I am a multi-millionaire. And my girlfriend is complicated to the point of making my life miserable...

I am a multi-millionaire. And my girlfriend is complicated to the point of making my life miserable. I love her and she is white. Mayor plus points

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Cool thread bro

post pics of girl

Is there anything sadder than a dude RPing as a rich guy on fucking Yea Forums of all places?

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No sry.

HAHA! You think I am a larper? ^^

Prove you are not.otherwise this thread is going nowhere

Faggot, you prove to me that I should even prove myself to you! I kid u not


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honestly if no proof no thread is needed

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If you’re an actual millionaire you would PayPal me 1500$ faggot

I could use a hand out.

yes of course because other than taxes we always are looking for opportunities to give away money to nigers without convertible skill

your english needs some work, third worlder.

>tfw this guy is 100% poorer than a middle class american because he lives in a shithole country

pretending to not be poor is pathetic mate

Look deeper. And chip this one out

What response do you expect? Dump her if she is making your life so bad and you can't fix it

literally what

speak english Pajeet/Dmitry

I am not lying, why would I?

Thank you Sir

To escape the depressing reality of your life as a poorfag?

Send me 200 bucks through PayPal if you aren't LARPing

This is the funny things about Yea Forums right here... they are very smart, but at the same time paranoid as fuck. I am not lying as you know, yet instantly, they thought I was

We're giving you the chance to prove that you're rich. You lose $200 bucks, so what? You have a shitton of money. It's like $2 to you anyway.

I am giving you the chance to shut up before I switch back. Make Yea Forums great again my friend

The fuck do you mean switch back? Yea Forums was always a cesspool retard.

I like your story

Die Todgeweihten grüssen dich!

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>Die Todgeweihten grüssen dich!
Danke schoen


You fucking idiot need to learn

Grammar is confirmed third worlder.
Go shit on some streets, degenerate.

Do not make him learn. Cruelty is enough at some point

He still does not realize he is fucked XD

Okay richboy

Well, money or not, if you consider your life miserable you HAVE to make a change and since you yourself pinpoint your GF as the main problem, maybe you'll be better without her.

I would dump her, even if it cost you money (better than taking your life in the long run). Take time out to rediscover who you are (read, write, listen to music, do a hobby).

The world is full of simple, nice, cool and not entitled people. When you'll be ready, expose yourself to the world and make new connection.

Hope you get better OP! Pain and suffering have no boundaries, and none should stay in this state, rich or not.

Well, thank you for that... we have been together for 3 years and she is just as crazy as I am.. and therein lies the problem, I think

Thanks for ruining it moralfag. With enough convincing, we could've exploited this fucking richfag or proved he was a LARPer

Nah... because i am honest

Probably one of the few champs on Yea Forums that is honest

Intelligence often goes with money, ... some of your liberal statistics even say so faggots :>

I'm neither an entitled fucker or a choosing beggar, work all my life for what I have and I despise people like you.

Yeah, you may love her, but if its toxic, just let go. You'll find happiness elsewhere and her too and that OK.

Say the guy larping me!

If you despise people like me maybe Yea Forums isn't the best place for you. Go back to plebbit and do your moral crusading there.

> multi milionaire

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>choosing beggar

are you a leddit fag by any chance?

Oh no, it's exactly why I'm here. To get on your nerves.

Okk my bf is very poor and has a little dick. Now give me some money to buy a dragon dildo

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op faggot blazes abroad he´s a milionaire. is begged by Yea Forumstards for some bucks...

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If you have $75 in your pocket and no debt, you're richer than 70% of Murrcans.

Projecting much?

He's German Swiss. Maybe you should take a dump in the street, poorfag

Relatable except I don't brag about how much money I have online.

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cool story bro

Catharsis. Pride. That desperate need for validation. You know, the regular ass reason for LARP losers

Why would you tell them? It is a sport to have them find out