Why do brainlet Americans run for the hills whenever they hear "socialism" and social policies...

Why do brainlet Americans run for the hills whenever they hear "socialism" and social policies? Posted in /b because I don't want top mind retards bombarding chat with their retarded biased autism

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>implying Yea Forums has less retarded biased autism


Well I want to keep a open mind and let the people give their opinions

Name a country with as many people where socialism worked.

Maybe because socialism is an absolute failure of a system..? And Americans don't want to work harder to get less money, to watch their neighbors work less and get more money.. literally every reason why socialism is bad is why American majorities don't want it.

literally whole of Europe is socialist to some degree

“Socialism” as it is understood in America, is literally any subsidy given to the poor or needy. Socialism as it actually is (nationalized means of production) doesn’t work. Americans are too well propagandize to discern the difference

Thanks for proving the point.

Jesus its like you guys will start wearing diphers next.

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My shit is not your shit pinko bitch

>"Socialism doesn't work,"


>I couldn't argue in /pol/, they used big words

>Pays for Privatized healthcare insurance
>Privatized healthcare insurance is where you put money into a pot and everyone gets to use the money in the pot based off of a number of factors

>"I'm not paying for anyone else's healthcare! Fuck you for introducing a larger system that would diminish debt and lower the price!"

Fake ass shills man.

Fuck off. We don't wanna be Venezuela.

Don't even know how to direct reply.

Fuck out of here shill.

kek stay mad

>Why do brainlet Americans run for the hills whenever they hear "socialism" and social policies?

60 years of propaganda, and 60 years of sub-standard education.


Your education system in the USA has failed you and that's really sad.

If you think the timeline of Venezuela started with 'prosperous capitalist paradise' and then 'totalitarian hellhole' because they introduced a system of universal basic healthcare coverage then you need to do more reading.

If you think the wealthiest nation in the world having over 70,000 healthcare related bankruptcies a year is reasonable you are wrong.

If you think taxing people 70% when they earn over $10 million is somehow evil or wrong then you've been lied to. You will never earn over $10 million. Furthermore you clearly do not understand marginal tax rates.

If the only conceptual knowledge you have of welfare is that it is for the lazy, and that it will lead to gulags, then I have nothing but pity for whoever raised you to be so fucking stupid.


Why bother with facts when you can use your amygdala to scream at other poor people who look differently than you.

We were founded on Enlightment ideals and understand that when you shift e role of government to one that provides rights rather than protecting them you are inviting tyranny into your home.

Suck my freedom dick you faggot communist

I'm European so your shill talking points are pointless.

Your post is such blatant propaganda.
You've been indoctrinated by the cultural Marxism lies.
35% unemployment sounds good to you?
No food sounds good for you?
Keeping the people poor while the politicians stay rich, sounds good for you?
Giving up all your freedoms and most of your rights, sounds good to you?

Fuck off pathetic shill.
>America will never be a socialist country

Give me liberty or give me death.

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The education system here is a sham. Never should have let the government inside our schools

Conservatives are driven primarily by fear, whereas liberals are driven primarily by optimism.

So when socialists talk about changing things in the US, liberals assume the change will be good even if the idea has problems. Conservatives assume the change will be awful and fight even if the idea is good.

Poster number doesn't add up with the amount of posts.

The shill is doing some serious samefagging.

I'm out.

>Cultural Marxist lies
my fucking sides

Nibba your college teaches you we have more than two genders.

There's a university in the uk that banned the word woman.

Fuck off you Marxist scum.

Please tell me what any of that had to do with basic healthcare coverage.

I want to help you see that raving about Communism and Cultural Marxism when someone suggests a more universally beneficial system of healthcare coverage makes you seem mentally ill.

I'd rather be a stupid redneck that at least know how to work a firearm than a limp wristed, bitchy, skinny leftard who can't even win a fight if her life depended on it

This is what it looks like when your entire political identity is based off of baby boomer memes and existential anxiety.

People are so stupid at this point that I think it's time to round up the south and give it a bath.

Scott Pruitt, Ajit Pai, and Betsy Devos.

another triggered leftard crying and lying

Na it's the west coast we need to purge

Nothing you've said here is relevant to the conversation at hand. Go polish your guns till one goes off in your face mongoloid.

because i like to have food to eat.

gais gais gais. wee need to look towards yurop to see how to structure our country so we can be broke and flooded with arabs

If we're talking about Marx, he attempted to confront issues that lead to the deaths of millions in his time.

You are confronting the horrifying, terrible enemy that is "Someone wanting to use a different bathroom" and basing your beliefs off of that.

By all means, come and get it.

You watch Star Trek and get your ideology from that.

Fuck off communist scum. You deserve death.

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Everybody in the private insurance paid in. Bigger pool that only some pay for is just theft.

You're stuck in some communist propaganda/ ideological nightmare.

Go commit die

But you ALREADY pay for it, to the military through Tricare, to the government and their apparatus in a few forms, and the the poor and old via medicare and medicaid.

You're just not getting anything out of it while still having to pay for privatized health

Hey faggot, don't be a incel and call me a shill to my face

Look at every single country ran by socialism ever and you'll see why

"I want sensible systems and not shit we have now"

How else can he call you a shill?
Leave ur address and so he can find you.

This guy retarded.

In the north, black guy will kill you, go to jail.

In the south, white farm family will take a federal building hostage with fire arms and hold it for weeks and then get off clean as a whistle. Fuck you the south needs to die.

