The Second Amendment is obsolete, faggots

The Second Amendment is obsolete, faggots.

If you think it has any relevance to the modern world, your high school history class failed you.

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>guaranteed replies

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Too bad the supreme court disagrees and their 2008 ruling in Heller v DC will be precedent for decades.

tl;dr you lost

interesting articl but no

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enjoy the (((You)))

yeah,well hey supreme court.why dont you do something about trump's bump stock ban.oh right,republicans only care when a democrat is threatening the 2nd ammendment


Bump stocks are gay. Just get a conversion kit.

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The 2008 DC v Heller ruling specifically protected guns that are "in common use" and struck down a handgun ban in washington DC. Likely, bumpstocks would be found to not be in common use and therefore could be banned. I don't think they should be banned, but their ban is probably in compliance with the ruling. Whereas, banning the AR-15, which is the most common semiauto centerfire rifle in America and therefore is in "common use," would likely not hold up in court.

to my knowledge,bump stocks seemed like a cheaper way to convert an ar 15 to fully personally? id rather have some sort of burst fire,how much are conversion kits because im eventually going to buy an ar 15 in the future

i know there's another way to convert an ar 15 to fully auto.but it seemed expensive as fuck and bump stocks seemed like a cheaper way.but i guess trump decided to show how liberal he was and ban them

I'm not quite sure you can find them online, but you'll probably need a permit to legally own one.

what exactly are they called? just conversion kits?

It was a cheaper method, but personally I'd only want a fully auto to play around with out in the country. They just seem like a waste of ammunition imo. I'd rather have a nice shotgun

Look up drop in sear

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That too heh

post some links of something thats an alternative to a bump stock that i can convert an ar 15 to some sort of burst fire

i guess i just figured bump stocks were the less expensive way to do it.since ive heard you can legally convert an ar 15 to fully auto.but its expensive as fuck

Okay libtard

Well if you have any sort of machine experience you could just make your own drop-in sear pretty cheaply. There's tons of videos that show you how to convert an ar15

Are you idiots on the left trying to be killed? Because that's whats going to happen. Please ban guns, I want to kill all you soyboy faggots that hate freedom. Suck my dick and move to europe if you like faggotry. Because it's not going to end well for you.

It's not a threat, it's a promise. Even faggot pigs would be on our side. Watch your entire world flash by in an instant when someone like me places you on your knees and fires two shots in the back of your skull.

I have one of these but it needs maintenance. I think it's semi auto. good enough

>bump stock ban
thinking this is something
he banned a piece of shit.
so what?

yeah,i dont know still wondering if its worth getting an ar 15 to begin really only wanting to use it for small apartment/self defense.would it be better to just get a glock or would an ar 15 still be useful,ive always thought ar 15's were pretty cool.i know they have pistol versions of both ar 15 and ak 47 to

Echo triggers are a drop=in replacement that fires when you pullthe trigger and again when you release it. This allows a high rate of accurate fire, almost like full auto but much more precise.

>seemed like a cheaper way to convert an ar 15 to fully auto
sure kid

Nice I wouldn't mind owning one myself. I just have a hand gun and an antique 22 rifle so far

>legally convert an ar 15 to fully auto
sorry kid no you can't

Holy fucking kek tough guy!

>just make your own drop-in sear pretty cheaply.
that would be against the law

>Please ban guns
then he asks to have his dick sucked

really? i mean,ive heard of a way but its expensive as fuck

It's really up to your personal preference. I just have a 9mm for home defense.

Yeah you can

The left is weird and full of soy cum and should not be taken seriously

sure kid

although,maybe ill rephrase it.doesnt have to be complete fully auto.just some sort of burst fire along with semi auto.if there's a legal way to do this then what is it

Not if you register it, and have the right permits

I don't understand. You're saying that YOU are really the only threat to people's well-being. People need to be armed to protect themselves from you?

Weird argument.

why don't you go jerk off or something else that is more suited to you.

The second amendment exists to protect freedom from tyrants.
Choose a side or be a cuck.

sure kid

there is no legal way

it still would be against the law

Found the faggot liberal

Go fuck yourself retard

im being serious though,ive always thought ar 15's were pointless because its only legal to fire in semi auto

Whatever you say dumb dumb

>the 2nd ammendment

yeah,well both obama and trump have took a giant shit on the 2nd there's that

Throughout history people have always fought for more rights and freedoms. Now, for some reason, this generation is fighting to have them taken away.

>False gun

The Ruger sp101 is not hammerless.

