500 years. 500 years of slavery, persecution, torture, oppression, beatings. 500 fucking years.
You owe me a fucking apology. And some reparations.
500 years. 500 years of slavery, persecution, torture, oppression, beatings. 500 fucking years.
You owe me a fucking apology. And some reparations.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't owe you shit, fucking sidewalk ape.
No... I don't.
I've never owned a slave, you've never been a slave. Neither of us are 500 years old.
you didn't suffer a second of those 500 years. you weren't even here. fuck off and quit ebegging.
My ancestors are Irish and arrived during the famine. So niggers can fuck right off.
Go fuck yourself nigger. I'm sick of your shit
No White guilt
Can't blame me for what happen 300 years ago.
Grow up. Stop claiming that you are owed something because of something that may or may not have happened hundreds of years ago to an ancestor of yours that you can't name or sex. To claim victimhood is childish and it lowers you. Be a man and own your shit. Nobody is responsible for where you are at or how you feel except you.
Niggers always want shit for free
Why didn't you protect your people? You were too lazy and stupid. This nigger refused to work that's why he got a whooping.
Yeah but the Japanese got nuked TWICE and you don't see them asking for reparations.
White people talking to white people
I let blacks fuck my wife. Not getting any money from me!
No one owes you a fucking thing you walked into the boat. Niggers always want something for nothing. How about your race become respectable people then we’ll talk friends maybe.
And there will be 500 more years if you don't shut the fuck up, ape man.
I'm using this in arguments. ..
ITT: retards takin' bait
Quit your bitching nigger and deal with it.
top of the morning to you pussy, what your ancestors couldn't handle a little bit of hunger, retards would have be obliterated in the troubles anyway
YOU? i owe YOU an apology? fuck you dude, you don't represent your entire race! and by the way - what does race even mean? skin color? its fucking retarded. if you are from uganda, are you gonna say your 'brothers' are from chad, ghana, DRC, Zambia, whatever the fuck!?!?!? shut the fuck up
More like white people talking to nobody. Still good to get shit off of your chest though
Tell that to your nigger king who sold your nigger family to white folks. Africa isn't so innocent in the slave trade.
That's one disobedient nagger. What a ham for the camera.
The Africans should pay up too.
You owe me for 500 years of sloppy work. What do you think all the whippings were for?
You are still owned by Democrats. Truth.
Black people who only complain are weak.
Black people who victimize their self, are assholes.
Can't blame me for the holocaust just cuz i'm german. Can't blame me for slavery cuz i'm white.
No one paid us for those boat rides from Africa, so we need to collect on those with interest. Once those debts are settled, then we can discuss your reparations.
But you'll never be able to pay so just keep dealing crack and trying to buy your way out.
I wish we had slaves to this day think how badass would it be to have some slave do whatever you needed done just because you asked. You would be like a god. No wonder there were wars to end it.
yeah, he doesn't even like get us, man...
Right so the quran is 1500 years old and has a guide about the best slaves to take, so fuck you blame Islam
as a fellow nigger
kys you have a great life and a big dick
we're all set for life in modern day society
>this thread
exactly. all the white women belong to us. these are our reparations from the cuck white boy. by fucking his women we breed his pathetic race out. this is true payback.
Hate to break it to you chief....
But that 40 acres and a mule ain’t coming.
You wouldn't touch them anyway because you're a homosexual
nigger serbs were under stinky turks for 500 years not you people didnt know you existed
Your understanding of genetics is ape-palling
You don't know that grammar exists.
I owe you 50 lashes with the tripple whip because your great great grandfather died mid beating
An easy counter argument to that though is the fact that instead of paying them outright we helped in recovery and reconstruction efforts after the end of ww2 which is Japan is flourishing on the world stage right now.
I owe you nothing. I have never owned slaves, I am the slave.
You would be stuck in shithole Africa if it weren't for slavery, you ungrateful nigger
sorry faggot you get a hoe and a bag for your cotton. quota is 2 bales a day or 10 lashes get picking
Just gotta eat them mf babies, man.
at least i dont have fucking gays in my country TХATC A БИГ B ФOP УC
Lmao an unfortunate event but your payment isn't an apology or reparations. It's the eventual downfall of the United States.
wow you one old nigger. nigger
owe you a bullet to your nigger head
We haven't spent the last few generations trying to build up black America? We've spent trillions
What do you think welfare is? By your collective tax deficit the full term of service should be 10,000 years!
