What part of the Universe would you like to explore, user?

What part of the Universe would you like to explore, user?

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The part where it's a giant cloud of alcohol



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ur mums pussy mate

fuck off space nigger we're full

Yeah I’m with you cunt ay, we should fucken try to find this cunt’s Facebook and find his mum’s and see where she lives and go fuck her

I’ll fucken rip a fat cone and you fuck the fat fucken bitch bro

Somewhere outside of the currently observable universe.

Maybe there's just more universe out there, or maybe there's an infinite black void or something. Or maybe it's just impossible because physics.

Otherwise I'd like to go into a black hole, as long as I could get out some way.

sounds like a dank time broseph gordon-levitt

somewhere that has happiness

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Your mom's pussy

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My sister's butthole

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I’d like to stand on a nucleus and watch a W boson carry the weak force because I still can’t get how a particle heavier than some nuclei becomes a nearly weightless electron while changing a neutron to a less massive proton.

Anywhere that’s clear across from this system.

>somewhere outside of the currently observable universe.
>maybe there’s just more universe out there

Jesus fucking Christ you stupid retard.. it took billions of years for your brain to develop, why don’t you fucking use it?

What the fuck does an atom, a solar system and a galaxy all have in common? Or does your stupid ass not recognise the pattern there? Or maybe you think it’s a coincidence and ignore it because you’re literally one of the dumbest creatures in this “observable universe”.

Fucking hell your stupidity is insulting to our species, smarten the fuck up cunt you’re embarrassing the rest of us here.

How tf did we find that stupid faggot Shia Labeouf’s flag using flight patterns but still we have retards like this that need to be spoon fed information instead of thinking for themselves.

There’s no such thing as distance. You assume there is because you consider the universe to be a like a room with walls. You think there’s some sort of end to it yet you don’t have the slightest bit of evidence to support that theory and trust me that’s all it is, a theory.

You know what’s more challenging than getting humans to Mars? Getting human beings to atoms. There’s no such thing as distance.

I can’t show your clueless ass how a functioning brain thinks but I’ll try and explain it for you in layman’s terms:

Atoms have subatomic particles inside them that go weeeeeeee and electrons that go weeeeeeee and orbit around them

Sun’s have hydrogen atoms inside them and go weeeeeeee and they have planets outside of them that also orbit and go weeeeeeeee

Our galaxy has planets and suns that orbit a “black hole” and go weeeeeeeee

This is what we can observe with our eyes.

If you look smaller than at atom you’ll find different particles we don’t have names for yet but they’re all related and they all look relatively the same until you get outside of the fabric that governs our universe and holds it together.

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>there's no distance
Says angry user in response, unable to punch the other user because he's too far away.

Well. Played. Sir.

Electrons don't "orbit" like that. It's more like a cloud of probability. The orbiting model is outdated.

your penishole


It’s more like a cloud in the same way that your mother’s udders are still called “tits”. Despite the fact that we can never define anything in it’s exact value, from an observational declaration, it’s nature would be considered revolutionary. They orbit.

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your mom's ass

the end of the universe, finished or not?
Also if it's possible I need a TARDIS

This is always full impact sadness.