You can if you are an SOT (special occupational tax) which is a classification of a FFL (federal firearms license), otherwise NO you cannot. Any machine gun made after 1986 is not legal to transfer to a civilian and you can't make new ones.

Do you realize how quickly you can fire a semiauto if you have some skill and a good trigger? You don't need full auto. Look up 3 gun competition videos. Semi auto is PLENTY of firepower.

You must hold an FFL07+SOT license as a machine gun manufacturer to build a full-auto gun from scratch or convert an existing firearm. That has been the case since May 19, 1986.

There is no legal way for a private citizen to do this as the machine gun registry was closed on the date above thus preventing anyone from registered a machine gun made after that date. Any attempt to manufacture a full-auto firearm of any type without a manufacturing license (which a private citizen cannot get as a non-business entity), whether or not you succeed, is a felony.

maybe its just personal preferance then.i find assault rifles to not be worth it unless you can fire in some sort of burst mode,BUT with that being said.ive never actually fired an ar 15,they've just always seemed kinda cool to me

i know they have pistol versions of both ar 15's and ak 47's that seemed cool to

I'd be willing to give up that the 2nd amendment is obsolete if people would agree that freedom of press has gone way beyond its original intentions and is equally obsolete and even dangerous to democracy.

Just don't get caught then. Also there are only 10 states that don't allow the ownership of said weapons.

also,ive seen people at gun ranges firing draco's(ak 47 pistol)in fully i dont know,maybe its legal to do it at a gun range but not if you actually own one?

or is it because ar 15 and ak 47 pistols arent technically considered assault rifles so maybe its legal to do it

>this generation is fighting to have them taken away

I think very few are "fighting" for that to actually happen. For the vast majority, this is just mud to sling as they cheer for their team. Politics is really just a team sport to your average peasant. And the politicians on both sides don't want guns to go away. It's much more valuable as an active issue. It gets people riled up and voting.

I love how you have some opinion about burst vs semiauto and you haven't even shot an AR-15 before. Let me guess, you think burst fire is useful because you've played video games before? Jesus christ you people are retarded. Shoot a gun before you form an opinion, you idiot. You know nothing.

It's a great way to make money too

It's in no way obsolete. The reason it was implemented in the first place was because during the days leading up to the Revolutionary War, and even during it, the British Army was attempting to systematically disarm the population so they could not rebel. Like most of the rest of the Bill of Rights, it is a direct response to the Intolerable Acts, or the other actions of the British that led to the revolution in the first place. It's there to ensure that this government cannot go the way of the one the Founding Fathers just overthrew... and that's the high school history that YOU failed.

Before you go asking about full auto conversions, I suggest you learn about the difference between fully automatic and semi-automatic..

Bump stocks don't turn a semi auto rifle into a full auto.. it merely increases the rate at which it fires. A conundrum in terms, I know, but that's how the ATF words things. An automatic rifle allows for more than one round to be fired per trigger pull, and that operation is to be actuated strictly by the design of the weapon. A bump stock doesn't allow a weapon to be fired more than once per trigger pull, it merely increases the rate of fire by intercepting the pressure of the finger and hand of the operator. Also, I think it's stupid as fuck. May be fun at the range, but I wouldn't buy one just to experience 'faster firing'.

I think that's why he's asking about it there buddy

>For the vast majority, this is just mud to sling as they cheer for their team.

This. And I'd argue that the motivation for those people isn't out of the desire to do good, but to simply cause pain to people that cheer for the other team. Even if it just means making guns more of a pain in the ass to buy, they would smile knowing that people they disagree with are having to go through that.

Unless you have select-fire capability, ie. the ability to fire more than one round per actuation of the trigger, then it isn't an assault rifle, by definition.

yeah,my opinion is valid though.its an assault rifle,i can see if it was considered a pistol or a shotgun.but assault rifle to me,is either fully auto or burst fire

Lol, wut

so what are ar 15's and ak 47's considered then.because ive always considered them assault rifles and ive always heard them being refered to as assault rifles

second amendment avocation discord

They're just rifles.

>i find assault rifles to not be worth it unless you can fire in some sort of burst mode

Literally no one uses burst/auto on rifles. Even the military. The application is only for suppression and the usage is rare. Very rare. Semiauto is used on assault rifles 99% of the time. Much more controllable, more accurate, and you don't need full auto to put 4 rounds on a guy at close range in less than a second, you can do that already in semi with a good light trigger.

Sorry but I don’t read. The president doesn’t so why should I?

AR-15 is not full auto so it's not an assault rifle.

Assault rifles are by definition select fire. The M16 is an assault rifle. The AR-15 is not.