336 S. Wrangler Ave. Fresh Meadows, NY 11365


Again this conflation is so embarrassing if it wasn't so widespread in the world it would be funny rather than just depressing.

'He attempted to confront issues that lead to the deaths of millions in his time'

Do you know how reductionist that is for 150 years of political development? Do you know how insanely stupid you have to be to summarise 150 years of human history as 'some guy Marx tried to introduce socialism and it killed millions THEREFORE healthcare is evil.'

We're not talking about gendered bathrooms or gulags. We're talking about universal healthcare (which the US already effectively pays for via subsidies but sees no benefits), sustainable economics, and we're talking about a top marginal tax rate of 70% which the US has had historically from the years 1931-1979.

Wanting a well educated, healthy society with well maintained national infrastructure is not an organic stepping stone to mass purges. To believe so means you're either willfully ignorant or being taught by someone who is.

You miss the point of it being one step at a time. You get "free healthcare" and next it is UBI. Communism is communism it is just a matter of degree. I don't want any.

>Kills tens of millions with napalm bombs, de-stabilizes the region allowing the Khmer Rouge to come to power
>Sends death squads into Northern Ireland several times in one century
>Deploys the Ranger Regiment to Africa
>Destabilizes all of Latin America
>Creates puppet states all over the Middle East, collapsing legitimate governments and strengthening the Taliban
>The Soviet Union emerges from the Great War, a civil war, the Spanish Flu, and then the Second World War
>Prepares to invade Venezuela and Iran, leaving the Kurdish to die.

You misunderstand me. He confronted the issues of Capitalism and imperialism, which as a German Jew was a pretty noticeable issue.

At this point America IS a plutocratic authoritarian state. Why do I have to be afraid of saying anything without the CIA busting down my door thinking I'm a terrorist, and why the fuck are corporate lapdogs being placed into important positions within the government which directly contradict their past employment history?

Lmao. Romneys a tame Republican. Try Rubio, Cruz, or Trump.

the average Yea Forums poster is either a retarded autist or an overly edgy 12 yo who read some ayn rand and thinks they are super smart.
the ones who actually understand the need for a robust social safety net are few and far betwen.

and Europes economy doesn't hold a candle to the economy of the US. Socialism is for cucks and lazy fags with no ambition. fat hairy fucks that watch dragon ball z and play video games all day fantasizing. capitalism is reality, where the strong thrive

Ted Cruz has Ashley Madison accounts. If he keeps secrets from his own family then how do I expect him to be honest with me?

The military guys earn that, it is part of what we pay them to keep us safe. Medicare you have already paid into to get something out of it. Welfare like Medicaid is the only socialist program you listed and should be very limited and temporary. If you don't contribute, you should get Jack shit from my pocket.

Our economy sucks. The president shut down the government twice, and the second time it affected me. How am I supposed to support the economy if I can't even collect my fucking paycheck to do so user.

You do realize that by going "but what about this thing these guys did" you don't render the criticism mute right?
Also where the fuck is the Soviet Union now?

Dude the baby boomers wanted medicare so they could greedily hoard all of the money. Most people who championed medicare aren't even alive anymore. Fuck them. If some old bitch gets medicare and I don't because baby boomer politicians like Trump get rid of the system, then if I ever become president there won't be a single baby boomer in politics. And since Trump is normalizing casualized authoritarianism, by the time I become prez, I'll basically own the country.


Well first of all this is just a pure logical fallacy.

Secondly what you're advocating for then is Anarcho-Capitalism.

>Soviet Union
It exists within Vladimir Putin.

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If people take care of their business and pay for their own shit, then there is no need for a social safety net. It is never just a safety net but a give away to people who don't contribute.

No yeah you're right I suppose your natural freedoms to tweet American airlines to tell them you're going to hijack a plane is being infringed upon. Egg on my face.

I think it's propaganda.
Even in poor countries, you hear poor people shit-talk social policies. Even after some are removed and they are butt fucked even deeper into poverty.
I think it has to do with being ignorant of your social class.
Then again, I am poor, a shitskin and a retard.

Putin isn't a socialist

So the small business owner is now responsible for maintaining roads, infrastructure, electricity, pensions, police and the fire department?

Sterling national plan chief.

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And this shows the ignorance on the right...
The EU, as a whole, is actually producing more GDP than the US.
But you are still wrong for letting that other faggot call it socialism. It is capitalism with strong welfare systems

No, I don't believe in or support anarchy in any form. I also have no problem with government as long as it serves the benefit of the people who it is created for.

>I don't want top mind retards bombarding chat

>Posting in the autism contaiment board

Sure we are not /r9k/ but I can sure as fuck tell you we are not short on retards or retard pretenders here.

IRAfag here. Even when you just socialize healthcare, like the NHS, it's still shit. I don't want to pay for some lazy cunts operations with the taxes I pay when he doesn't contribute to society in any way. I'm fine with socialized education but full on socialism is easy and commonly abused. As for Denmark and the other "commie" European countries they were wealth as fuck, due to imperialism, before socializing their healthcare, welfare and education system. Stop thinking social solves problems, it just shifts the problem to someone else.

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'socialist' is one off those words that gets thrown around which is meamt to be derogatory but the person parroting usually dpesn't have a clue what it really means, like 'liberal'

"Ooh he called him a liberal! What a burn"

I don't know chief because as soon as you start publicly funding things like education or roads that's just one stepping stone towards COMMUNISM, and we don't want that do we?

