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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm high sorry daddy

I have stolen nudes from my cousin pic related I don't regret it. I want more
Also like incest in my porn but don't want to fuck or something like that my family members irl

Sometimes I wonder what it'll look like if I violently kill someone or something cute like a young animal

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I dont plan on trying, im waiting for the moment when life gets too hard and end myself

Ask the Lord for forgiveness, so you may have help fighting the devils plague.

My sister had to get her stomach pumped and this drink thing to clean out her intestines from the shit cookies I made. Dad and I got to go home since I had school, but she was in the hospital all night crying. She comes home tomorrow.

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Thats... disturbing my child. Please pray tonight, so you can seek redemption
Trust the lords plan, for he has one for us all.

I'm 30 and have a 17 year old gf. Feels good man

Apologize to your sister, and ask for forgiveness.

It has been 32 years since my last confession, Father.

There is no better time than the present, confess my child.

I jerked off to some guy fucking a mare once. Yeah kms basically.

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sorry what?
show us a cookie

You have much to repent, my child.

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I had an embarrassing moment in the 1st grade.

I was sitting in class, mid-morning, and had to pee. I raised my hand and got permission to go to the bathroom. Our classroom had a bathroom attached. I walked through the door and into the stall. When I pulled out my wiener to pee I was overtaken by the feeling of how much I liked it. It wasn't sexual. I was a happy and optimistic kid and I could have liked my body parts, nose or pinky toe. I started singing about how much I liked my wiener. I don't remember the words, but it was to the rhythm of the Captain Planet theme song. "Captain Planet, He's our hero, Gonna cut pollution down to zero..." I finished peeing and wet back out to take my seat. The class was just as quiet as I had left it. When I sat down a girl named Melissa with frizzy red hair looked over with an evil grin and said, "We could hear you." The entire class burst into laughter. Even Miss Chandler face planted on her desk.

It's affected me.

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it's not sunday so i don't have to confess shit (i raped my sister)

as a retard I can relate

Forgive me father for i have sinned

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That was your youth my child, please do not let your childhood mistakes and innocence affect you now.

Religion is full of shit. God doesn't exist so fuck off
Spent my Xmas holidays minus over a week fapping off to her underwear when I was at her house up north near burm even came in her bra and panties a few times (pulled them of the wash basket, the crotch didn't smell as I thought ) fapped every night high as fuck of weed with here bra and panties wrapped around my dick and balls

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You're doing God's work

God does exist now go meet your maker infidel.

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I already bought her a game and Blu-ray legend of Korra. Hopefully she enjoys them before she finds the bullet ant I ordered.

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Confession does not have to happen on the day of the lord, as the lord is always with us and around us. He knows all your sins, when you confesses you admit to your mistakes, and ask forgiveness to your lord, Jesus Christ, and his holy father.
What sins have you committed my child

I want green text context

While God is good and justice, he will punish you for your sins eventually, if you do not ask for forgiveness.

Well if he does he's full of shit

She ate them all! My parents and I ate the not shit ones. Nobody understands how she got sick.

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I'm atheist and to think life is not just your brain processing shit is stupid. Nothing happens when you're dead because there is no your brain

>be me, 6
>either cousins, girl also 6 and her older bro about 12-13
>they teach me about truth, dare, "double dog dare"
>older cuz double dog dares his little sis to suck my dick
>get dick lucked
>continued to do this when left unattended
>didn't know it was wrong
>feel like a rapist now
>we're all cool though, me and the girl cousin are 22 now so her older bro is almost to hit 30
>somehow I wasn't psychologically damaged
>did want to fuck my cousin for many years after that tho
>she probably is psychologically damaged
>but she has a bf and a house now, going to college, so she's doing well
>and I'm not sitting here on Yea Forums

u-umm w-why are you touching me d-down there mister a-andrew p-please stop it feels w-weird

Believe whatever you want, but theres no way there isnt a higher power. I'm not religious though, I used to be like you

You forgot to confess that you are underage and should be b@

Shit cookies?
Like, cookies made with excrement?