They are simply semiautomatic, magazine fed rifles firing an intermediate cartridge. People who call them "assault rifles" don't know what they are talking about, because the term has a legal definition that requires select-fire capability.

BTW, the "AR" in AR15 stands for Armalite Rifle, the company that originally developed the design before selling it to Colt.

AR15s are no different from the wooden stock rifles you see at walmart. The only difference is they have scary black plastic military-looking parts on them that know-nothings see and come to the conclusion that they are "machine guns".

second amendment loving discord


You don’t think Diane Feinstein wants to chip away at the 2nd amendment?

>Throughout history people have always fought for more rights and freedoms. Now, for some reason, this generation is fighting to have them taken away.

Almost right. I'd say those Russians circa 1917 fought pretty hard not to have any liberty or rights and to ceed it all to the government.

You can bob the hammer dude...

Your dick is obsolete.

It will never go away because the opponents of it can't fight. If they pass the law everyone will resist and there will be a massive civil war/blood bath and it will be incredibly one sided.

>You don’t think Diane Feinstein wants to chip away at the 2nd amendment?

Not really. I think she would rather be opposed and have guns as a talking point in future political fights. If democrats truly wanted to strip gun rights they could have done it many times, most recently in 2008 and 2009.

Bro go to /k/. I understand you want a home defense weapon, but in an apartment, I'd strongly advise against an AR or an AK even in pistol format. There's plenty of reasons, but don't use anything you learn on Yea Forums to justify a purchase that you'll risk your life on.

Go to a range, rent various pistols and see how they fit your hand. Lurk moar. If you can't get a good fit for your hand, it doesn't matter what you're shooting; you won't hit it. Find what fits your hand and your budget. Shoot as often as you can. Realize that all rounds fired at a home intruder may not stop in his body; do you want to risk shooting through cheap drywall and hitting your neighbors kid? Also realize that during a home intrusion, everything is against you; you'll be in shock. It'll be dark. You'll be scared. All these things will affect your aim. Personally, I'd recommend a pump action shotgun with a flashlight and laser. 12G, with very short-term like 1.5 or 2 inch shells- because that's lethal at 20 feet but not much further than that. Having a long weapon with flashlight will help keep the weapon in your hands if they close the distance. Shotgun spread means your range of error is much smaller. There's plenty of info out there, user- read up. Please don't walk into a gun shop and throw down $450 and say 'gimme a glock'.

This. AR is not the best thing for home defense. But the correct answer for when someone asks why you want an AR should be "because they are legal and I want them." No justification required. If you want to wallpaper your house in AR15s, fucking go for it.

>what is a wire coat hanger

ok glow nigger

I'm a 15th prestige in blops IV ok I know a thing or 2 about guns ok

They know it would be impossible to enforce.

Agreed. And this guy gets it. This is 'murica. You don't need a reason to own an AR, or any small arm for that matter, aside from 'because freedom'. But I don't want you to use the wrong weapon for the wrong application, only to keep you out of legal trouble for putting a rifle round into your neighbors bedroom. I wouldn't hunt deer with a derringer- not because it's illegal, but because it's stupid and reckless. I won't use one of my AR's or AK's for home defense either, for the exact same reason- I've got other firearms better suited for my home defense.

Hoo boyyy, let me guess, you think 5.56 penetrates more drywall than 9mm or 00 buckshot, right champ?

>AR is not the best thing for home defense

That's entirely debatable. There are good justifications for all sorts of different guns and it is entirely dependent on where you live, what kind of house you live in, the construction of the walls, who you live with, etc. Making random generic statement just makes you look stupid. The AR-15 is the "best" gun for some people.

I still have my guns and there's nothing you can do about it faggot.

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Post a timestamp faggot. Otherwise this is just cringe.

No, I know that 9mm actually penetrates base drywall more than the 5.56. but they don't make rounds specifically for indoor use for the AR or the AK (aside from frangible rounds, which don't provide the wound channels that a regular jacketed round does), but I do know that they make abbreviated shotgun shells that are designed to be fatal across the room but not much further than that. Again, I've advised the fella to do his own research and take nothing to heart here on Yea Forums
>All stories are autistic works of fiction
and make his purchase based on an educated decision. I prefer pump action. That doesn't mean my 870 or 500 is wrong or right, but that configuration works great for me.

Yep. I don't think people realize how thin of a material drywall is. Larger ammo goes through it like it's tissue paper and you get into some liability issues when you murder your neighbors.

Yeah was referring to the apartment dwellers in some of the posts I was responding to but I did not specify.