Because you fucked them all to death and ate them over campfires.
bro if you are black all you get is a bullet to the head. say thanks. neeext
He should see a doctor. Those veins don't look healthy.
there's legitimate persecution in modern america, so you're probably just some white guy trying to virtue signal or just building yourself up as an anonymous strawman to circlejerk for your right wing opinions
no we just dont have them because people here aint mentaly unstable (retarded)
Illustrate this persecution you speak of. Where is it, who is doing it and against whom, and in what form or forms?
You're 500 years old? Holy shit. Seriously though, you're the reason why black people are in poverty. Making bad desicions, being a shitty person, and having a bad attitude and then blaming your problems on white people. Stop doing that and look in the damn mirror. Your life won't improve until you stop crying racism, acting like a victim, and actually start giving a damn.
you and your gey friends
True, we should send all you back to Africa
Moron, those are British medical study photos from Hiroshima after the nuclear strike in '45. Those are gamma burns. Look at the guy's fucking face, he's not even black- just a piece of teriyaki beef jerky.
Like the old testament is any better and didn't lay down the rules for slavery a thousand years prior.
I don't know that unpassable tranny degenerates. I only associate with the finest traps. Shows what you know, queer
OP is a larping white
You'll just spend it on crack anyways
You were never a slave or opressed. Thats a fact.
nice bait retard
>My great great grandfather suffered as a slave
>Give me free sheit fo free n sheeit.
Yeah, na, you have to suffer through this like the rest of us. Enjoy your 9-5 and a fuck ton of debt.
I dont owe you shit, raghead.
this is probably b8
>my great great grandfather was a white supremisist
>let me be a white nigger and take without giving back and sheeit
Reperations should be paid, but not in money. Free therapy. Teach people to be better people and there'll be less assholes looking for a handout and less assholes looking to put someone else down so they can climb up. We all have debts, except for those that issue them, right? Maybrwe have more in common than just debt and a feeling of being cheated. Maybe we have share an enemy.
reparations? get a job!
jews and terrists are the enemy we share
No. Corporate agendas and selfish fucks. Some are Jew's. Many aren't. Don't fall for the tinfoil Jew meme, m8. Trumps fucking you and that boy's not Jewish. He's just a shitty person. Lucky in some ways, but rotten at his core. That rot is the enemy.
jew detected
How We Met...
Fernando and I met through our little brothers Jacob and Robert. Our brothers used to play with a soccer team named Strikers. Jacob and Robert instantly became friends, and our families' became extremely close. We used to attend each others' family parties' and go over each other's houses. However, Fernando and I did not acknowledge each other. We actually used to get tease about ending up with each other which I would always reply with "EWWW, NEVER!" and, well he thought I was a "brat." Long story short our families lost touch for about a year and reconnected with each other when our brothers' were 9. My dad had started a men's indoor league and had asked Fernando and his brother to join. This is the first time I had seen Fernando in a long time, and for the first time he had actually caught my attention. After that I made sure that I went to every indoor game, and looked presentable. After a couple of weeks, we got invited to a cookout at Fernando's parents house. This is the day that changed everything. When we arrived Fernando and his siblings came over to greet us and casually went into their rooms. After that I noticed Fernando started coming in and out to casually converse with all of us and drink a beer. I didn't know what he was up to until Jacob came out the room angry and told me "Fernando won't leave me alone he keeps telling me to tell you that you're cute." I didn't know how to respond so I ignored it. Finally, after a couple of minutes Fernando came out, and I could tell he was slightly buzzed. He had been drinking, and I guess got liquid courage to talk to me. He sat down next to me and started interrogating me; asking me everything he possibly could about me. I was pretty nervous, but I could tell he was way more nervous than I was. As the night started coming to an end I wondered if he would ask for my number, because I actually enjoyed talking to him.
Also add to that the honor based society of Japan and the 'kawaii' culture that started in the 60s they won't ask for reparations. Instead they try to play the sole victim of the atom bomb. They gulit tripped us into helping them succeed.
The black culture in America however, doesn't have the same honor system.
(Also comparing the rebuilding of Japan to the estimated 50-100 billion we've spent on race spiceific welfare is an apples to oranagatangs comparison)
Not that it matters anyway this thread is (you) bait.
I was just showing that user that that argument isn't waterproof.