Imagine being an atheist and belive nothing turned to everything for no reason and then everything turned into us.

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My child I would recommend you take off that foul fedora that rests upon your head, and shave that devils beard on your neck. Once you have started this path to redemption, realize that you insult yourself when you call the lord's message, "stupid", while stating the evidence as, "because there is no your brain"

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wiped my ass with usa flag walking down the middle of a road wearing a canadian flag as a cape, went to piss on it but couldnt piss, so i stood there with my dick out until someone saw. indecent in public charge but got diversion

Imagine being a creationist and thinking atheists believe the world and everything in it just appeared.

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I honestly feel sorry for people who are too up their own ass to believe in god.

Look around, dumbfucks.

You and I are both made of atoms.

So is a rock.

So nothing separates us from everything else. We are just organized in different structures.

So everything is 1 and the same. The entire universe is one thing.


So tell me how there is no god.


And no, I dont mean God with the capital G (holy book fairytale nonsense)

dont mean to offend anyone, i feel like this site has a lot of subconscious inputted racism and hate into me that manifested in a way against what i feel caused it. i wouldnt want god to be looking through my eyes judging me as if im an asshole for simply looking at what hate people say on here

Either something created the universe or it appeared out of nothing chose one and nice fedora fag

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It seems you have almost found the path to forgiveness, ask the lord for help and strength, and you will be forgiven.

*tips fedora*

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i feel like something was trying to get me to feel as tho an exgf had influence on my actions the whole time, which said person came from the states, not sure if she likes canada better or was god telling me states is shit. i dont care to hate anyone

>posts actual confession of incest child molestation
>nobody cares
>neither do I though

Or it's been there forever. Sorry you're too retarded to perceive that m8.

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Something must have a beginning are you actually retarded or just baiting ?

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Fucking edge lord atheists are so ignorant.

Literally they're just anti religious. Nutjobs who are just as irrational, if not more so. Saying there definitely is no higher power is about as ignorant as trying to define it like religions do.

Learn stoicism you slutcases

And dont hit me with that "atheists dont NOT believe in god" crap because 80% of atheists I've ever met are not agnostics, they're snobbish cunts.


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The people who call themselves "atheists" usually turn out to be antitheists, believing that there is no God with a vitriol. I am religious, but I usually have no problem with actual atheists, because true atheism is merely a lack of belief, not belief against. People like that usually aren't the annoying cunts these edgy teens are.

I fucked my dog. Like all the time, and an hour ago... help?

No, things can transform. Our universe can come from something unrecognizable to us. Invoking creation is literally saying evolution isn't real.

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As an agnostic, I agree, both theist and atheist are idiots who pretend to know what reality is and have no idea.

No fuck that shit. I'm a good person and don't believe gods exist. I don't do it for the sake of anything other than the well-being of myself and those around me. Fuck the presumption of the possibility of a creator.

I like this
And I'm not anti religion I see the bullshit in main stream religions like the anti science in the past from Christianity, stupid and strct laws from Islam, dumbass diet restrictions in Judaism and other stupid and "follow the rules, change how you live 'your life' for our beliefs of something that's a fucking book or beliefs with little proof

Or it has always existed and you can't conceptualize infinite because you're a primitive monkey.

I made this POS

It's edgy to have an opinion on something huh? Based around science and provable testable theory?

Dude just because you believe the universe was created, in some way or another, does not mean you think evolution isn't true.

They aren't mutually exclusive beliefs.

Really, fuck the possibility of a creator? Please teac me how to achieve such spiritual enlightenment as you have attained.

Stop pretending you know how the universe works. This could all be simulated within some multiverse for all you know, and you're gonna say theres no creator? Sad.

42 hail marries you fucking green bastard

Yeah the reality is we have fucking no idea how we are here. I just think science is more realistic

took a pic of my wife sucking off a stranger,

Actual autists no point arguing with.

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Dude science says nothing about spirituality and the philosophy of the nature of our existence.