Well there's studs and other stuff in drywall, but some recent articles really opened my eyes in regards to what rounds penetrated drywall- most pistol calibers can punch through 8 layers of drywall. That really blew my mind, but I've seen the evidence first hand.

She is responsible for the federal assault weapons ban of 1994, and she’s introduced a number of gun control bills since (one just last month). Regardless of her motive, she is most certainly trying to disarm the American public.

Since I'm not american I'm probably incredibly biased against guns, but at this point the whole gun situation is just hopeless anyways.

Too many guns in circulation (especially criminals hands) to effectively try to enforce a ban on them.

But on the other hand the second amendment seems partly obsolete, seeing how forming a citizen militia against foreign invaders or any form of internal force would be rather pointless in the modern age.

And seeing how europe is fucked aswell, it's not like no guns worked out either.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

Why are conservatives so desperate for civil war, and violence?
They are literally begging to fight with people.

it's because they know that society is moving forward and the only option they have is using physical force and violence, truly authoritarian retard thinking.

but it's sad because they won't even do that. To lazy and afraid to leave their homes.

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What do you mean, fairly pointless..? The same reason there's valleys in Afghanistan that no American or Russian was able to conquer is because of a 50 year old farmer and his 60 years old rifle was more than enough of a match on his familiar territory.

I think any force that tries to invade the Midwest is gonna have some issues holding the territory.

I think he means that the US government has nukes (they’d never use them).

Well, lets say the chinks invade you. Ever met one of em? They have the morale compass of a toddler with magnifying glasses, they would just bomb the shit out of the midwest.

Afghanistan and Russia are different because their opponents aka we actually stick to the rules of war. They won't do us that favor though.

>and their 2008 ruling in Heller v DC will be precedent until we get a few more agenda pushing fuckwits like RGB in.

Fixed that for you.

Ever heard of Pearl Harbour?

Hey dipshit, 2nd amendment groups have already started challenges to the bumpstock ban

oh really? doubt it,since there's literally no outrage from the republican party over it.have fun with your trump guy,he's did more in under a year then obama accomplished in 8 years

What you call moving forward is a recipe for fucking up the country

No it would not. You just have to pay the $500 a year for a class 3 permit. Then you can legally own a full auto or selective fire.

Read that and stop being such a fucking retard

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No, just fucking no you stupid fuck, stop talking out of your ass

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>stop being a retard

im not a retard,just a guy who has watched republicans for 8 years fight obama whenever he even mentioned something about gun control sit with their thumbs up their ass's while donald trump decides to pass executive orders that involve gun control.what a shame,guess you cant trust republicans or democrats to support our constitutional rights

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and even then,they dont seem to care when donald trump golfs every fucking weekend or signs executive orders.obama was called a tyrant for this,pretty fuckin pathetic if you ask me.guess its time to vote for another party,because the republican party isnt what it used to be.ill take a 3rd term of george w bush over donald fucking trump anyday

That's gonna be a lot of carpet bombing, but I'll run with your theory.

The Midwest has a surplus of corn and beans every year- and China (most of Asia, really) buys the shit out of our trash seeds, because they can't grow enough food to support themselves. So why would they invade the US? What's their motive? To just remove us as a threat, or to capitalize on whatever political issues are and they seek to capture our farms for themselves? Either way, carpet bombing wasn't effective in the 'stans, and it won't be effective here. It'll have to be a ground occupation, and that means Chinese forces will have to get over two mountain ranges and hold their supply lines the entire time to even maintain a foothold. Unfortunately, there isn't a nation who's civilians are as armed as the United States and demonstrated their capability at repelling an invading force. I do still think the american rednecks represent a massive 'x' factor in any plans for invading America. We may not function at all, or it may be a full on Red Dawn. I don't know enough to make a compelling argument, but whatever the Chinese want with America won't come cheap.

That's not how it works... That's not how any of this works.

One of the greatest pics I've ever seen thank you.

In theory. What would happen if you just found a full auto machine gun in the attic?
Some serial numbers on it and a date stamped in it
Maybe even witout numbers stamped on it?

This is all just a theory though. im sure nothing like this would ever happen.

lmao, you think I'm going to read your article you bitch? Please. I'd be willing to have a conversation with you but by opening up your thread with a derogatory term I doubt you want anything other than baited comments. Here ya go.

Why don't you try reading actual SUPREME COURT CASES you absolute fucking retarded imbecile. The SUPREME COURT decides what the 2d Amendment means you dumbshit. God you are so fucking stupid and retarded. Fucking kys.

It's legal to own a firearm, are you mad bro?

Go fuck yourself, Ivan. You aren't treading on me you POS.