Which country takes the title of biggest shithole country? I nominate Belgium

Which country takes the title of biggest shithole country? I nominate Belgium.

Attached: Shithole Meme.jpg (1200x960, 223K)

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What's the story behind that place? Do they give that little fucks about their water quality?

Not because of the dumbest president, but because all the issues it got.

It's not that bad turn the Jew news off

india or china.
literally middle age grade if ypu leave the main cities.

There aren't nearly the problems the media would lead you to believe. There are very few actual racists. Crime is lower than ever, literally. I was in Denmark a few years back and those idiots seriously thought it was like a free for all shooting range 24/7 in the US. Most people get along great. The media needs problems for ratings.

California. They don't even have toilets there, they just shit right in the street.

I agree. Fuck Belgium. Terrorist no go zones. Sending hundreds of terrorists to Syria to fight for ISIS. Worthless cucks.

found the reddit fag

>I nominate Belgium.
Big underground jailbait scene in Belgium.

Bangladesh is certifiably a shithole, mayhaps the biggest.

One more reason to bomb the fuck out of those terrorist loving Walloon and Flemish fucks. I hear permanent prayer rugs have been installed on all sidewalks and public parks. All Belgians must also have a prayer rug in their home at all times.

Agree. Belgium needs to go.

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ta gueule op

Wow, all these butthurt cuck british.
Britain isn't even a real country, Scotland wants to gtfo Wales wants to gtfo, it's a fucking joke

Who cares about them? Fuck Belgium. I want a war. I want it now.

Serbia is nigger

The one and only correct answer.

...except, also because of the president.

Wrong. Belgium has been fucking shit up for 150 years. Bombs...now!!!

Belgium is awesome. Incredible food, amazing beer. You've never traveled have you?

Yeah, we're much worse off than nations with no running water, electricity or sewage systems. Bad Orange Man is way worse than having the Saudi royals or Robert Mugabe as your leaders. Having so much food that we could feed entire nations with the scraps we throw away is much worse than mass starvation. Free speech sucks compared to being beheaded, shot or imprisoned for life for talking bad about the government. I just wish we were more like Somalia or some place like that who have their shit together. We're fucked up over here in the United States of Hell

I was there 20 years ago and then again recently. Things have changed drastically and not for the better. Might as well be Mecca. I'm calling in a flight of B-52s. I'd stay clear.

where the fuck to start

Africa? quicker to list countrues that aren't a shithole, Asia ditto, central america??? most of the world is crap

The usa, PERIOD!

>sentence actually ends with an exclamation point

>Sitting in Lagos, Nigeria or Mexico. Same thing.

Whats the problem, they're shipping the problem off to kill itself there instead of locking them up and paying for them.

They are letting them come back and have admitted they don't have the resources to monitor them. Genius.


It's getting close. Once all of the boomer retire and tax the Medicare/SS system we will be fucked. Specially once they start dying and their retarded gen X kids realize they only inherited a shitty old house worth half of what they still owe on their own.

So when exactly shoukd we start gassing the kikes?

And millenials will be back to living in straw huts crying because they don't have internet. Nobody to like their selfie pics on FB.

Fuck them. Kill the Belgians before it's too late.

Americans who have never, and will never travel anywhere ever because theyre scared of everyone and everything pretending they know anything about anywhere else.
Stay behind your wall cowards, it's a dangerous world out there and you're not allowed to take your hand canon faggot devices with you.

come and take it fag.

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South Sudan since they have like 6 civil wars going on rn

lmao found the eurofag

I've been to many foreign countries, you jealous buttfucker from an unknown shithole country. Also, the US has just about everything. Bad ass scenery. If I wanna hear spanish or some other shithole language, I go to a local restaurant and listen to the cooks talk.

Yes, because of the dumbest president.

If we kill the kikes, Belgium won't have a Muslim problem anymore.

Seriously. Kill the kikes, and half the world's problems vanish over night. Within another 30 years, an additional 40% would cease to be

No, the Muslims wanna kill everyone. Belgium needs to go first. After they are eradicated, we can talk about eradicating others.

Fuck Belgium

>Which country takes the title of biggest shithole country?

I nominate the ENTIRE continent of africa


>couldn't even find a pic of a non rubber gun

Hahaha, no, try living in bad part of Africa for a year & then a bad part of the us & tell me which is worse lol

You got a permit to use the word faggot in a sentence eurotard? Don't make us have to get you locked up now for that hate speech.

Belgium needs to go. I'm talking permanent eradication.

US is still the dreamland

Haiti or almost any country in Africa.

Nope. It's Belgium. I'm enlightening you.

>Which country takes the title of biggest shithole country?

I've been to over 25 countries and I found the good old US of A to be the biggest shithole.


Sure ya did.

America is a shithole, I live in Chicago... nuff said?


Attached: Old+school+fake+news_c5c54d_6941636.jpg (1200x1200, 214K)

Is it so unlikely to you that other people aren't scared to step out of their own country?
Another problem America has... you believe all the bullshit you're force fed.

Kek, ameriturds get more propaganda than North Koreans.

Honestly, if you live in a shithole city in the US, it’s your own fucking fault. Move elsewhere if you feel it isn’t the place for you. If you make enough to live fairly alright in Chicago, there are other places where your professional skills can be utilized. Don’t be a fuck stick. There’s hardly anything to TRULY keep you tied to one area your entire life.

Chicago is a shithole. Anything run by democrats for 100 years turns to shit.

I nominate Argentina

shitehole country hate discord


>it's a dangerous world out there and you're not allowed to take your hand canon faggot devices with you.
Guess I'll just have to rent a U-Haul while I'm there then, faggot.


t. buttshattered amerifat consoling himself with his seventh crate of brunch donuts

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Found the boomer

Very end of Gen X. I'm the perfect age to understand both boomers and Millenials...both suck ass.

BIGGEST shithole? Russia.
biggest SHIThole? India