For now.

That's why they're two separate concepts

You can be scientific AND spiritual.

Modern science is just a bunch of overeducated ducks in lab coats bickering over unproven shit 80% of the time anyways. Let me guess, the proper diet is plant based, right?

I love how I've changed this threads conversation

Post it cuck

I lost my virginity to a 13yo girl after I'd already graduated highschool. Came inside and ghosted a few weeks after. No clue where she is now. I might be a dad.

I understand the logic of that. It's not impossible. I don't believe it's true. Don't conflate your middling indecisive ego for enlightenment.

When I was 11 I would always go to morning mass by myself on Sundays because the priest would always ask me questions when I confessed to havin masturbated.
He would ask a lot of things and that would get me hard af.

As a kid I always suspected he liked hearing my confessions but now that I'm an adult I'm pretty fucking certain that he did.

I am the opposite of undecided. I am a theist, and a secular humanist. Considering you're the atheist here, I find your response ironic as fuck.

And I don't pretend to be enlightened. But apparently, the possibility of a creator existing is thrown out the window in your book, even though we can't even physically see the entire universe and science is murky at best regarding it's origins.

Confession #1: I wish I was a Jew so no one could criticize me for anything, and so I could have a non-diverse homeland (Israel).

Confession #2: I really really really wish i had an asian girlfriend, asians are so god damn sexy.

Did you literally put shit in them? Or just make them shitty on purpose, by using spoiled milk or something

And you use the writings of Kings and domineering empires to validate your beliefs. Congratulations 3000 years of propaganda working good on you.

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Saying there is absolutely no creator of some kind is shortsighted as fuck and pretty closed minded. The truth is, nobody CAN know. But, from a rational perspective, there absolutely must be a higher power of some kind. If there wasn't, then why is there a me and you, and an earth, and a milky way?

That is the definition of a higher power. A force superior to your own. You don't have to understand it to observe it, which means you don't NEED to believe, it is right in front of your face.

non believers are an essential part of a healthy breakfast

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Their fuckholes smell weird.
As a Belgian visiting Japan I got a lot of poon while there. None of it was good.

Maybe it's cause they eat so much fish or some shit...

The Chinese ones are okay tho.

Don't know about the rest.

Yeah, because they're a lot more accomplished and intelligent than some random fuck on Yea Forums.

Just finished my second read of Meditiations, and you have a lot to learn lil guy :)

Now make him suck your dick

I peep on my neighbors
I like to listen to them fuck



Not bait I was responding to the actual bait which is ITT

> Second hand baiting.

Some fuck is beating his dick to this.

I have a gf but I'm playing an ex and NY best friends girl all at the same time.

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What am I doing with my life, debating philosophy on fucking Yea Forums

There's no salvation for you

Just be polyamorous instead of a deceitful piece of shit

You'll get desserts

Why would you debate philosophy anywhere?
Do something worthwhile with your time ffs

Better question is, why would you debate anything anywhere?


No point in arguing with someone who can't comprehend the argument

So lets just give up and believe in sky faries

I still crave cock in my mouth and up my ass from my old crossplaying at anime convention days. I haven't had gay sex in 10 years and I'm not a young hairless pretty boy anymore and couldn't go back to it anyways. My woman doesn't know anything about it

I crave to put my cock in some weeb's mouth and up his ass.

>wiped my ass with usa flag
Found the nigger

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Nigga that wasn't my point.

I agree with you, religion is petty, oppressive, and overall a negative social construct. But it *can* be beneficial. But only because of the spiritual aspect.

Independent, individual spirituality is much more powerful.

You can be a spiritual atheist too. You don't have to believe in something to observe it and fee it's presence, even if we can't understand it fully.

That is why they are separate concepts. One requires evidence, one requires SOME GOD DAM FAITH ARTHUR

Okay. Let us level with each other. Science is based in truth, yes? We can agree there is universal truth, an objective reality, yes? So then, just follow that truth, but follow it from within. Reality is more subjective than we might assume.

