Why is it that liberals think black pride is something to be proud of but white pride is racist and nazi?
Why is it that liberals think black pride is something to be proud of but white pride is racist and nazi?
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Because humans love repeating history rather than progressing to the future. It’s why we’re going to be extinct in a hundred years or so
what it says, is that it's an expression primarily associated with supremacist, nationalist, neo-Nazi (etc.) organizations
which is, truth be told, true
So black pride isn’t equally as racist?
doesn't have this sort of connotations. as of now, at least.
Why are nazis such thin skinned snowflakes? Won't you be embarrassed when you piss yourself and cry right before the firing squad ends you?
Why do you use Goolag?
I’m not a nazi, I’m just wondering why there’s a double standard
pride in your race or country is fine, but when you become a fanatic for either you are a problem
Maybe it's because one of the groups spouted about "PRIDE" while perpetrating acts of hate against minorities
cuz apparently black people can't be racist, even though they're ignoring the very definition of racism
Trips of truth
Who cares? Their opinions don't matter
can't argue with that
do some more googling then. keywords such as Ku Klux Klan, slavery, strange fruit might be particularly useful. then read some history books, and you might just get your answer
You are one of those morons that asks why there isn’t a white history month.
You are choosing to not understand something very easily understood.
So (even if that’s true) it means having a blatant double is perfectly okay now?
Because white people were never slaves or segregated!!! But hey what do I know.
white people know their heritage, black people only have slavery and some notion of "African-ness" so white peoplc can be proud of being British or French or Polish or German, wherever your family is from, but black people can only identify blackness, because their heritage was literally stolen from them, so they get to be black and proud.
Actually I do ask that, why isn’t there a white history month? Are we not a race? Are we not light-colored (white people are still colored people)?
Why the fuck isn’t there a white history month, black supremacist?
Two reasons:
1) "White pride" has been taken over by racist asshats who use it as code for white supremacy.
2) For hundreds of years, white enslaved, belittled, and erased the culture of blacks. Black pride means fighting that, whereas white pride (see #1) means supporting that.
It's sad that whites can't use the term "white pride", but I'll trade that not being enslaved.
>but hey what do I know
the feeling of a BBC in your ass probably
Oh really? My Germanic ancestors were enslaved by the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. Some of the Irish were slaves in America
Wanna try that again?
It is just as racist
Go fuck yourself cuck and get over your white guilt
Because every day is white day you cuck. White people have made the whole world live like they do.
Hulk Hogan and Adolf Hitler both had moustaches, so obviously they must be the same thing too, right?
Because you already have 11.
A proud white man is a threat. A proud negro is still a tool.
“Every day is white day hurrrr durr” yea ok so since white people are colored people (they just have a lighter shade of skin than people whose ancestors were born in Africa) why the fuck don’t we get our own month, black supremacist?
So it’s okay to spout black pride while killing white cops?
hey look, its a racist.
because liberals are niggers in disguise
So it's OK for white cops to perpetrate police brutality against minorities? And it's OK for white people to get a smack on the wrist for murder when a minority will see prison for possession of marijuana?
This. The fuckers won't even realize they were being used when the hook-nosed satanists will inevitably discard their nigger asses into a concentration camp
nah, don't really believe in responsibility over something that one's ancestors may have (not) done
then again, don't believe it's fair to pretend as though those never existed
also, you debate skills are on point
>So it's OK for white cops to perpetrate police brutality against minorities
Yes. Black cops are actually more violent towards black criminals than white cops are towards "minorities".
All Libtards are invented by kikes
The negro blames the white man for slavery, yet it was the jew who had bought and shipped the negro to the Americas and exploited them. However, it was the white man who gave them emancipation.
Because whites don't need pride, they have property, money, integrity, and intellect.
Unless they're trailer trash then they need pride.
Pride is for people who's accomplishments stopped at birth. Pride is how losers protect their egos. If you're worried about white pride it's because you're a fucking failure.
>New Kike Times
Get the fuck out shylock.
Losers detected
People with jobs and loving families don't obsess about conspiracies.
nigger, you are the loser here
lmao, how can you still call them "conspiracies" when truth is right in your face
Awww, do their facts hurt your feelings?
You're fucking pathetic.
lol, russia is't the enemy. stop shilling
It does though, it really does. It is just woefully ignored.
You don't beat jews by whining about it online. You got out and you achieve. If you sit around whining about a group that's "keeping you down" you're no better than a nigger.
JIDF and ADL faggots detected.
Also the term "their facts" is a really interesting way of putting it. Kikes just unmask themselves, low effort.
> stolen from them
The black people who are still in Africa have no fucking heritage either. They have no recorded history because most of them still cant read/write. Get out of here with that cuck shit.
Black pride/nationalism IS racist. Even the SPLC a libtard organization that gets scawed about Christian churches calling homosexuality a sin, calls Black Nationalism racist. Libtards create a soft bigotry of low expectations because of white guilt.
Because whites literally built everything. When you do physics, chemistry and biology, all the pioneers and contributors to the developmental history in these fields were white. When you are taught thermodynamics, electromagnetism and fluid mechanics, you're taught about all the laws and rules discovered by whites. Everything around you in the modern first world is a byproduct of white history.
Okay asswipe brown people contributed to society too. Without ancient Mesopotamia there couldn’t have been an Ancient Greece or Rome. Even the moslem caliphate heavily contributed to western civilization. Why do you think our number system is call “Arabic numerals“