Will America ever be great again like it was in the 1960s?

Will America ever be great again like it was in the 1960s?

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Not unless we raise marginal income tax rates on the wealthy and stop union busting. A progressive tax rate that reduced income inequality and boosted social mobility, as well as reliable income streams that could support a family demanded by collective bargaining built modern American culture and a direct decline in its greatness can be correlated to their decline. It has nothing to do with immigrants or globalization. Its strictly that we are concentrating wealth by valuing growth and profit over national wellbeing. It's fundy socialist as fuck, but a civilization doesn't function without that "society" part.


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It wasn't "great" in the 60s the way people love to romanticize. So you can just fuck off with the veiled racist bullshit.


This completely ignores the fundamental economic shift America underwent in the 60s and on. We moved to a post industrial nation, losing almost out entire middle class in the process. Those type of economic policies won't work anymore because we don't have that type of economy anymore.

Blonde kids. Dark haired dad.
You sure things were all that great?

Social mobility is the true and only measure of the health of a society.

You can't undo that large of a demographic shift... at least not peacefully

If it was the 1960s it would be the exact same for you fags. You would still not get any pussy, you would not be popular or successful. You would still be a loser with no life, except you wouldn't have any internet or Japanese cartoons.

Economically it was great. Stop being a faggot about muh blacks, they are talking about how white suburbia was awesome back then and how a single family income was viable. But since you brought it up, notice how back then segregated white communities were the dream? Because niggers fucking suck and ruin even the free handouts they get.

Blonde mom, recessive genes. Learn to biology pleb.

Yeah because it's all about that pussy. Spoken like a true high school dropout.

>No, the boomer generation from Nixon through Reagan fuck over the economy with continuously high inflation rates such that our cost of living in the US is to high to support a thriving blue-collar middle class

I thought Trump was making it great again?
Is he just a lying piece of shit?

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What are you romanticizing? They didn't even have proper porn back then, you would have to jerk off to the Sears catalogue and use your imagination.
Losers like you still existed back then, and their lives were even worse.

Yes, yes he is


No, too many niggers with “rights” walking around

>calls op a loser
>only thing he can think of that he would miss is porn

That would be funny if it wasn’t pathetic

The Reds were already fucking things up by then, it just took another decade to finish eating the seed corn.
Good times are always temporary, there's always some bastard willing to fuck everybody over for another dollar and/or that generation's version of SJW's bent in 'improving' you right into serfdom.

this and only this


Why you lefty leftos don't know the upstanding man he really is!

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>Will America ever be great again like it was in the 1960s?

Like when you mom started fucking niggers in college because it was "the in thing" to do?

Well considering she's still a whore and now you have a cum guzzling sister who only screws the blacks, I'd say "your America" is still very much on course

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I was born in the 60's. In the U.S. it was full of filthy hippies, marching niggers, and the Vietnam draft. Go get shot at and an arm blown off to defend a bunch of backward gooks.

Yea, great time.

Nope. Baby boomers saw to that.

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Things were much better in the 50's, because of segregation.

The 60s was one of the most violent, volatile decades in us history. Have you never read a book?

Boomers from both sides fucked up this country. Don’t be fucking delusional.

Wow. You made me so upset because of your posts! Now I am going to kill myself! I can't believe some stranger on the internet would insult my family. Boohoo!

He’s not wrong you know....

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>Now I am going to kill myself!

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