hmmmmmmmmm pretty sure they only want chads to see it was a girl that sent it into our gc....

the plot thickens why did she do it

she's not a really good friend to the girl I'm posting about in all honesty. One of my friends paid for her to send in the gc

SHE'S 18 I SWEAR I know her bday and everything

The girl who sent it to you wants the D. Focus on her instead. Get a win under your belt. Then, that'll maybe make this girl jealous. Women can smell desperation. You will literally never fuck this girl until you no longer give a fuck. Then they throw pussy at you.

Ok there bud, your secret is safe with me

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I guesssss I'll focus on another girl

She's like a 5/10, you can totally lock that down user. Just show a little back bone.

Absolute worst scenario is she says no and you never see here again since you're seniors and never were going to anyway.

11/10 to me but yeah, I'm gonna be more forward.

I honestly have nothing to lose you're right

any new thread with any kind of personalised content or anything real to talk about is being deleted within minutes, despite having active posters.
any cuck/trap/faggot/generic thread shit stays up for hours and is constantly bumped by bots.
take a look at the page p.Yea
They are beta testing for a pay-to-post format on this site.

Also, just find ways to spend more time with her, talk with her, ask her questions about herself and when she answers, tell her an equal amount about yourself.
Make it clear that you like her, don't spurge out and say you love her and have always loved her, just show that you like her.
Do it now, because if you wait, she'll be gone and you'll always regret not telling her, and still be thinking about her 10 years from now.
If she rejects you, be cool about it, and then spend your energy and time on other girls.

That's a hairy footed hobbit, you sick fuck

Cool server.

2000 members
Not cool