The US will be in a civil war within 5-10 years

The US will be in a civil war within 5-10 years.

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nah, they're too fat and lazy to do that

i'm afraid the control mechanisms are so strong now that there will never be the civil war we need. the dark future of complete corporate control is upon us

I'm kinda hoping in the next 18 months

Hey man, at least we get a cyberpunk like world out of it. Deus Ex, here we come.

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Vietnam's government and military were weak you fucking idiot.

Watch idiocracy, it’s sad how close we are to that movie.

>ignoring 43 years of developing military technology

yes, because the Viet Cong had to hide from infrared cameras and drones

That doesn't even help make clear what your position on this is.

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Yep, I can also smullit

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I know fucking sad

Lol this isn't the third world and we didn't have reaper drones back then


I don't think you're wrong OP, as an Ausfag looking in, it seems most US citizens on both sides of the left and right are far too blind in their polticial devotion that they would rather butt heads than compromise

The Vietnamese had been at war almost non stop for 2,000 years. They kicked the Chinese out of their country repeatedly. They kicked out the French. Then they kicked out the United States.
Technology means nothing in the face of a people who simply will not stop fighting.
Americans have never wanted anything as badly as the Vietnamese wanted foreigners out of their country.
The children on this board cannot comprehend such resolve.

Do Americans still believe the NVA and Vietcong where civilians? Damn, American education is goddamn shit, even when it's about their own history.

Nevermind that the comparison is really not very useful anyways.


It was mostly due to the American internal political situation was shit. The American people couldn't (kinda understandably) get why they where involved in Vietnam, and why billions of dollars and thousands of life's had to be spend for a cause they didn't believe in. Democracies are pretty bad at "imperialistic" warfare. Your propaganda will work for some time, but sooner or latter people are gonna see though it and ask what we are actually getting for those caskets and tax dollars.

Nice try. Shall I report your IP to the authorities? Fucking traitor scum.

Gee I wonder why the middle east is ever so slowly becoming more stable and less terror groups are present in Afghanistan than in the past 20 years. Must be angels in the sky. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Imagine being this autistic.

I hope so!

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>corporate control
>corporations have legislative authority and power

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how? only one side is armed

So you watched Joe's podcast too?

Very true. But there was even more. The US was fighting with its hands tied. You can't use these weapons, or attack when civilians might get hurt, or use certain tactics. You can't fight a guerilla war with rules. Especially rules that nullify most of your advantages.
Too many corporations were making too much money to not drag it out.

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This. The left is the first to turn to violence but none of them have guns. Sometimes I think I'm the only person in all of los angeles with a gun.

Americans don't have the gumption for a civil war. Everyone is too fat and complacent now.

That's because you're stupid. The fascicle caricature that composes the "left" you're talking about does not exist. Plenty of more liberally minded individuals are armed; granted at lower rates than people who identify as conservatives.

Careful user, some of them have guitar hero.

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Fat people can still, fight

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Fuck that I'm going to sue the government


>That's because you're stupid.
You don't even understand the concept of hyperbole.

>middle east

well you are right but still

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>not posting the full version

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>comparing a 3rd world country's military to america

95 percent of the us military wouldnt obey an order to fire on its innocent citizens anyway.its a retarded example

Never been near the military have you

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>implying they werent full from the start