I hear those Cubans had a publicly funded education system and by golly that just ain't American. Why can't we have a system where I, personally, send my child to a private school at immense cost (still subsidized partially by taxes of course)?

Not only would we generate immense profits for private schools but those poor kids could eat shit and stop leeching off my tax dollars like the little Khmer Rouge that they are!

>35% unemployment sounds good to you
>European socialism

Where in that hellhole is it like this?

As far as I could remember the Netherlands and some chilly places were doing fairly good with socialism.

I might be wrong and outdated since I have been having some years without reading shit.

That is the purpose of sales tax. Which is the only tax the government has the right to collect. How did the US get by for 150 years before they came up with the scam of income tax? People paid for their own shit, that is how.

>Give me liberty or give me death
that's pretty fucking cool. did you make that up?

Too scared to post in pol, because you know that the neets there would destroy all your points?

>they were wealth as fuck, due to imperialism
Wouldn't that be a positive reason for the US to give it a shot?
But i do agree... I really don't want my tax dollars going to radical christian terrorists.

'2016, the United States spent nearly twice as much as 10 high-income countries on medical care and performed less well on many population health outcomes. Contrary to some explanations for high spending, social spending and health care utilization in the United States did not differ substantially from other high-income nations. Prices of labor and goods, including pharmaceuticals and devices, and administrative costs appeared to be the main drivers of the differences in spending.'


Do some reading please this sort of 'bloke down the pub' politics is destroying our society.

Destroy his points yourself you fucking pussy.

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I don't believe in public education either. Why can't people just school their children at home. If my kids are going to learn propaganda it will be what I want them to learn.

its failed every single time it been tried
hundreds of millions dead not enough for you

The thing is, it's all on purpose. This is all designed to happen. Even your discontent.

Yo nigga dis be Maga country.

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That's right! And all they had was a cast iron pot, a beaver pelt to jerk off into and a rifle and bloody hell we got by didn't we?!

Unfortunately we don't want to just 'get by' we want to develop, and grow, and progress. We do that by elevating people in society.

If you want to model your perfect society off a time where dying of smallpox was still an issue that's fine but I'm going to model mine off of when we went to the moon.

So you want to take over the drug and medical supply companies too? Then there will be no new drugs or anything because if no profit, no innovation.

'Why can't people just school their children at home?'

Because parents have jobs? Because we don't live in an agrarian society in 1750? Because most parents aren't equipped to deliver the same quality of education from 0-18 as the state is? Because we actually want a well-read, intelligent society?

If you want to home school your kids you can but don't pretend that public education isn't universally beneficial to a society.

More progress made before the Advent of income tax. It actually slowed progress by by stifling profits.

Public education is a joke. Public education caters to the slowest of the herd.

Public education has become nothing but indoctrination into communist/socialist agenda and lgbtq agenda.

cus they think social policies and socialism is based on subjective ideas and people's feelings

Citation needed. Where are you getting this information from?
Here is an article by Dana Mitra, PhD, talking about the benefits of having a public education system.


tl;dr: increased tax revenue, reduced rates of incarceration, improves quality of health.

'National savings in public health costs would exceed $40 billion if every high school dropout in just a single year would graduate. '

Fuck you, loser. People get rich because they work hard and are gifted. A nigger on welfare like yourself would never understand. Did the govmint give your whore mother food bux?

I'm sure we'd see a startling lack of direct-to-consumer pharmaceuticals on TV but the good news is that we'd stop seeing immoral price hikes on cancer medication and insulin.

You mean countries that are entirely white?

That's not true in the slightest

This. I want to make billions and not give a single penny of it to anyone

Cute. I bet you want to be G.I. Joe too! And a spaceman!

Unfortunately functional societies can't be run off of your childish fantasies or else we'd spend an inordinate amount of government money on making your mum fall in love with your dad again.

Bumped and agreed 100%

>t. plebbit leftist who thinks posting these threads will turn Yea Forums left

sorry libtard, we're too stupid for that to work

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>If you think the timeline of Venezuela started with 'prosperous capitalist paradise' and then 'totalitarian hellhole' because they introduced a system of universal basic healthcare coverage then you need to do more reading.

The timeline was more like "one of the richest countries in Latin America" to "complete hellhole where people don't have medicine and are starving to death." The point is not that it was perfect before socialism, but that it is much worse off under socialism than it ever was. It went from being one of the better places to live in Latin America to worst than almost any country in the world.

We accept that America is a democratic republic with many socialist elements and goals, but we want it to remain as democratic as possible. Europe either seems to have somewhat abandoned this idea or never fully embraced it in the first place. For instance I'm disturbed at the threat to free speech, not because I want to "be racist" but because once you've handed over the ability to regulate speech it's likely that ability will end up in the hands of someone who shouldn't have it and will abuse it. Imagine a body forms to regulate speech, that body has bureaucrats, it could lack oversight or have a poor separation of powers within itself, it could also be vulnerable to hacking, death threats and most importantly, simple bribery.

Basically I am worried you think in a Chinese way in which a corrupt authority is better than no authority, which it isn't. Or that a good regulation is more good than a bad regulation is bad, the bad regulation being bad is vastly more important and the source of the American reticence to adopt regulations in general.

