I am an angel of the Lord.
Ask me anything.
I am an angel of the Lord.
Ask me anything.
Do you kick arse for him?
How is 6th grade going?
Why's my life so full of shit?
Will I ever get fucked by a shemale?
are you a faggot?
No. I monitor.
This person did brilliantly in all schooling. Mrs. Mathers even complimented his syntax to his parents.
God won't help you. Not everyone is granted advantages, but you must be opportunistic. Protect your life and your integrity at all costs an do everything you can to flourish.
By all definitions.
Ever smoke on the toilet and think... I could stub this cigarette out on my unwiped anus without burning my delicate area, I only ask because I'm thinking it right now
Didn't ask for help. I asked WHY my life is so full of shit?
>>I am an angel of the Lord.
Me too
Is god willing and able to prevent evil?
It's not full of shit as some kind of punishment, it's full of shit because you refuse dealing with it.
I kind of want to try that now. To say I did.
You were placed in a shitty situation to grow. And you make bad decisions.
Name yourself
I know where this is headed. He's just watching too. There's a prime directive.
Can you kill me? Like right? Please?
No. I have the same capabilities of a human of my power and station.
Why would you destroy something so beautiful.
>Name yourself
Apollyon, you?
> (You)
If willing and able and does nothing, then he is malevolent, and unworthy of service to or worship. "Just watching" is tacit approval for evil.
Therefore, god is evil. Nobody who isn't outright insane would purposefully serve such a being.
You lose.
Lucifer here. Identify yourself.
My name is Michael.
You're an insect trying to comprehend the will and identity of a 27th dimensional being.
Hey you.
Sit down bitch.
hey dude
Why you work for such a bitch-ass nigga
Can you prove it? Not an atheist btw.
Oh also which religion is right?
How's Dad?
hows the schizophrenia? run out of meds?
Will i die soon? why does god hate me
Does she love me back?
No. And in general the tenets of buddhism will lead you to a happier life. I will not speak on which is the right religion. It's a nonsensical question.
Literally having a nonvocal autistic fit.
The medication is very helpful. Especially the fun ones. It's very hard to be a human being.
I can't see the future.
I'm not omniscient.
>its very hard to be a human being
sure is bud. my life is trash and im not a 16 year old crying because mommy locked up the xbox. im seriously contemplating suicide for the first of next month. either ill blast my self with 12g or ill monoxide my self in my car. not sure where to park yet tho. i might try to go gey laid first because its been a year
10 years for me. I've had a rough day. what's up with you?
why is life painful
How young is too young?
But man, there's nothing else to do
You don't know how the future could improve.
Have you considered a psychedelic experience to help lift your depression? It's coming into the news lately and assuming you don't have a terrible trip it could change your life.
Because it is frankly work. And you reap what you sow
under the age of consent.
Which lord?
So there isn't a moral universal "ok this kid is way too young to fuck" like that murder is bad?
There are many Lords.
That is the legal constraint for a reason. People are generally too idiotic to understand their own agency before then. You could set a universal measure by hormones, so at this case it would be complete sexual and emotionally maturity would actually be at 25. According to the science.
Your brain is done at 25.
So... does Jesus want us to wait until 25? Or is fucking 10 year olds okay if there's no law against it?
How does one get "will"?
Eat my cunt?
Overcome mechanicality
>cave zone
>flaming oil barrels
>reptiles with helmets
guess the game
I will be loved?
no more drugs ive had enough of them for a life time.
im just sick of people man and life in general is more pain than pleasure for the last 5-6 years. like i just absolutely hate interacting with people just to befriend / date them and eventually get fucked over and used by them in some way. i get that not everyone is bad and maybe i gravitate towards certain people but damn i just cant do it anymore. ive been through some real shit i dont really really want to talk about. fuck people
>fuck people
Been there, done that.
It's not that bad honestly, you just failed to look after yourself in the right way.
If you learned that you wouldn't be off that bad.
Why are you imaginary?
you need to choose your friends judice
nobody ever said you had to have friends. I don't, even though I like being in a group or on a team.
How should I approach her?
Do you deliver messages? Can you tell Bob Ross I hope he's doing well up there?
What can I do? What am I supposed to do?
>i am an angel of the lord
kys negro
my name jeff
What is it like to be an angel?
I don't see the difference
Create a rock your boss cannot lift desu.
>not OP here
That would be God's job not angels lol