Jussie? I thought his name was Jesse.
Jussie? I thought his name was Jesse
I just ate some fried chicken. The breasts were juicy, and the buns were soft and warm. Afterwards, the division manager of Popeyes came up to my table and asked me how the meal was.I said I was satisfied, but the meal lacked a certain je ne sais quoi. He apologized profusely, and said he had something to show me that would make up for it.
He lead me to the back of the popeyes, to a room soaked from floor to ceiling in blood. In the center of it was a live horse, chained by all four legs to the structural supports of the warehouse like room. As I watched, employees of the popeyes cut large sections from the horse, which was whinneying and screaming in horror, the remaining sections of its body covered with festering sores and a froth of sweat.
The popeyes employees took the chunks of horseflesh and sliced them into pieces, then they rooted around through the bags of trash strewn around the room to find discarded chicken bones.
They quickly tenderized the meat with sledgehammers and fed it into a machine which formed the horsemeat around the bones, then they breaded and deepfried it.
I asked the division manager why he had led me back to this place, and he pointed at the steed's rump, the diseased asshole puckering rythmically with terror, squirting pus with each convulsion. "We're just about to use that section, would you like a crack at it first?"
I quickly unzipped my pants and wasted no time jamming my erect penis into the stallion's defenseless asshole. With each thrust, I donkey punched the horse in the back of the head, making it clench its ass even tighter. I came just as the horse died. I was delighted. Popeyes definitely went the extra mile to make me a satisfied customer.
His name is nigger faggot
Who cares. Guys gonna end up in federal prison.
>white powder
Major oof.
I want my time back I took to read this
No one said actors were smart.
Why would you ever read blatant copy pasta?
Ur own fault.
Me too
he black, what about that makes you think he would have a normal name
no, his name is MAGA Tjay Cuntry
Haha I lopes the part with the chicken at the beginning ing. Do you talk frensh orfrench are canadiaian? I don't talk French but I like Popeye's because there chicken is really good and they have gravy with the chunks in YUM
good pasta though m8
I’m glad you enjoyed t. It’s just copy pasta though, I’m a stereotypical American who only speaks one language.
Haven't seen it before figured I'd read it
Who is is this guy? His smile isn’t normal, he looks like a future domestic terrorist or mass shooter.
No shit its a pasta, dong-herder. You think I actually care what languages you speak you little bitch's? Post itt one more fucking time and Im gonna to your GPS coordinates and eatyour fucking ass right off of your fucking back you goddamned slut. Already got my rucking grill on and everything. So you feel lucky you little cuckspank? Do ya?
doesn't matter- he'll be going by prisoner number such-and-such for a few years
this- the postal inspectors only play hardball
That's obviously not a smile. At least not a real one. Just looks like some regular doofus to me
His inmates call him Juicy.
poor innocent guy. My heart goes out to him. I believe you, Jussie!!!!!
Did anyone even read the original police report?
I bet the police called bullshit while they were talking to him...
The men reportedly beat him, yelled slurs, doused him with an unknown chemical, and put a rope around his neck.
This isn't even normal for trumpies, come on. He should have just had one of them run him over in their Dodge charger
Felon also works.
Federal pen means he gets to play housewife.
He aimed for "realism". Now he's got a real rap sheet. Where is this 'acting'?
This is so fake. No way anybody would cut up a horse for minimum wage.
Fuck, Hollywood blew up hundreds of them. That's why films have the "we didn't kill animals, honest" disclaimer.
Guys clearly a grade A psycho m8, prob jerks off to pics of mutilated women
Interesting observations m8.
I just ate some fried chicken. The breasts were juicy, and the buns were soft and warm. Afterwards, the division manager of Popeyes came up to my table and asked me how the meal was.I said I was satisfied, but the meal lacked a certain je ne sais quoi. He apologized profusely, and said he had something to show me that would make up for it.
He lead me to the back of the popeyes, to a room soaked from floor to ceiling in blood. In the center of it was a live horse, chained by all four legs to the structural supports of the warehouse like room. As I watched, employees of the popeyes cut large sections from the horse, which was whinneying and screaming in horror, the remaining sections of its body covered with festering sores and a froth of sweat.
The popeyes employees took the chunks of horseflesh and sliced them into pieces, then they rooted around through the bags of trash strewn around the room to find discarded chicken bones.
They quickly tenderized the meat with sledgehammers and fed it into a machine which formed the horsemeat around the bones, then they breaded and deepfried it.
I asked the division manager why he had led me back to this place, and he pointed at the steed's rump, the diseased asshole puckering rythmically with terror, squirting pus with each convulsion. "We're just about to use that section, would you like a crack at it first?"
I quickly unzipped my pants and wasted no time jamming my erect penis into the stallion's defenseless asshole. With each thrust, I donkey punched the horse in the back of the head, making it clench its ass even tighter. I came just as the horse died. I was delighted. Popeyes definitely went the extra mile to make me a satisfied customer.
Haha project much?
You know,I never thought about it like that before.aubergine you have a point. If we all stopped hating each other and started hating corporate greed together, we might actually make it to the end of this not just in one piece, but also better off.
Also climate change Ostwald as fuckand could cause the endogenous the worldinas few as 10 years(with some bad luck). Maybe we should start doing more about that, right?
Fuck off, Jussie
dindu niffins
It’s fake? Sure had me fooled.
Dude. You accuse someone of gettingoff to mutilated women and post a picture of a mutilated woman. Are you still taking your meds, m8? You know they don't work unless you take them every day.
Why do white folk always be trine to keep the black man down?
I don’t jerk to real ones though lol, most of the time lol.
Becuz ur mom gey
6/10 reaction pasta
Bruh. Just eat the fucking pills, bruh. Its impossible to talk to you when you're like this.
That's that Swedish guy that gets posted around here, sometimes. There are lots of cucks in Sweden, I've heard. Almost all Swedish men are numale/soyboy tier, based on what I have seen on Yea Forums. I have never been there, myself, but maybe the truth is not far off.
Nigger, stale pasta
That ain't pasta bro. not yet at least. You got the recipe. What now? Balls in your court, doggydick.
Niggers took Jesse and niggerfyied into jusse
good job now you just have to make it look like zuck posted this on facebook
It's nobody else's fault that you got caught, Jussie. Stop trying to make your critics look like the crazy ones. Own up to what you did and the fact that your professional life just came to a crashing halt, and most of your personal relationships are over now too
>based on what iveseen on Yea Forums
Are you twelve or stupid?
No matter how obvious this was.. I'm still surprised no one bit. Are you faggots finally evolving?
NIGGERS tongue my anus
>Almost all Swedish men are numale/soyboy tier, based on what I have seen on Yea Forums
>based on what I have seen on Yea Forums
Just never travelled to Sweden, that's all. I cannot speak absolutely as though I have.
Yeah, I thought his name was Jesse, too. Jussie isn't one I've seen around, before.
Her name is pussy
Saved, never seen that one before.
He ruined his career because he was a giant fuckin baby and a faggot.65k a show.you pay your dues and act like a fucking human being or be a nobody.you get the latter.stupid