Unfortunately developments with things ranging from Germany to Google makes me think resisting socialist ideas is more important than ever, socialism has administrative problems that have historically always ended with it's corruption and I see that same close-mindedness coming over Europe. Dissenters are labeled and discarded quickly, silenced legally and often arrested. You're asking me why I'm afraid when you're already entering into the stage I'm distinctly afraid of. I think the best example was the NHS practically kidnapping that child with the fucked up brain, they told the parents it was hopeless and it probably was...but then wouldn't let them take their kid to America to pay their own money to try again. It was SO IMPORTANT that two people accept the authority of the NHS over their very lives that the NHS crashed itself into 3 solid months of Breitbart shitting down their neck in front of fucking evangelicals.

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Countries whose socialist programs are entirely dependent upon the prosperity of their capitalist economies aren't examples of socialism's effectiveness, it's only evidence that a country can survive with a parasite as long as the host isn't completely starved to death.

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The only ones who "run for the hills" are usually the ones who can't really debate that well and just book it the second their ideals are challenged.

1. They believe in the consitution
2. They really believe in freedom, democracy and US history
3. They're close to be hillbilies

RIGHT. But here's the rub. Here is what I am actually saying, my friend.

Statecraft is bloody complicated. You cannot point to a country and say 'socialism' and be done with it. They had an economy wholly reliant on oil exports first of all and the drop in oil prices in 2014 was one of the primary reasons for the regimes collapse.

Secondly, Venezuela's economy remained market-based and private-sector dominated throughout the majority of Maduro's time in office. It was never, and never intended to be, a Cuban style socialist economy.

Thirdly. Venezuela is not the USA. The main point of my sentence was not that we should emulate Venezuela. It was that universal basic healthcare is NOT a slippery slope to communism and medicine shortages.

If you can prove to me that it is I will listen. But it isn't. No one is trying to seize the means of production by giving you a better healthcare system.

>EU doesn't hold a candle to the U.S economy
Imagine thinking this is actually true especially as of recently. The U.S is gearing up for a major crash. And it won't be long before the rest of the world gets fed up with their shit.

top 5 reasons to be against socialism

>pic related is you

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Ensuring that your country's middle class (the fucking work force) is reasonably healthy & happy isn't a parasitic relationship nigger. If you honestly think this kind of system can sustain for a long period of time, where workers are shunned and cant even get sick without going under, I don't know what to tell you. You're lucky that the U.S population is so cucked. Even the French are rioting in response to the oligarchy

what do expect from people who
>scream "USA! USA!" and
>fly the flag of the United States’s most lethal enemy

(see OP's pic related)

It's funny you mutts lose 100% of your American exceptionalism on this one issue and start putting yourselves on the same level as those shitty poor countries.

Now I'll watch as you instantly whataboutism cry about race mixing, immigration, et al. Typical things you cry about but are a bigger victim of than any other country.

Because of the Soviet Union, China and all the other socialist shitholes.

But unfortunately, rightly being afraid of socialism has lead to being afraid of universal basic income, universal healthcare etc.

Socialism has been proven to be a failure (at least until the AI revolution). However that doesn't mean that all social policies are bad.

>the Interstate Highway System
>other US, State, and local highways
>fire departments
>Social Security
>the VA
are all socialist programs

So I’d say, socialism has been working pretty well
>in the Goddamn United States

b/c OP is dumb and lazy to get a job that doesn't drug test.

Alfie Evan's was a very complex legal case but the laws set out within that case are reflective of US law as well as UK law.

'In any case, American law, just like English law, permits doctors to seek permission from a court to discontinue a child’s artificial ventilation. In 2016, Los Angeles baby Israel Stinson’s ventilation was removed by court order in defiance of the parents’ wishes.'

You can read about it more here. But your assertion that the NHS was some sort of nefarious socialist slippery slope to supreme authority is false.


>romney 2012
Drawn by someone who truly doesn't understand what they are talking about

>every single day comes to b/ to posts politics but doesnt go to pol/ where its for
Every single day youre crying about something

Because their daddy whupped em when they talked back.

my sister is living in norway
she went out to get pizza her first night there
2 slices of pizza 2 sodas 1 salad for 50 euros
yes in these countries your necessities are provided for but any luxury good is reserved for the uber wealthy.
you want to get take out during your lunch break? too bad you cant afford it without a 7 figure salary

>2 slices=a hundred bucks
don't be a faggot user

And here you are being triggered over this.

>Social programs

They must be the same!

This just isn't true.

'In Norway, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 35 739 a year, higher than the OECD average of USD 30 563 a year. '

>soviet union
user, its time we had a talk

And most of it is falling apart..your point?

thats what it was and it was a cheap pizza place 1 step above something like dominoes it wasnt some fancy brick oven pizza she sent pictures of the pizza and the receipt
"luxury goods" are more expensive in these countries. us americans dont even think of these as luxury goods because in america we can afford them and if we want we can get them everyday. someone in norway or denmark can maybe get take out once a week

food in the grocery store is cheap because its not taxed out the wazoo so people can live there on a 5 figure salary they just cant get take out more than once a week

Okay fucker Communism is a form of Socialism don't even start with me

>2 slices of pizza 2 sodas 1 salad for 50 euros
A: this isn't nowhere near accurate. i just flew thru oslo and had to spend 60 USD worth of airline coupons on airport food and drinks for 2 adults and a kid. we had gourmet burgers with sides, salads, drinks, bottles of water and like 5 cappuccinos and still had a little money left over. so you're full of shit.