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I fucked my gf up the ass yesterday and she had an orgasm

And the fags say anal orgasms are proof that they have a right to live

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Get your time machine working go hack in time to when internet depended on home phones and I'll be your sissy fucktoy daddy. Take good care of me and maybe I can stay cute longer this time

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i dont watch some movies again because i dont want to go through the dog death scenes

>be me
>freshman year
>dating 8/10 qt
>she doesn't send traps or nudes
>female best friend
>solid 9/10
>asked me to judge her traps before she sent them to a guy
>i sent a dp back
>we both screenshotted
>never spoke of it again
>broke up with my gf a month later out of guilt
forgive me father for i have committed adultery and cucked my gf

Nothing to confess, nice thread father

How dose she send traps?

>be me
>masturbating to pornography
>start fapping to tits
>scroll down
>hear footsteps.mp3
>start to panic.gif
>accedently zoom in enlarging the veiny sausage on my screen
>opening door
>jizz out of fear.gif
>dad opens door
>looks at jizzed screen with big cock.wav
>make awkward eye contact
>shuts door
>mfw he tells family
>mfw everyone thinks im gay
>mfw crush at school find out
>mfw gays start flirting with me now
>mfw when dad does not look me in my eyes to avoid getting PTSD

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Maybe its better this way. I bet those tits would feel great on your back as your prostate gets pounded

I don't love my parents and sometimes want them dead when they piss me off, I have anger issues, I'm a bigot and/or cuck who is too lazy to either change or justify my beliefs, I fap to rape and once to my sister, I'm a hypocrite, I have poor grades and high potential, I am diagnosed as on the Spectrum but doubt it since they changed the qualifications, I am obsessive about the thoughts in my head, and I need a girlfriend but none of them like me. Any advice for anything on this shitshow I call myself.

I jerked off 20 times today just to see if I could

Sometimes I think about tearing people limb from limb, cutting open my arm and scooping out the blood, torturing animals, killing people in the most brutal ways I can think of. Every time I do I get this physical feeling, it makes me shake. it's some kind of pleasure? I'm not exactly sure.

I'm Bi and I want to be tied up and cuddled by someone.

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I got aroused by torturing small animals when I was really young

Who didn't, dumbass? You aren't special.








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I’m sadistic

how young were you when you started?

this might be the worst confession thread i have ever seen

>stealing nudes and fucking dogs is unusual and interesting

first day here champ?

Gay sex as a teen with a younger boy strangely enough. I didn't start crossplaying until college and stopped when I went over 30

Sounds like you've only been with dirty chicks dude. I've fucked all over europe and asia, the worst smelling ones were in UK (2x a white and a part indian girl). At least in my experience. Like holy fuck it's called a shower.

Shit smelled like 4 weak old rotting salmon.

Asian chicks have morning breath, but that was the only thing I noticed.

Imagine needing religion in order to be a good person because you think heaven awaits those who are good.

I had a christian girl yell at me that with out religion we'd all murder each other.

She would literally murder people if it weren't for her beliefs.

That's some scary fucking shit.

Indecent in public is one of the worst. How do you even tell your family about that lmao. The look of disappointment, I'd rather tell them I got busted for drugs or some shit.

welcome to reeeeee-lie-jun, these fuckers think murder and rape are cool as long as you ask for "forgiveness"

shits fucking insane

That's because you were sexually or emotionally abused as a child.

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That's only retarded Catholics. Protestants can't do that.

Sshh your not supposed to point that out

So you made literal shit cookies, and your sister managed to swallow one bite and continue to each them?

When you make extraordinary claims, the burden of proof is on you. Prove it!

I hate racism. Also hate a lot of the sjw culture. I don't fit in most places because I refuse to believe in the false dichotomy of whitehat vs blackhat. Its almost like Im invisible sometimes. I try to teach people to stop fixating on being better than others and work more on bettering themselves and others but mostly people act like Im trying to shill for this side or that. All I want tho is for people to get over themselves and start to get past made up bullshut. Its fucking hard feeling this alone in my views.

