Thinking of buying this car, I can't really afford it and I know it'll go wrong but look at it...

Thinking of buying this car, I can't really afford it and I know it'll go wrong but look at it... If you had the option to buy on an impulse would you?

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I would buy the new supra looks way better than this and it aint even that good looking ,way cheaper to!

It's used, I can pick it up for about £3000

if its 3000k go for it ,hope you got money for repair s do !

Remember this OP, it is a FIAT car with a prostitute dress

This is the thing, cam belt and water pump go at 80k miles, but you can pick the up with them done maybe 110k, I just can't get over how good it looks

carfag here and have never seen this

what is it?

180 bhp in the smallest engine, £225 tax

Alfa romeo brera

What kind of Yurofag trashmobile is this?

This one was £2k

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try to find a convertible user it will be worth it!!! :(

>Alfa romeo.

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They don't do convertible, the roof is glass

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Are you a dude or a chick?

Oh fuck I want

I'm a guy, my fiance wants one of those new city bug alfas she doesn't like the back of the brera

Look how sexy it looks whit the hood down

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That's a spider I think, probably voted one of the best looking cars ever

You have the motor for this price ? that smell bad

JTS or JTD ?

They go for as cheap as 2k, I've seen on for £1500, I know picking one up for 3k it's going to go wrong... Eventually but I don't want it as a workhorse, its going to be a weekend car

It's clearly a chick car, and ugly as well.

Undecided, if I found the v6 for cheap enough I'd never ever sell it, id give it to my kids, I can't see it going down in value

garbage money pit. Just a toyota or a honda.

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Yeah but look at it you can't deny it's pretty

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hideous front. too narrow

>eurocucks pay taxes based on engine displacement

i can't hear you over the sound of all these V8 engines

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I'd rather have my dick chopped off before I get into an Alpha Romero LUL

Most states do it by hp

Yeah i'd buy it, it looks cool but it's a shitty italian car. I'd only buy it just to have one more problem on my hands. But how the fuck you can't afford it? It's a cheap shit.

Then tell her to fuckin buy it. You aren’t responsible for her shitty decisions yet.

>Mutt detected

White cars are for chicks where I'm from. I understand there are places without that prejudice. The red convertible is sexy though.

You find an amazing thing, you yearn for it, save for it, obsess over it. When you get it life is awesome, everyone is jealous, it completes you. 1 year later, you are back to where you were. Its just a thing, it solved nothing.

If it's just a tool, you won't be there 1 year later.
If it's more than just a tool, and it's like a hobby or something, that's the point. Get it. 1 year later mod it, 2 year later mod it again, 3 year later mod it again, and so on. Never gets boring.

You're fine calm down. Faggots drive chick cars too. Faggots with poor taste drive that.

No. It's an ugly car.