B: what kind of murrican land whale needs TWO sodas with lunch?

C: salaries are very different in norway, too. don't tell me that the average norwegian hasn't a vastly higher standard of living than the average american.

also the euro is collapsing 50 euro is 56usd

well, a socialist country is a country with a lot of socialist programs.

but you believe whatever horror stories shawn hannity tells you

not sure if sarcastic or autism

50euro is less than 60usd and it was my sister and her fiance so the meal was basically the same price as your meal

Fuck you it wasn't 50 bucks a slice you fucking lying right wing teabagger.

Norway ranks higher in standards of living, employment rates, healthcare, living wages and disposable income.

Yes things are more expensive but in return they live in one of the most happy and prosperous countries in the world.

I'd like some statistics on the idea that a 5 figure salary gets you take-out once a week and why that's an indictment seeing as the USA has third-world level poverty within its borders.

To add on, by the way, you're talking complete shit.

>talking shit
>on Yea Forums

ok their houses are provided for their healthcare is provided for but its the little things that count. lets say your sick and you dont want to cook food.
too bad you cant afford to order a $50 pizza.
lets say you have a 3 day weekend and want to go on a road trip.
too bad you cant afford to drive its over $7 per gallon

>a $50 pizza.
finally you admit that was the cost of the entire pizza

Probably because it doesn't work. I'm sorry you're not part of the only relevant country on the planet but you have to get over it.

>social policies don't work

Holy shit my sides. Are you suggesting people are starving en masse in Norway because they can't afford 50 dollar pizza?

I actually looked this up the average price of a pizza in Norway is $25-$30. Not $50 for a slice.

Currently 40 million people in the USA live in abject poverty and your big dunk is that pizza is a bit more expensive in Norway? Holy shit my dude you are a galaxy brain.

>lets say you have a 3 day weekend and want to go on a road trip.
>too bad you cant afford to drive its over $7 per gallon
Norwegians—as all Europeans—go on WAY more road trip than Americans, simply because they get WAAAAAAAY more vacation days. and the notion that they wouldn't go because gas was too expensive for them is just laughable.

im not linking anymore people who responded but i ust looked at the pic and i am wrong but its only half wrong

the prices were in norwegian kronen not euros and it was about 100 kronen per person which is $20 for 2 slices 2 drinks and 1 salad. still at that price a pizza is still like $30

Honestly Venezuela, but with the US economic sanctions on oil and what not, it has absolutely crippled them.

>still at that price a pizza is still like $30
like it is anywhere in the US user

what shit are you eating?

>You will get rich if you work hard

lol babies first american dream.

Lead based paint, apparently.

The fact that you posted that image shows that you don't really want to know why. You have your inherent bias and just want to shit post.

Also, that Mitt Romney sticker is retarded.

there are 3 local pizza places in my town plus a dominos and a papa johns

papa johns and dominos are both less than $10 per pizza

and the local pizza places are about $18 with like 5 toppings $13-$15 for no toppings so going out is double the price there

How old were you during the 2012 Election?

>i am wrong
well, it takes a greater-than-average Yea Forumstard to admit a mistake. kudos, user

>still at that price a pizza is still like $30
alright. that IS a realistic price. you still have to consider that
(A) salaries are higher
(B) more of their income is disposable (because big-ticket emergency costs like for healthcare don't exist with their social net)
(C) we're not talking domnino's (or, haven help us, little cesar) level garbage, but almost certainly a much higher quality product. $30 gourmet pizza is completely common in the US

Then you live in Flyover Country. Enjoy your cowshit smell.

"europoors can't even afford lead"

Trump 2024! Woohoo! USA! USA!

Social programs are funded with taxpayer dollars and are thus socialism.

Are you really that retarded to not grasp this?

Because socialism is incapable of working in a country with the amount of citizens the US has.

too busy grasping his small penis



Europe is a fucking mess retard.

>I have no argument so I'll laugh

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No believes your bullshit horror story about 2 slices of pizza and pop costing 50 bucks. FOH with that bullshit.

Signed, an American with an Estonian wife.

>Having to go to another country just to get a woman to date you

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yea 50 euros seemed too high i had to check the pic again

but user she didnt get a gourmet brick oven pizza it was just a regular pizza place like you might find in nyc which usually sell a slice + a soda can for $1.50
sure salaries are higher but they are taxed way more
if you are responsible you will have a healthcare plan that will cover emergency medical expenses

OK user, why do you believe socialism wouldn't work in a country with over 300 million people?

>a regular pizza place like you might find in nyc which usually sell a slice + a soda can for $1.50
in what fucking universe?

Because socialism is slavery to the state

this is literal retardation

doubt, this thread is bait

idk when i used to go to nyc a lot like 5 years ago there was this place in the village called 2 bros pizza which always had the 1.50 for a slice and a drink deal

How so?

Let's say we tried the Nordic model. Increasing taxation would drastically reduce rewards for entrepreneurship and thus have a massive negative effect on jobs, housing and even the global economy just by what the US entrepreneurs give to the world. That's one reason.

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Don't bother arguing with these fucking retards. This whole thread is pic related

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i cant imagine pizza prices have gone up THAT much in 5 years i cant imagine a slice and a drink being over $5 so norwegian prices on non staple food items and other luxury goods are at least 2 times as much and theres no way the average salary in norway is 2 times higher

Please read the rest of the thread then do some research into these topics. Don't google 'Why Is Socialism Evil?' Google things like why we have an eight hour work day, weekends, social security etc.