Forgive me father for I have sinned.
When I was 14 I started molesting my 9 year old half sister, I did it everytime I visited my dad until I was 17. I’m pretty sure she’s a prostitute now, I think I might’ve had something to do with it. I never paid attention to how fucked up she got until she tried to kill herself a few years ago.

both to some extent but i'm not sure if it was "bad" enough

By your logic, something had to have created your creator if he didn’t just appear out of nowhere. How far back do you want to go?

kinda manipulated my gf to be sexually submissive with me. I got her to swallow every time she blew me, to try and have anal once in a while, to have sex on the street, etc. I'm convinced she'd do anything for me.

You’re the cunt. I’m fine without your god. Go eat a box of dicks.

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nowhere did i say the first guy was interesting because he stole nudes. i said he was interesting because he's clearly a psychopath with his mentions of wanting to violently kill people. this could've been a gold mine but no one is paying any attention to it. missed opportunity.

as for the dog fucking guy, i suppose you have a point.

i am somewhat of a newfag i guess. i first ever visited Yea Forums in like 2016 but i didnt view it regularly until 2018.

Did you find this response adequate, my anonymous friend?

Wrong. Atheists are agnostic, and we choose not to believe unsubstantiated claims. Until there is sufficient evidence to prove a god claim, there is no reason to believe in any god. Do you believe in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy? Of course not, because those claims are as stupid as deistic/theistic claims. I believe things that can be demonstrated. You have the burden of proof... still waiting

wow kid, don't cut yourself on that edge

Agnostic essentially means we don’t know. Atheists don’t know, but we don’t buy into claims that fail to be proven.

Father, I have lied, failed to be kind to others and touched myself, which I promised God I would not. Forgive me.



I'll give it a 5/8 because of the self reflection and honesty but you lost points for not calling me an autistic faggot

Of course he did, and he was fapping under his robe.

that's a fair rating, thank you. autistic faggot.

Then tell me who or what created your “higher power” since something can’t come from nothing...

(Cue circular argument in 5...4...3...2...1)


I have gone on catfishing sprees where I steal the girls nudes then split pic related

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Less than a week after moving in with us my new step sister proudly told me she knew what sex was. I was 12 she was 9 and our parents left me to watch her while they went on a date. We were on the couch watching a movie and a love scene came on. She turned to me said with a proud smiling face she knew what sex was, knew what boys and girls had, and had seen boys penis’s before. I didn’t really know what to say. But she kept talking and it was obvious she knew way more than I did. After talking for awhile she asks if she can see my penis. I didn’t know what to do my mind exploded and my heart was dancing on my tongue. I decided to just go for it and see what would happen and slid my shorts off. She took my dick in her hands and started playing with it. Rubbing the head and stroking up and down. This was the first time anyone but me had touched my dick and I just exploded all over her hands, my stomach, and the couch. When I came she giggled at me and wiped her hands on my shorts. After I cleaned up she cuddled with me on the couch and asked if she could be my secret girlfriend. Of course the answer was yes. And for four years she was my secret girlfriend who gave me my first everything.

Not the same user, but isn't weird that we exist at all? What if there was no creator or creation? What if all reality just exists as some abstract idea that agrees that it exists? Like what if all of reality is just one object within which everything exists and takes place all at once? Time and matter are just subjective interpretations caused by our limited computing power. Existence and consciousness of it is just one symptom of the infinite object that seems to come and go to us, but actually is just one fixed part in the immeasurable machine. God didn't make anything because anything needed to exist for god to first come into being. You get me? Like god might have made our universe, but god only existed because of the one true god's nature and will; Necessity. I know this is just gonna be word salad to most people itt, but modern quantum physics seems to imply that consciousness is the fifth dimension. This means that ideas(examinations) seem to have a direct affect on the nature of reality. Like, we are all god looking at ourself from different angles, restricted only by the confines of the flesh. Consciousness is reality. Reality is the fixed track that all things run along. That track is laid by consciousness. It's all the same fixed state creating the illusion of multiplicity because existence would be a painful and boring infinity without the inability to take it all in at once.

