Why did Australians murder so many jiggs just to take over a fucking desert? Really...

Why did Australians murder so many jiggs just to take over a fucking desert? Really, stupid fucking asshole convicts went on a killing spree of commie proportions. Australia needs to go. Start dropping bombs immediately.

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I have a 1920s bi-plane and some revolvers. We should be able to take them with that.

Presumably the same reason Americans killed the majority of indians. It was just harder not to.

You can take us down, but you won't stand a chance against the Emu's. No one does.

Eradicating native niggs is pretty fucking sweet. We taught them Indians some serious lessons about having inferior technology. Aborigines are fucking done.

Im Australian man I’ll murder you with my fucking boomerang. We are no different from any other large country that owns land. They took it from someone else by force, why do you point us out? What have Australians and/or Australia done to you?

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Nothing. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with Australians. You are an easy and desolate target. So, fuck you and your Vegemite.

Do you have loisense for that boomrang mate?

I love OP

Except you’re a bunch of supreme cucks, and you couldn’t hurt a fly.

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I can confirm australia fucking sucks now. I’ve lived in Perth all my life, it used to be fucking sweet. Now I am considering and weighing my options.
Suggestions are welcome

nigger genocide needs no explanation

I'd say Japan. They will be the last place invaded by Mudslimes and the bitches are hot.

look you stupid nigger, why do you think all the indigenous people died in in the Americas and Australia, but not other places that got colonized in Africa and Asia?

It wasn't cuz of war, it was cuz of disease. Old world people had exposure to European disease, new world + Australian people didn't so they all fucking croaked


Read on, mudslime licker. I'm all for Australia doing what they did. We killed millions over here. It worked out well for us.

thats your problem, living in perth lol

stupid faggot I'm not making any moral pronouncements, I'm stating facts about why all the abos died off

pull your tongue out of your rectum and you might have the attention span to think logically

fuck abos

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Niggers are sub-human. Aussies did us all a favour.

I am. You did well, Australia. We got almost all of em too. Too bad you replaced them with Mudslimes.

Australia has the most arable land per capita plus a shit ton of other resources

Don't worry, nobody is expecting an American to know anything with their shitty education system

Hope you go bankrupt from medical bills in the near future lol

Has like 20 million guys and Sheilas. With 20 million Mudslimes on the way, won't last long.

I wanna know, did you rage type that and have a good cry afterwards? Love baiting Australians. They are normally such lovely people.

Lol you're just proving how sweet Australia is and how autistic you are

I don't do the ocean or the desert. The few green areas and shitty mountains you have aren't worth it. Australians are really fun though. The girls are sluts. I fucked three of them while traveling Europe.

They ban books.
Nuke them.

Cool but no one gives a fuck

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This man knows what he's talking about. Turn the deserts into glass.

Austrailia is a Nazi dream, illegal to have sex with females who weigh over 150lbs or those with titties smaller than c cups.

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And nobody gives a fuck about Australia. We are even. I guess the mudslimes care about invading you and taking your women while you masturbate in the corner.

Okay buddy

and who do you think the world's largest exporter of uranium is? (or at least used to be if not anymore)

>world's largest exporter or unranium
>doesn't have nukes
>relies on US for nuclear deterrent

fite me cunt

Well, you aren’t wrong.

You will probably want me chained up like them, huh? That's considered a fair fight in your country.

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Doesn't have millions upon millions of out of work niggers and spics either. Or a gun problem. Or an absolute fucking oafish embarrassment of a retard in charge. Got some fucking amazing shorelines tho, but the wildlife's a bit salty if get my drift.

you are aware of slavery in america right?

Some tribes of American Indians were tough as shit, but I understand killing Aborigines was like target practice. I’m actually surprised they still exist. I’m not up on my Australian history, but was slavery ever a thing? Why did you let them live?

Ausfag here. I spend most of my free time posting log threads and godtard threads. Rate me /10.

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You wouldn't last two seconds out in the bush or the desert neck yourself trihard.

Unemployment in the US is below 4%. There are literally 6 million job openings. Anyone who wants to work can find a job.
We just got the retard, who couldn't speak without a teleprompter, out of office. I'm so happy he's gone.

Yep. Hundreds of thousands of northern whites died to free them jiggs. What a waste.

American Indians were bad ass. They lost to a superior/more advanced society.

I agree. I would't even attempt it.

get raped in alice springs

your post is called a projection of your secret desires

This guy knew how to do it right

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ill meet you there UwU, bring those tns babe

Let me see, it'll take about 18 hrs and $1,000. I'll be there in 20 min.