However, it didn't happen. Some time went by and we continued seeing each other at the soccer games, and then came the day where his sister in law and brother suggested having a double date. We were both pretty adamant at first, but we agreed to it. I must admit I was actually pretty excited. Finally, the day came and I remember spending hours deciding on my outfit. Of course at that age I had a way better body than I do today, so I went with some shorts and a crop top. haha. Fernando, his brother, and his gf finally arrived and I remember walking out feeling extremely nervous. I got in the car and we made our way to Bowl a Rama. When we got there I remember too nervous to bowl I remember getting a total of 3 points the whole night. The night started off great until Fernando started whining about wanting to be dropped off at an uncle's birthday party. He kept complaining that he was bored and wanted to be dropped off. I was immediately annoyed and started arguing with him. I finally just said "Can we just drop him off and go get some food" , and that's exactly what we did. We argued the entire time and I even threatened to push him out the car. We finally got to his uncle's party and dropped him off and I ranted to his brother and sister in law how I never wanted to see him again and how this was a waste of time!
blame the people who sold you, also your weak ass ancestors for losing the tribal wars in Africa and allowed themselves to be sold, also, your reperations were the abolishment of slavery, now thank your white masters for allowing you to be free.
I'm telling you to attack the obvious enemy. Some of them are Jewish, from old families. Some of them are not. What they all have in common is greed and a lack of empathy for anybody in between them and their clandestine riches. I can show you to water. Drinking's up to you, m8.
They want you to follow just the jews. Its another distraction in order to keep money flowing into the right hands. They give a half truth and let you run with it, knowing they're all the safer for it. If you think there is only one head to the Hydra, you're in for a fucking shock down the line.
Jews owned all the slave ships
Arabs bought and sold the slaves
Only 300000 slaves ever existed in USA
Slaves were farm workers, given food and housing in exchange for picking cotton and berries
They did not build fuck all, the county was already built
Chinese built the railroads, where are their reparations?
Though many were mistreated, their lives were much better even during slavery than had they been left in Africa
You should be grateful you're not in Africa fending off Savage niggers with bows and Spears
Sorry we taught you guys how to make bows btw
If not for whites you would only have Spears
kys nigger your race are just mindless primates that deserve a genocide
You're welcome
The only problem was I had to see him the next day for Easter..... I was not looking forward to it! The next morning we all got ready to go to the park and spend Easter with Fernando's family. I made sure to dress up in a tight dress and look good to make Fernando regret the night before. I was so mad and annoyed that I even had to see him, but since I did I wanted him to regret his decision from the the night before. When we finally arrived Fernando was sitting by the tree I immediately decided to ignore him. I spent my time sitting with my sister and conversing with Fernando's sister. Fernando kept trying to small talk with me, but I continued to ignore him.
>he says mindlessly parrotting some shit he read online
Ok bud
500 years all ruined by Jussie Smoll-what?
so can i claim reparations from black people?
I like the idea of reperations being paid in therapy. More people need to learn about themselves before the pointless and half baked hate of the world can be remedied.
500 years? You aren't even 30, you were born in the greatest nation on earth with the greatest wealth and the greatest opportunities to better yourself. (Not really, you're a trolling little white suburban fuck, but I'm going along with it).
>Points out the bait
>Takes it anyways
>Reduced to begging.
Earn your money the way your ancestors did. Steal.
meh another rerun of this shit, niggers go back to africa, rednecks go crawl back to england, we natives own this land is to begin with, you faggots have no business being here.
The most satisfying thing is that no slavers are alive anymore. Slavery died off 140 years before I was ever born. I ain't apologizing for shit. The only thing you'll get out of me is a "you're welcome" for my ancestors enslaving your ancestors and putting you in the position where you can be a privileged minority with your self-appointed victim status that allows you to whine about every fucking thing.
or a one way ticket back to your shithole continent
That is until he decided to crack a confetti egg on my head. I was furious, first he makes me mad the night before then he has the audacity to crack an egg on my head! A few minutes. later the rain started coming down hard, I was relieved we get to go home. However, I was wrong! My parents decided to continue this Easter's celebration at Fernando's parents house. I could not catch a break! When we arrived I sat in the room with my sister until Fernando interrupted. He apologized for the night before, and attempted to small talk. I could tell he wanted to ask me something, but he just couldn't get the words out. Finally, my parents came in and told us it was time to go. I didn't want to leave until finding out what he wanted to ask. Could he possibly want my number? I couldn't help but wonder why he was too nervous to ask. I finally just blurted out "If you want my number just ask, stop being such a puss about it!" I could not believe I said that out loud, but it seemed to work.
Come and take them,if you think you can.