Read on about Modern Liberalism, the concept of the welfare state and its conception after WW2, Clement Attlee! Read about Roosevelt's New Deal! You could actually add some nuance to your worldview rather than living in ignorance, wouldn't that be amazing?

Did you know the top marginal tax rate for those earning over $10 million from 1931-1979 was over 90%? The period historian's refer to as the golden age of capitalism?

Isn't that amazing! Gee-wiz! Now we don't just throw around pig-ignorant buzz words with our Wikipedia definition of socialism and we're more knowledgeable about the world!

however it would become a more stable model of running your economy, thus further cementing your capabilities by increasing faith in the amerivan dollar and avoiding crashes, bringing further international investment to your country, as well as further increasing the living conditions and standards of the people.

What about this?

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because the ex ohh members have told america that the flooding of socialist ideology was literally the game plan for bringing down america, by creating generations of socially minded people they create a division that causes america to infight.

That is not true at all. It would completely destabilize our economy due to jobs being virtually nonexistent.

It’s not their fault, though. They are so incredibly influenced by the system writ-large that they can’t see the light through the trees. Maybe when the dollar collapses (anytime now) they will finally run out of Whataburger (bread) and Football (circuses)

What fucking retard unironically thinks any form of socialism could every work in the US?

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>uses loss leader he found
>in ONE place
>FIVE years ago
>as a supposedly "normal" price

seriously, user! i had such high hopes for you.

FWIW, a large but plain slice of pizza at the supermarket that's a lunch favorite around here (midsize town PA, so not particularly high cost of living) is $2.99. The cheapest fountain drink is $1.59 or $1.79. Bottles cost at least $1.50, but many cost more. And all this is before sales tax, which is already factored in in Norway, btw

Stop arguing with fucking retards who have never worked a day in their life.

user the cap should be raised way higher than 10mil
10mil in 1931usd is 165.2mil in 2019usd
10mil in 1979usd is 34.5mil in 2019usd

yes, our junk food is significantly cheaper than their not-so-junky food. but that is absolutely all this comparison is good for. what you pay for lunch is almost insignificant in your overall monthly expenses.

USA is 7th in the world for per capita gdp. The majority of countries in the top 6 are European. Time to kick that bad habit of daily infowars.

Because it sounds good in practice but we know it won't work in reality. Too many people are going to cheat the system and get by on other people's work. I don't want to bust my ass so I can get taxed and have someone else reap the benefits.

Socialism is for fucking libtards who expect free handouts just for existing. The U.S. government is already trillions of dollars in debt; we can't afford to support some 300 million people.

Boo fucking hoo you can't afford housing because you have no marketable skills and no initiative. Grow up and get a minimum wage job faggot. If you can't handle one of those, you aren't meant to survive.

> "socialism"

> social policies?

Two different things. Suffice to say it's simply because socialism tries to tout "free" stuff.. "free healthcare" and "free college".

Here's the problem - nothing is ever free. It either gets paid for or you bankrupt the country.

Denmark and Norway are microcosms of successful use of social programs for a couple of reasons.. one is small population.. 4 or 5 million hard working and productive people you and probably make social programs that are funded by various taxes work. That leads to the second reason: In that system you can have basically NO slouches.. If you have two arms, two legs, and a back.. YOU WORK.

If you think that would work here, go walk around South LA where typhoid is running wild or Seattle where drug users are shitting in the streets. There are jobs ALL OVER Seattle. But not ONE of those fucks will take them.

For "socialism" to work you have to rely on the best in humanity. Most of humanity is self-serving walking shit bags. The difference in the ones in the encampments is they don't care if you see them for being exactly that. Just make sure you give them their free stuff.

Socialism seems to be working great in Venezuela, I think we should give it a try.

the economy is currently unstable because of the massive overextended growth that occurs, that's why crashes are inevitable in the current system.

moving to a slower growth model would stabilize the shit out of it, although the wealth distribution would have to be less skewered for the people to hace higher living standards.

all that goes out the window with mass robotics tho, as does the current model.

>due to jobs being virtually nonexistent
very true, proud american patriot

proof: there are virtually no jobs anywhere in norway


Talk about a country that wishes they could get back their guns and shoot the cunts running it.

Because Croatians like me who live in America spread anti Marxist sentiment around

clearly so biased you can't even consider an alternate opinion.

your actually apart of the group that halting progression.

try debating with reasoning instead of just calling people regards and further cementing their view because your just a shit poster

>Population of Norway is 5 million
>Population of USA is 325 million
Shut the fuck up, moron.



>Because it sounds good in practice but we know it won't work in reality.
so very true

proof: all northern and western europe are figments of Karl Marx’s imagination. None of these countries exists "in reality."

wake up, sheeple!

>increasing taxation would drastically reduce rewards for entrepreneurship
because you say so?

Shut the fuck up, you fucking retard. I don't work as an electrician's assistant while going to college at night for fucking asshats like you to try to destroy everything. Shut the fuck up.

This thread is pic related

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user raising taxes doesn't hurt business:
it's always historically shown that it stimulates business.


Because the numbers say so. Nobody wants to have over 55% of their income taken from them and then turn around and want to start a robotics startup.