MAGA you kike nigger faggot

I tried auto anal

I have the desire to kill someone, just simply blow their brains out, I have no reason to do it and no one in particular I wanna kill other than chads and stacys, I dont plan to do it but if I could kill someone without consequences I would do it

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Read The Invisibles by Grant Morrison. Its almost like a textbook or a starter kit for people like us. What makes you weirder can also make you stronger...if you're smart enough to commodify it. Good luck out there, newbies.

how did she not notice they where literal fucking shit?

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I finger fuck raped a friend of mine a bit ago and I still feel bad about it

You should check out The Invisibles, too. Might help you to sort out this 'idea of ideas' you're toying with. I hear where you're coming from, but your logic seems to have a couple a holes in it.

burned three bibles

You've come to the right place


i fucking misread 'bibles' as 'babies'

Hardly feels like it. Most people seem to not ever actually get where Im coming droning both Yea Forums and in real life. Im definitely learning shit from observing here though.

Haven't read a good comic in a while. Thanks for the suggestion m8. I'll check it out when I can afford it

Fucking same

That’s probably because I say things like, “shove a bunch of octopus tentacles in your cunt.” She says that’s silly and the next thing I know I get a picture of Cthulhu. I found they tasted like the water over there and that shit was awful. Same time she tells me not to drink the tap water she is drinking a foul smelling bottle of cheap water. I explain that shit basically tap water and to drink a brand that might use a filter.

you're doing the world a service

Haha then what?

If left alone with someone's computer long enough. I've snooped around looking for nudes

My dad got serious with a woman he met in aa. Soon after she and her daughter moved in, her and my dad fell off the wagon. She drank everyday and didn’t cook or clean or do anything but watch tv. Her daughter was a handful to she was always saying sexual things and flashing me her nipples and panties. She also would try to put her hand down my pants or try to put mine on hers. It’s not that I wasn’t interested I was 13 but I was super paranoid about being caught and getting in trouble. So I decided to hedge my bets and tell her mom what as goin on and ask for help. My step mom (Debra) didn’t look away from the tv or take the cigarette out of her mouth when I told her. She just said “so what”? When I pressed a bit more she snapped that it was my problem and I should deal with it cuz I don’t want her to make it hers. It was then I realized she didn’t really care about her daughter or anyone I guess. So the next time mindy (her daughter) flashed me her nipples I touched her chest. She smiled and let me continue so I rubbed her pussy over her panties. I took my dick out and she jerked me off as I rubbed her. I came all over her hands and my bedroom carpet. She giggled when I came. From then on we would fool around when we were alone or when Debra was the only parent home. That little girl took all my virginities, but I’m fairly certain I got none of hers.

How old was she at the time?

i remember seeing you before in a confession thread, user

My cat once caught a bird and brought it intgrough our doggy door. It was like a scene from a movie or something.

>be me watching TV
>hear a tweeting sound from the back room
>assume its a cat toy and turn up the volume
>it gets louder and more erratic to the point I'm too curious to not investigate
>walking through the maze of halls and rooms I keep finding a growing number of scattered feathers
>tweeting always seems like its in just the other room until I reverse my course
>tweeting suddenly stops and I hear the light thump of my cat jumping onto something
>the little fucker is sitting on the dining room table, licking its paws
>in the corner of the room is a half dead mockingbird, barely flapping one naked wing while it bleeds out
>its beak is barely attached to its head
>has an inch long fucking gash exposing its organs on its belly
>cat head bumps me looking for pets
>im kinda stunned in disgust though and shove him away
>grab a large dishrag and a hammer
>wrap the bird in the rag and apologize to it before crushing its head with the flat of the hammer
I don't care if it makes me a pussycat, I legit cried that afternoon. Locked the cat out for the day after burrying the bird in my backyard. It wasn't that bad in retrospect but the whole experience had me shook up for a while after. Never killed something bigger than a bug before that.