God I fucking love Yea Forums
Pretty much, not sure why that literal faggot had to make race relations even worse.
He should an hero soon.
ITT delusional white people in denial.
I'm not black but how dumb do you have to be to not recognize how 400 years of oppression can carry over to future generations. The type of people that feel the need to "get shit off their chest" in these threads are absolute trash.
America was founded in 1776. It freed the slaves in 1865. That's 80 years without slaver, and 150 years without slaves, and a million sould died to free your nigger ass. You know why racism is coming back?
Because in the 90s you were black people. You're niggers again. Make changes and own up to your culture being utter shit.
Keep pretending niggers aren't the source of their own problems and the world owes them something.
Ask the jews, they're the ones who brought you here.
Got baited hard. Racist insecure faggot
We finally left and I all I could wonder is he even going to text me? Not even 10 minutes after getting home my phone buzzed it was him. I remember smiling from ear to ear. We text that whole night until he finally got too sleepy to stay up anymore. We texted day and night for the next couple days and made a gazillion of plans that we never even accomplished. After texting a couple days he asked me out on a date, but before our first date we hung out two times before then. He picked me up on a week day and we went to have ice cream. I remember the night ending and being extremely nervous wondering if he would hug me or kiss me. However, it didn't happen. We were both so nervous. It just seemed like we were more comfortable talking to each other over text. The next day he invited me to his game, but I lied and said I couldn't make it. I wanted to surprise him so later that night I surprised him and showed up to his game.
>like the rest of us
That's kind of the problem. The rest of us weren't slaves for generations genius. Please kys
He seemed happy to see me and offered to give me a ride back. I agreed. when we got back to our destination he leaned in and kissed me for the first time. I was extremely happy. It had made my entire night. The next few days we talked about how excited we were to finally go on our first date on Friday. April 13, 2012 came around it was the day of our first date. Fernando picked me up that night and we made our way to dinner. After dinner we made our way to the Rockwall Harbor. We initially wanted to watch a movie, but decided we'd rather walk around and enjoy conversing with each other. After some time we made our way back to the car. We started driving until he decided to pull over to spend a little more time together before dropping me off. I still remember sitting there just. enjoying each other's company. Finally we looked up it was 11:11 pm I asked Fernando what he wished for he then replied "I wish you would agree to be my girlfriend." I was stunned I immediately replied "YES." Ever since that moment we've been together, and I wouldn't change any of it.
1. I'm sorry
2. Have some free school lunch.
3. Obviously that boy in the pic was a hard-headed negro who didn't learn to follow the rules
It got bad in the 90s because of hard drugs being pushed in inner cities right along side MIB pushing for high representation of gangsta rap culture. This is documented shit, m8. Black culture in the states is being pushed towards stirring racial tension again. This kind of racebait always gets stirred up before either a money grab or a collapse as a way to distract. Also a well documented global phenomenon. These are just old war tactics no ones been smart enough to out-maneuver yet. History comes in fucking cycles and that's why it's called "revolution".
>black culture
Oh look. Another victim.
Here’s a lesson....
Go back far enough, EVERYONE has an axe to grind. EVERYONE was enslaved, subjucative, on some losing side of some forgotten war. But African-Americans? Nope. Always the victim. Always on the plantation and always looking for free handouts.
God’s clowns. All of them.
Are you wilfully stupid or plain retarded? Replace culture with people or whatever else you want and read into the parts that actually matter. This involves your own well being whether your dumb ass sees that or not.
I definitely think reparations are in order. Where can I send the receipts for my home security system, my firearms, and the private school where I have to send my son to so he isn't subjected to jiggabuffoonery in public schools?
get fucked cracker. you deserve it
Both sides of my family didn't arrive in the U.S. until after slavery was abolished, and before that they lived poor in Ireland.
I don't owe you shit.
Y’all deserves it lmfao
Sorry your ancestors sold each other into slavery and sorry whoever you're related too from that point in time wasn't fast enough or smart enough to get away.
Now be thankful you don't live in mud-huts and suck piss from cows crotch holes.
My Jewish ancestors from Poland don't own you anything nigger.
Your reparations got drank up by your races reliance on welfare. Get a job.
>50000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town.
>replace culture with people
>black people
1. Bait.
2. Ill go for it lol.
3. Lots of white civil war union soldiers died for nig nogs.
4. The nig nogs did get reparations.
5. Nig nogs have it best in the US. If they dont like it, leave.
I'm chickasaw. Man up and stop being a little pussy, we had it worse