First of all, chekd

Second of all, you are yet another example of what user posted earlier in this thread. Namely, you confuse policies that promote social welfare with socialism; condemning the former because of the latter’s failures. Go read Wolin or Chomsky and stop thinking Jordan Peterson is the Messiah

Not longterm

thats the main difference between the ideologies, one side wants to keep to themselves and live with what they get. the other is happy to live from and contribute to the pot.

fun fact: everytime we have progressed in society has been from uniting together to prosper

Who the fuck is jordan petersen

A reasonable argument, congratulations

You also don't understand what tax brackets are user, please. You're just proving OP's point.

norwegian pizza is just as junky as american pizza im not sure what your talking about
also lets say you spend $5 on lunch 5 times a week while your working thats 1,300/yr so what would be your $5 lunch is at least 2,600/yr in norway

Shut the fuck up, dumbass.

Okay, retard.

>trillions of dollars of debt
>is a fantastic efficiently working system

So at least 50 years isn't long enough "term" for you? The period of time when the US taxed its richest people at 90%?

>hahaha taxing the rich 55% of their income won't stop them from taking risks
Okay, fucking white guy from the suburbs.

(A) what does that have to do with anything? clinical trials prove all the time what works and what doesn't work. with a vastly TINIER sample size than 12%.

(B) Population of the EU is 512 million. That’s a lot of socialism. (And yes, every EU country has more of it, at least in some ways, than the US.)

I like the idea of it, but think our country is just too big for it to happen. It works well in Scandinavian countries because their populations are about equal to just 1 of our 50 states. Also, America is a 'bootstraps' culture; people like to feel like they worked hard and accomplished something in life. Look at how Trump won - appealing to the working class in smaller rural communities.

Norway is closer to Italy than Ameriturd is tho

user ive never seen a slice of plain pizza that expensive. you should consider moving to norway because your paying almost as much as they are


>he U.S. government is already trillions of dollars in debt;
Because companies and rich people pay a lot less in taxes, before Regan we had a pretty close to balanced budget.

user, adults are talking. Please.

Socialism is pretty gay

>not understanding shit
Okay, white boy. You fuckers have already tried to destroy us and now when we're trying to get ahold of our finances you try to take it away from us. Fuck off, racist shit.

>plain slice of pizza at the supermarket
they probably don't even have a pizza oven

Socialism, Capitalism, Marxism, Republicanism, Democrats.

Stupid words that mean different things to different people, because they have an extensively broad meaning.

You are stupid if you use these words. If you want to promote something, clearly explain it in detail, don't put the socialist/capitalist tag on it.

Found the champagne socialist privileged piece of white shit

user pizza is not healthy no matter where you buy it. ive been to rome and the pizza there is still greasy

>norwegian pizza is just as junky as american pizza
like the kind you can supposedly get for $1.50 a slice WITH a can of soda? dream on!

>not taking growth into account
Okay, whitey.

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But my feelings feel otherwise, would you quit it with the facts.

Wow, you're retarded

Stop samefagging, crack.

Adults, user. People not you.

Pizza is an indulgence to be sure, but you make it sound like they've got a bunch of slices under a light bulb, lol.

Goodness gracious you are a fucking idiot sir. Ideological rigidity is dumb but jfc we need labels for things...that’s how language works

that 1.50 for a slice and a can is way better than dominos/papa johns and tasted just as good as most other places in nyc


Yep, found the racist.

The only reason to come up with socialist ideas is to make money for yourself and what YOU believe in you dumb fucker. You atheist cunts are so far from reality it’s fuckin scary. What is seriously wrong with you? Your dumb fucking socialist policies are geared towards are certain group of cunts who think it’s cool to fuck with society. Well guess shit head? Fuck you and pay off the debt with your asshole policies.

The only reason white people want socialism is so they can band together and stop helping those less fortunate than them. Fucking racist assholes.

Found the autist.

Thanks for not trying to deny it. We all know what you are.

this is also autistic


Some guy who tells dudes to clean their rooms and now everyone worships him.

OK why would I be "racist" if you're this naive probably teenage dipshit trying to talk economics with the adults? I don't recall making any references to race, but if you must know, I favor full social diversity, and that is not racist. Hence the accusations of autism.

literal dogshit tastes better than Papa Dominos

Sounds about as stupid as Lange.

they leave their pizza out in rome as well because pizza is never made to order unless you get a whole pie. fun fact in rome they cut the pizza in squares and use scissors not pizza wheels

>I favor full social diversity
Of course, because in a socialist society you'd expect all of the non-whites to work for you. Fuck off.

Well at least you don’t deny the facts lol. You’re just bad at what you do. Suicide is a communist best bet.

you're trolls are shitty user

Fun fact, no one fucking cares.

This thread is about socialism. Not pizza. Go make a pizza thread

Come redpill these faggots.

The facts appear to be your inability to articulate your position. What the fuck are you talking about lol?

It's simple, my money is not your money. Even the US still sucks because I still have to pay taxes and am forced to buy insurance.


I don't think I should need to be someones fire fighter because you don't want to pay for a fire department.

Most don't get this. It's just a label that you put on yourself to know who are your enemies so you can feel safe.
No solutions to any problems use those words.
It's all bullshit.

>you're trolls are shitty
Haha, of course.

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I do. Not that user but I live in Seattle and will proudly pay upwards of $40 for Northlake Pizza.

