Daily reminder that if you don't look EXACTLY like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft all OR make 7-figures USD...

Daily reminder that if you don't look EXACTLY like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft all OR make 7-figures USD, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, you stupid fucking faggots.

>protip; you LITERALLY can't

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And all he got was a 5

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LOL if you dont make 7 figures you wont get laid. Is this shit fucking real nigga? holy fuck this is the stupidest shit I've ever read.

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I'm literally all of those things except I'm 6'12". I can confirm it's 100% true.

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6'12 masterrace

i got laid without an escort

I’m 6’13” !!

Dubs of truth - what say you, OP? How can he possibly have done it?

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Can't believe such alpha-chads have graced this thread with their presence. I'm honored.

You may have to start picking up blind girls... or blokes I don’t judge
But I am a near middle aged ugly bloke who is 130Kgs and I have sex with a woman who isn’t visually impaired an average of a couple of time a week.
Also was your mum a pro?

Found the inkel

I feel sorry for people who actually believe this.

I wonder if maybe the ones who push this narrative at just guilty cucks .

getting old fag flashbacks here

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Already got laid and i look nothing like turbo chad

Nice LARP faggots now gtfo my board

Where does your dad fall under these rules, or were you adopted?

>be me
>rich as fuck, fucking poor fags amirite.jpg
>dads company makes more than you losers combined
>fuck bitches every night

stay mad faggots

back to Plebbit incel

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i can and i dont have any of his qualities.

Be me
Get Laid

must be a chad then

Seems legit.

hahhahahah you fucking faggot.

if you think you need to be 6 5 or some shit, and make 7 figures to get a girl like that, you've already lost

sent from my iPhone next to a 11/10 qt sleeping beside me

Ugly fuck here..

what fucking do?

>inb4 kys
i dont wanna kms :(

If that were true none of us would be here.

I'm none of those things and I've been laid more than you OP

Nice LARP faggots now gtfo my board

I am having sex right now.


Nice LARP faggots now gtfo my board

Yep and if you dont have the latest Lamborghini or Ferrari, you're out of luck.


Jesus, I'm a pretty good looking dude, but this guy is gorgeous. She has to know he is out of her league

Cucks would have you think its the other way around

None of those things describe me and I've gotten laid in the past.

Nice LARP faggots now gtfo my board.

ops pic looks like minecraft steve

Attached: yhuuh.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Unless you're moot or gookmoot, this isn't your board.

Attached: Cuck B8.png (640x360, 25K)

Keep coping you're an incel virgin.

No u!

been laid and I'm none of that

keep being a little virgin crybaby fuck boy - go back to watching anime and jerking off to women who don't know or care that you exist, faggot