i guess. have not been in one of these in a while.
I'm going to bed.
cya tomorrow for furry friday
-MadMax out
me or the pic?
cool. sup?
bored out of my mind
well go find something to do.
I'm so fucking happy I moved out of this fucking furry phase, I can't even comprehend how I was able to jerk off to this. I thank myself for not clinging onto this messed up fetish.
Good now get the fuck out.
Congratulations, now go watch some lolis you pedo
What do you get out of the image you just shared? Is it sexual to you? I mean, the furries i jerked to a few yeaes back at least looked decent. But wtf is this fucking shit ur sharing?
I don't even want to get into the loli threads. How is that even legal I don't understant
kinkshaming faggot gtfo
movement to contact to the girl scout cookie factory
Why can't you just be normal?
get out
go back to /s/
Okay, I will, just because that was a dank image. Have fun jerking to anthromorphic weird ass looking shit. Fucking virgin
bye faggot
not all of sit here and fap you know. im just posting for the hell of it. i fapped with my toy in the shower 30 mins ago.
Normies get out!
For the Hell of it? Is it because you enjoy this subculture? Are furry threads filled with the kind of people you want to be around with? I am not hating, i'm just trying to understand the mindset of a furryfaggot.
Furfags couldn't stay off my thread
bump for dis
just bored. sometimes people are fun to talk to despite half of the fanbase being complete SJW witch hunt enthusiasts and the others are degenerate idiots who want nothing more then drugs, alcohol and sex. but sometimes people are fun to talk to. that and i been here since 2007 it was shit then and its shit now.
i do save and enjoy fapping to is still from time to time but i do enjoy anthro animals (straight or gay) and wish gene splicing exist.
the cartoon domestic animal guy?
cub guy?
sorry for the shit ponybro
i graduated highschool in 07, went furry about a year or 2 later, then went on hiatus for a few years.
Wow, 12 years a furfag. How did it affect your personal life? Any ragrets? I do understand your point that every once in a while someone chill is up for a convo, though.
hello again
The pony shit doesn't irritate me.
I've never seen an episode of the show.
I will NEVER see an episode of the show.
I will continue to wait for it to just die off and get replace with some other shitty cartoon cancer.
this thread is missing something
Gene spicing? The drawings can be hot/cute, yes. But I can't imagine a real anthro cub or smthn. That would look disgusting. And fucking such a thing? Damn.
Whoever drew this instead of a dick has weapons grade autism. truly.
yea, cute loli girls
time to improve this shit show
DUDE. What have we discussed?
decided to move from your table to ours I see
two can play at the cancer game, bitch boy
wtf are you on about?
honestly i never let it effect my personal life. i dont go out of my to act like a complete faggot. i feel it did end up having a girlfriend dump me once but she was a slut who cheated on me for 2 years of our 4 year relationship anyway. it played a part in me being jobless until like 23 but then again i was just a lazy shit that wanted to play games all day. i have no problem going out and socializing with people and have worked at a mcdonald for 4 years. i didnt even want the position but my gm liked me enough to make me go into management and all of the repeat customers loved me cause i always treated them with respect and had a smile on my face. on break i would go and sit with peopl(usually vets) and listen to their stories for fun. still enough of a social outcast where my fun is going to my LGS to play magic the gathering or going to see a movie so i dont go out of my way to meet new people but im never against it.
cant think of any real regrets in life relating to being a BI fur faggot. and honestly with the mix of the 4 year gf dumping me and starting to pop into g/fur threads i ended up meeting my boyfriend in a fur thread and he drove from nevada to wisconsin 2 times. first was for a visit and seccond was to move in.
gene splicing=have you seen the genetic fucking around in current years where they are trying to make birds more dinosaur like? something similar to that. messing with genetic code to change the appearance of something. honestly it would only look disgusting cause its something you never seen before but if dont right it could look extremely sexy . my problem with it would be the tails, as much as i love large fluffy tails they would be a hazard.
Can you please stop being a fucking pedo seriously? Creepy as fuck art my dude. Respect yourself.
your shit is concentrated degeneracy mine is accepted and semi normal so do everyone a favor and kys you sick freak
Not him but it turned me into a chad basically.
Dropping HOT LOAD after load after load into gaping canine vagina, daily. As every furry often does with their submissive pet wife. Every week at least 3 orgies or more. Drugz my dude. Weeeeed, sex, techno hard fucking. Awesome.
Go ahead and complain about bestiality normie faggot. Your dick is dry like the gobi desert or some shit nigger. Deal with itâ„¢
>semi normal
Pedo is disgusting and NOT NORMAL by any stretch of the imagination. It is the absolute highest sexual crime all over the world.
You would probably really like Thailand, the middle east, or India.