She was 9 when we touched each other for the first time

Any idea on the backstory of her getting molested?

Ew. Kys

Broke up with my fiancé after he proposed.

Have been talking to this real qt for 4 months now, she's 4 years younger than me, I'm absolutely insanely in love with her.
She's in another country.
Won't be able to see her for a long time
Broke up with boyfriend 2 weeks ago.
He's still madly in love with me.
I don't give a shit about him.

I'm femanon that wants to go ftm.

Am I fucked?

Not terrible, but I have a bad scalie fetish. Specifically dragons and snake girls. I think the blame is shared between my own degeneracy and the disgusting reality which is the modern woman and feminism as a whole.

Hopeful that I'll get past it.

Don't do it.

i think my bf thinks im ugly and it makes me want to kill myself
i think im ugly as well but most girls are uglier but im not pretty enough to be pretty, it fucks with my head

you made my chode hard

the nocturnal animal?

You're more beautiful than you think. Of course you can always post pictures so that we can determine the truth..

I admit it, father. I sold the Sony files to the hackers and I have evidence that could lead to Hilary's arrest

Attached: HilaryCliton.jpg (127x133, 7K)

i still love her

not really, i have a unique style that stands out and people confuse it for beauty. at work all day people go crazy because i have pink hair but if i had a normal style people would certainly see the ugly. think pic related but very average polish/ukranian girl with a weird nose and a little bit of acne

Attached: 19569_4CEd4ca6.png (600x600, 196K)

i let my dad's dogs fuck me regularly from when i was 13 until about 17. Ended because he got hit by a truck

Why the pink hair? Also I love polish/ukranian women so as long as you're not fat you'd probably be good in my book.

I'm gonna get dubs right now
(Take off the extra dot)
Raiding server ! JOIN US !!!

I can actually relate to the latter, I want to *pop* a kitten or something like that, or step on it, or slowly cut it to pieces while keeping it still

i like pink, its the only hair color i like on me other than blonde and i was blonde too long and it suits my style. not fat, not skinny either but i don't like my body much. i wish i had the instagram look of a small waist, big hips and ass.

bs nigger

Attached: Snuk.jpg (750x978, 60K)

Are you naturally blonde or was it another dye? While that is an incredible look I bet you're good just the way you are. Have you looked into working out? I know an asian girl that wanted a great ass and worked tirelessly for years to get it.

Had a fantasy of getting my gf blacked and it happened but drugs were a partial factor. Kik:cuckcouple432

Attached: CD5F9931-7292-43F8-945C-514D88470FB1.jpg (1553x2426, 431K)

I had the urge to hit someone so hard.. The fellow got dispatched to no-mans land.

my hair is a light brown but i was born blonde and it started changing color when i went through puberty lol, i started to dye it when i was young since i never wanted to not be blonde.
ive thought of it, the funny thing is that's the only thing i probably need the least. i have a big ass already i mean it could be toned more but its big, but my hips and waist are not great though. i could get a smaller waist if i tried, but its difficult to get bigger hips. i dont believe theres workouts that actually make your hips larger, just the ass.

i started dating this guy, he was a creep and kind of forced me into it. he came over to "play video games". in middle of us being in bed my mother walks in with pizza. im single now.

Porn ruined me.
I like some sick shit and it kills me inside.
I'm never fucking satisfied and too ugly/beta to get a gf.
All I think about is sex, and I starting to become hateful over it.

Kinda sounds like what happened to me though I took after the italian side and my hair is a dark brown now. Smaller waist will make your hips look bigger in general. You can do it femanon you've already got the big ass. Besides most men are ridiculously easy to please sexually. Has your bf been passive aggressive or what? How do you think he thinks your ugly?

I fapped to pissing porn.

My dad is the definition of a wigger and they were both abused and untrained pitbulls. Of course they’ll run away if they get a chance