Who knows them?

Who knows them?

Uk thread

Any Sheffield?

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Donny. Want her Kik?

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Aids capital of Europe

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More of right?

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Moar of this brum slut

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anyone woodlands/wakefield?


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That's right my friend! Don't forget teen pregnancy and unemployment!

I never forget the night I didn't fuck a stripper from Doncaster at a house party, I regret it like fuck but I don't have aids

Haha, maybe not aids but she might have had the clap or something. I'm from Donny myself, moved out of the shithole a few years ago

I'm from Barnsley she came to a house party she was my mates sisters friend and had just broke up with her bf, i was pilled up and had a gf, she was trying it on with me so hard, she split her pj's grinding on me, I had a heart attack that night... True story

Haha! Classic, hope you're alright mate!

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Any hull?


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Do you know Leah B from Wakefield?

I work in Wakefield and there's some pretty easy going women, don't know their names though

nope, you like polish chicks from wakefield/woodlands?

What's her Kik?

Have fun. Know her?

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Nice. Where from? Any wins?

I'll post if successful

Ok nice. Where do you know her from?


Sheffield graduate

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