>Thinking paying for a fire department is socialism

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>my money is not your money.
Um, actually the 16th Amendment of the US Constitution disagrees with you champ, it's everyone's money in terms of funding programs.

Americans who freak out over the word "socialism" are dumb shits and don't understand what socialism actually is. Socialism is when the state controls all means of production. America is a capitalist state where producers compete with each other for profit. These dumb shit Americans confuse public services and government funded services for socialism and when a Democrat wants to increase these services (witch help millions of people) the dumb shits immediately call them communists. Republicans want dumb shit Americans to think this way so they vote for the right.

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your a fag to

It's literally just boomers. Old white men who grew up in the cold war era and are programmed to think anything that isn't traditionally American = bad.

Give it a couple more decades.

Why do you need socialism when you can easily just abolish welfare programs and give the money to communities so they can set up mutual aid societies that allow them to adjust their healthcare in a way that they see fit?

I'd rather gather with my community and pay monthly fees for a mutual aid society that can be used in a variety of ways (such as using money to support local businesses so they can also put money into the M.A.S) other than healthcare.

Pushing socialism just seems real fucking stupid. It's hard to get it through, no one likes it, and it won't be implemented properly because of obstructionists within the system. Also, for anyone using Canada and Sweden as an example, studies as far as 2014 have shown that Sweden and Canada's wait times for hospitals have seen an increase.

Yeah but how many boomers are in this thread? These are kids and they act like boomers.

>It's simple, my money is not your money. Even the US still sucks because I still have to pay taxes and am forced to buy insurance.

Hahaha.. You think your ceo actually deserve to make 500 times what you make. Its called stealing, the ceo is stealing from his workers. You can say he *earned* it all you want but he didnt.

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>socialism only works if it's private



Because we're so very very tired of niggers and spics. Social welfare style issues stem from the fact they take too much and ruin public spaces. Get rid of brown people, and americans will do much better with social solutions.

Because I don't want to share my wealth with poor people.

Trumpers literally believe they're going to make as much as CEOs

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Actually yeah it is, firefighters used to be a private service. If you didnt pay for it, no one would put your house out. Eventually they realized that fire spreads to the next house and that it is a service that everyone needs so it became a government service.

or we could just get rid of you

your asking about pizza quality in various countries and im here to tell you that pizza is unhealthy no matter where you get it unless you go to a fancy place and get one of these. even then the cheese is still loaded with grease

whoops forgot pic

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you do, don't you?
You think Trump's policies are going to make you a lot of money, either through raises or investments. Don't you?
Don't you faggot?
Oh wait, you're 12. You don't have a job or make investments. My bad.

I think it's moreso the idea of complete socialism so communism I guess, I also think businesses that are government funded are usually not as good e.g public vs private school

I'd say there's a healthy balance between socialism and pure capitalism probably exists in some form in most first world governments

Are you braindead?

It's not exactly socialism when it's the community coming together to voluntarily use their own money to form an organization that would see their needs met.

It avoids the pitfalls of socialism that require taxation spikes and it reduces the abuse of the system that we see in impoverished areas since it's not the government giving you money and food, it's your neighbors.

>being this fucking stupid

I've been working longer than you've been able to legally drink alcohol, guaranteed.

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This flag flew over Virginia for 100 years. It is tha Massholes who keep pushing socialism and it's mostly because they are lazy and evil.

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>being this fucking stupid

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I doubt that. But even so, your mental age is 12, much like your President's.

American's a brain washed from birth to just see things in simple black and white. This is good and this is evil. They don't see the middle ground of possibilities anymore.

I'm an American that immigrated to Canada a while ago. It took time to realize things aren't like that. Once you see it from the outside in, things look very different. But when your inside that culture you don't see it.


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>I've been working longer
How's that delivery job?

Fun fact, we derail threads here.

This thread is about socialism. No one fucking cares.

>Projecting this hard

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Just visiting Canada the US seems even more nuts than from down here.

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It does, and over time it just looks even more crazy.

user you're the one who got triggered when you realized that Trump isn't going to make you rich. We already knew it.

Electrician. Nice try though! Bet you haven't even worked a blue collar job in your short life.

>thinking people expected a president they didn't even vote for to make them rich

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Fuck the health insurance system. I don't care about a free water bottle when joining a doctor's practice or some bullshit.

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I did. It was stupid. I'm better off in an office.

>Paying $500 a month in health insurance
Only because you have a shit job and your company doesn't cover it.

Trickle down. Like Trump's Russian Hooker piss.

Because you can't stand hard work and you can't do a job that people need.

Look, you brought it up. I don't care what your job is. Your President is still dumb, and you fell for it.

>still believing in the piss story
>believing that everyone who disagrees with them voted for Trump or republican at all

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true but 2 bros tastes better than dogshit and so do most other pizza places in nyc. i know a guy who owns a few pizza places and he says a plain pizza costs 1-2 to make. if you are selling $1 slices you still make 4-8 times your money back price hardly dictates quality when it comes to plain cheese pizza

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You're just a bitch who can't stand hard work lmao

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oh you're a trumper user
it's kind of funny watching you deny it

'You religious cunts are so far from reality it’s fuckin scary.'

>You're a trumper, stop denying it!!!!

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I suppose. I'd think with the rents there that you don't make much profit at $1 a slice. I'd expect to pay $5 for a good slice of pizza and I do.

I'd work on that projection fam