I got a gf today Yea Forums. She's a cute slav and she gives me plenty of attention. We enjoy each others company but I don't know why I'm not happy yet. You guys have always been wise and helpful so what's wrong with me?
I got a gf today Yea Forums. She's a cute slav and she gives me plenty of attention...
You're trying to fill the hole inside with other people, you'll never be able to get back what was taken from if that way.
Any Yea Forumsros help me out?
I don't know what you mean? I haven't had anything taken as far as I'm aware. I just thought having a gf would make me happy.
u gay nigga
Nah, tried that but nope.
Your foreskin user, they took your foreskin.
I'm from UK so uncut kek
Do you really love her, or do you love the idea of having a cute girlfriend?
You won't realize how truely happy you currently are until she's gone
I really like her, I know she has imperfections but she's a good person and makes me feel like one too. I just expected to feel happy.
this. if you are not happy inside, a girlfriend won't make you happy either. Work on yourself and have a good life with or without a girl, and than having a girlfriend will be awesome again!
Whenever I'm aware from her I do feel miserable my dude. She left for a week and I had no idea what to even do with myself.
you are a closeted homo and feel guilty about dragging some poor grill around while you pretend for your family.
I just want to make her happy but I get the feeling she can tell I'm not ever really happy.
Jokes on you I don't have a family. Not even a gf before recently.
You ungrateful cunt. Sort yourself out.
at first try to make yourself happy. If you are happy the people around you are also. Be nice to her if you like her and do whatever feels right for you. But don't believe it's your job to make her happy or her job to make you happy. Just enjoy each other as long as it feels good.
I am grateful for everything she does. I love her cuddles and intimacy but I just don't know why I can't feel happiness.
I haven't ever been happy as long as I can remember though. Is it wrong for me to take it as part of my job keeping her happy?
I kinda feel for you user... Been like that lately... It's just my own mental state... I still don't have a girlfriend and I realize that wont make me happy, but maybe a little happier so I do want one. But I went on a few dates recently and still nothing. The only thing that helped me was changing my own mind and thinking good thoughts, it's hard because I'm in a routine of thinking shitty things and in a way I don't want to stop thinking those negative things. I don't know but I'm doing a little better but still have those days...
That sounds good, user. I hope things continue to get better. Honestly, I just want to be happier for her. I feel like she might be blaming herself for my misery and I really don't want her to. I want to make her happy.
the question is, which intention do you have. Why do you want to do that? Is it because you really like her and want to do nice things to people you like? or would you do it because you expect something like that she likes you more and get sexy time?
oh, and i forgot to ask: do you love yourself? how is your self esteem?
To my, having money and freedom to do whatever I want is way more important than having a girl, if I have a GF but am low on cash or feel stuck i dont feel happy at all, whilist if I have money and freedom I always feel happy no matter if I have a GF or not.
Basically if you feel happy about your life situation and yourself is much more required to actually feel happy than just having puss puss
I want to do it because I like knowing she is happy. I like seeing her smile and laugh. Sure I find her sexually attractive and all but we've barely kissed and I'm fine with whatever pace she wants to take. She makes me feel like I'm not the piece of shit I know I am.
I have a decent amount of confidence kinda but I don't even like myself. I'm a cynical existential fuck.
I have job prospects I want and decent money to live on so all good there.
user, you are in the same Situation like OP. You are thinking, if i have abc in the future i will be xyz. But it won't change anything. Neither having money nor having a girlfriend.
Just live NOW. Love yourself.
But sure, having money is nice so go for your goals. But don't think you can't be happy right now, because you would waste so much fucking time. it is a long way to get rich, and the way can also be an nice adventure! wish you anons all the best
See that thought right there where you called yourself a piece of shit. That's what needs to change.
here by the way. I know it's hard man, It's hard for me too, I spent 6 years in prison and I tell myself I'm a piece of shit and that's why I don't have a girl. When I don't do that I'm actually happy, and yes it is hard to change those thoughts...
not really user.
Right now I am unemployed so im feeling like shit, last year when I had money i felt happy as fuck.
To me happyness is just being able to do what ever the fuck I want.
that's the problem. You don't like yourself. I had the same situation. Then a girl came into my life and gave me the feeling that i am special and worth something. But this feeling is only temporary. When she was gone i felt even more unhappy. So my advice: work on yourself, do not depend your happiness on other people or your Situation. Its hard work i know. But also enjoy the time with her and have a good time together. Also talk to her and say what you feel, that you really like her and what you are feeling.
I'm out, Eurocuck here and it is 2am, hope i could help a little bit. All the best OP
I can't help but view myself that way. Besides the point was she makes me feel like I'm not.
I'm in Czech Republic my dude. It'd 2am here. I'm up thinking this shit kek. Night user.
happiness comes from within. Not from a slav cutie.
Yes you can if you really try you can see yourself any way you want, it might not feel genuine at first but everybody on the planet has good qualities, look at those, it is real
Then I feel like I'll never know happiness.
you're gay
My bad features out weigh my good though and I don't think I've ever felt happy. I can barely pretend.
You're depressed. Welcome to the club.
Can I get an hero pass?
It comes free with any purchase of a 12 gauge
You haven't put a baby in her, yet.
Does she squat around the house?