>is a degenerate who has to lower himself to that of an animal
>brags about his degenerate thoughts and actions and encourages others to be like him
>It is the absolute highest sexual crime all over the world.
japan has a legal age of consent of 13 bro...
It's degenerate in normie eyes, sure. But it's not a serious crime like pedophilia.
you're mentally ill and you need meds and a therapist asap
normies are sane people unlike you fags
I've seen dumpster fire threads before
This is one for the record books
At least we're the same species, mate.
That's a meme, It's really 16-18. The 13 year is a carry over from pre-ww2 Japan. Jurisdictions all over Japan have virtually made the age of consent 16-18, not 13. It's a meme that isn't true.
What this guy said:
Try those countries I guess, to get your pedo fix. Parasitic and abusive shit, unless you marry for life.
Faggest lord of all time award
Which is why it's a crime.
i have seen a lot worse. this feels like a typical weekday shit.
children and animals share the same mentally and you shouldn't touch either of them in a fucked up way
Go toss a kid into the wilderness and see them survive. Then tell me they're the same mentally. They are in fact not.
Dude don't commit suicide, life is beautiful.
Oh I see now, this faggotry of a subculture has maybe fucked u up in such a way it possibly affected ur relationship with ur ex of 4 years. But on the other hand it gave you something in return, a bf!!! Nice story faggot, really. And hearing your work exp. You don't seem like a person that will have a big part in forming/improving/adding to society. So I guess I have a better grasp at your behaviour regaring furfaggotry and it's affects in your personal life, thanks user xxx
because humans live based on emotions not instinct so don't start bs
its only beautiful if we kill all the animal rapists
EXACTLY which is why they are different
I have a feeling nothing you wrote represents your life in any way shape or form.
I agree, wanna go look for zoophilia threads?
so if a human couldn't speak or write and had fur what would you treat them like?
there isn't any up
Not sure. I only am into my dogs.
I hope they kill you in your sleep
It wouldn't be human?
like i said it was a maybe for that GF but most people i dated in high school were generally sluts and i was boyfriend number 8 or some shit so its not much of a loss there. and as i said she cheated on me for 2 years of the 4 we dated and thats before she knew i enjoyed furry art. and my gf was one of those typical huge tit blond girls that everyone would drool over. and a couple of other hot gfs before and after but that was a span of 6ish years.
as for the job thing i currently quit my job as of jan 31 and currently new employment somewhere less shit. kind of hoping home depo cause i want to be somewhere where i can start relearning carpenter skills. i used to do all sorts of home repair shit with my dad like replacing tile and carpets, painting, replacing walls, even plenty of car and lawnmower repair. and i want to get back into it and maybe go back to college for it and eventually build my own cabin one day
I'm not anyone's mother who browses Yea Forums, so I think I'll be fine.
nature vs nurture. we have animal people out in the wild. still human despite acting like animals.
Then why are you here?
That's why i said mayne and possibly. It surely wasn't biggest factor of your relations misserable end. And by the looks of it, it sounds like ur taste in women was too much of the visual rather than emotional/supportive.
If you have the money, time, and willpower to go back to school I hope you do and chase your dream (if your dream job requires a diploma that is).
Otherwise, I am all for carpenting and building. I used to do the same with my dad. He specialized in roofing. I learned how to build a house from scratch, i really enjoyed the workers culture, having the radio on, being on a high roof with a sigarette in ur mouth working, laughing and having a blast. Ofcourse there are the cold rainy stressfull days. But every job has its ups n downs. I never really felt fully happy though, as if I was wasting time or something, it wasn't challenging enough. And it made me get mentally lazy, so i said fuck it. I quit working in construction and became a gas analyst, still left with the same feeling though. So i quit that too and went to university. Let's see how this path is going to play out. Cuz i ruined my relationship, i was going to marry, all for the sake of studying. I hope i didnt fuck this up.. time will tell
Can u give an example??
do it you fagggggghhhhhss
... unhh ...
>accepted & semi normal
Nah b your just as bad as the fucking furries if not worse because your fucking sexualizing children. Fuck out here with that "its normal" shit, your all degenerates in your own way, but id rather have the dog fuckers then you pedophiles any day of the week and i hope the ban on you closet pedohiles with this loli shit does go through so b is rid of at least one cancer until a new one comes along.
funny things is with my relationships i was always the one asked out. i never did the asking. so basically cause i was young and stupid enough i would not say no and just be the middle man for them between relationships so that was still a bad judge of character on my part.
well that sounds like an underage ban to me cause that is like 1st year highschool shit. nature vs nurture is something along the lines of a child growing up in a "normal human" setting vs being tossed out at a very young age in the wilderness and being adopted by animal life and surviving that way. 0 human contact and just living to survive.
sorry for long replies. monster hunter fights are a bitch.