I'm sexually frustrated and haven't had sex in several months. Should I hire an escort? Dating sites haven't been helping
I'm sexually frustrated and haven't had sex in several months. Should I hire an escort...
meaningless sex is easy if that is your goal.
So what should I do? It's starting to affect me emotionally and I'm irritable all the time because of it
I feel like you should hire an escort, just so you see it isn't worth the money.
Work on yourself and masturbate until someone else wants to touch you dick for free.
An improving, hard working man,is an attractive man.
I've been trying to date off tinder for months and I've only gotten laid once in the 6 month period I've been on it. I'm mostly angry I'm wasting time and effort and always getting the same end result of nothing.
Just accept everyone and ask if they want sex.
you're not sexually frustrated, you're just a lonely fuck.
That sounds rapey as fuck man.
Work on yourself, and look somewhere else. Tinder is not for everyone.
Masturbate twice a day if you need it.
I know it sounds bad. It's affecting me and I hate every part of it. Going from a 3 year relationship full of sex to nothing is hard to accept. Been trying to branch out to other sites and meeting people IRL
>Masturbate twice a day if you need it.
I repeat myself. Work out too.
You need to vent that frustration, it's probably a big part of why you're not getting any.
I do. It's only a temporary solution though.
Any good suggestions to vent? Vidya doesn't cut it much anymore
nigga I'm out of a three years relationship, too. I don't give a fuck and I have been fucking almost daily in that relationship. You're just lonely, you nigger-fuck. listen to me
I'm picking up what you're putting down.
It's not temporary if you work on yourself and improve. Get to the gym, study harder, or work harder. It will make your attitude and life in general improve.
But most importantly try to learn to be happy alone.
>>Masturbate twice a day if you need it.
>I repeat myself. Work out too
what do you mean
Guys it’s not that hard. Get cleaned up, go to a bar and hit on drunk older women. They love the attention, are great in bed, and usually not trying to commit just want to fuck younger guys. They should be in every mans rotation.
I'm understanding what you are saying. Never tried exercising to relieve stress. Stress makes me feel emotionally tired, and in turn doesn't make me want to do anything.
Im alright with being single for the pros of not being tied down, but I miss physical contact and sexual release.
>drunk older women
Thank god for drunk older women.
From all this I've gathered I should join a gym or martial arts club or something. Didn't think I would hear good advice off of b
I'm not the same guy that recommended sport. I'm not doing sport. I'm chilling the fuck out and seeing two different circles of friends every week and try to meet new people. You suffer emotional pain as a result of loneliness, which has an evolutionary reason. You need to empty your social reserves my dude. what are your interests?
>Stress makes me feel emotionally tired, and in turn doesn't make me want to do anything.
You sound depressed bro, have you tried therapy?
And try fetlife, that worked for me well. You don't actually have to be into anything that kinky, and generally they're happy with dick+choking/spanking.
But for real, you sound depressed, see a therapist.
Pro tip: if dive bars aren’t your thing, there’s always the local office pools that go to places like chili’s/friday’s. Always a handful of drunken broads looking for a surprise in those places.
That's... actually pretty spot on. I'm always looking for the pursuit of happiness, and not being alone has always seemed like the greatest solution
You know they invented masturbation right?
just jack off mate
right? just play some fucking d&d. solves everything