Can't post porn on /mlp/

Can't post porn on /mlp/
/trash/ is slower than Yea Forums
We shall post our ponies here.

Attached: breed.png (891x1650, 1.98M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Dear OP,


-Your friend, user.

I fucking love that comic.

Attached: 1919150__questionable_artist-colon-seleeger_twilight+sparkle_alicorn_anthro_antlers_bedroom+eyes_bel (1100x1500, 1.94M)

dump comic

This is a reminder to report and, if must respond, sage all pony threads.
>/trash/ is slower than Yea Forums
And why the fuck is that a bad thing? You should know damn well why you can't post horse here.

You can post whatever you want here if you wanna

Join For E-Girls, Lewds, and a couple dudes
Fuck all of the other spam and weird shit discords

Attached: Screenshot_20190204-215407_Video Player.jpg (1080x2220, 843K)

Dear user,

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Do you have the full thing or name? I haven't seen it

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There's a part of me that doesn't care and there's a part of me that thinks you should be put into a blender.

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Anyone have the source?

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what's the point of a containment board if you won't stay on your side of the wall?

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I'm breaking free

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Fuck off trash. You were given MLP to contain your faggotry.

They're scared of the fandom dying because of G4 ending soon and they think bombarding the board with their shit they'll become more accepted when that day comes. They're obviously retarded since that already happened and it's WHY they can't post their shit outside of /mlp/ and /trash/.

I started a lewd pone gif thread on /trash/ 20 minutes ago and it is still empty. Here on Yea Forums others will post in my pone threads.
How hard would it be to just skip over the pony threads like you do the cuck/blacked/trap/fur threads?

Attached: Ponynazi.png (2000x2000, 1.2M)

Reported and saged

>Fuck off trash. You were given MLP to contain your faggotry.
Go post porn on /mlp/ faggot

Attached: CWEA31JWEAAynDv.jpg (1200x1129, 166K)

>implying I skip any of those

>brony confirmed

Attached: 5466356356.png (708x920, 106K)

It's called Display of Passion, by Alcor. The whole thing is in derpibooru. Shit's cash as hell.

/trash/ allows pony porn go post it there you fucking pony nigger

Want to post it??

And wait 3 hours for a post? Nope!

Attached: 7dd.gif (480x270, 438K)

Eh I can't be fucked right now, I gotta get back to work.

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>0 posts
>He just posted the thread and left it to die.
That's not how it works you fucking moron.
>Go post porn on /mlp/ faggot
And that's why /trash/ is a thing you expendable beast of burden.


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yeah well global rule 15 says no pony shit outside of your faggot containment board. so enjoy your ban

Hi you must be new

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Wow, how'd you get a picture of Yea Forums so accurately?

That's right, Yea Forums can distinguish from humanoid drawings and those of bestiality.

Attached: aa3.png (4060x3354, 1.21M)

He's talking about /trash/ you drooling retard.

>First one is Land Before Time

Attached: 1504214113126s.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Holy shit, this is still a thing? Not sure if amazed or simply disgusted.

>That's right, Yea Forums can distinguish from humanoid drawings and those of bestiality.
Have you been on Yea Forums before?? There is literally fur porn everywhere. And zoo porn!!

Attached: 1.jpg (713x401, 297K)

Where have you been the last few days?

>land before time = My little pony
One is clearly done for the absurdity and suppose to elicit amusement. The other one is degenerate trash.

Attached: NyaDerp.jpg (480x480, 14K)

Why don't you tell me why they have a containment board for your faggotry? After you do that, go find a mirror and repeat it a couple more times.

>There is literally fur porn
We "tolerate" furries because they stick to their few threads, don't overstep their boundaries, and there's no getting rid of 'em.
>And zoo porn!!
That's actually deleted since it violates US laws.

>spot the newfag
There are AT LEAST 1 non-humanoid thread up at any given time, usually 2-4.
s/furr being almost guaranteed, g/furr half of the time, same with pokeboxes. Then there are the occasional h/fur & literal beast threads.

>Why don't you tell me why they have a containment board for your faggotry?
They do, is for SFW stuff and is for NSFW stuff.

>Violates US laws
No sweetie, it doesn't. There's no federal law.
It is state by state and the vast majority of states don't have a law on zoo porn.

Because your a faggot.

Yea Forums has become to /trash/ as /r9k/ had become to Yea Forums

Attached: 1545930043906.webm (640x480, 846K)

At least post fillies for Celestia's sake!

Than pony shouldn't be a problem. Thank you for providing the help.

Attached: 1884380_safe_artistcolonexvius_oc_occolonfrostflare_clovenhooves_dab_female_hooffluff_kirin_kirinoc_ (2617x1958, 806K)

What ABOUT my a faggot?

Are you retarded or just pretending to be?

Attached: IMG_0943.png (3682x2584, 988K)

>Than pony shouldn't be a problem.
Except it is, learn your site history before you do something monumentally stupid.

And now you go to a mirror and repeat that a few times.

Attached: 588f78c25e184b3a410beb2bbaea6bdd.png (496x536, 326K)

Because your an faggot*

Attached: 1341844970523.png (640x480, 354K)

>user is a faggot
>user is a faggot

>the whol;e Trump, Wall, Argument.

Attached: 1494744581365.png (726x660, 295K)

Lack of moderation ≠ It's A-OK to post shit that's against the rules.

You're A faggot

Attached: 1837104_safe_pinkiepie_200mad_contemplatinginsanity_cute_cuteamena_insanity_irony_meme_meta_pinkamen (489x607, 226K)

implying Yea Forums isn't the containment board

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What ABOUT my an faggot?

Pussy newfags on Yea Forums these days

It's not that people are disgusted by the porn, It's the principle of upholding the rules and ideals that this site hold true.


That and why those rules were made in the first place.

>Yea Forums
>the rules and ideals that this site hold true

Attached: 1472520476439.gif (176x144, 1.81M)

>/trash/ is slower than Yea Forums
Wait, if you're just wanting a pony porn thread, why does it matter if it's slower or faster? There's only a certain amount of faggots that are going to post pony porn anyway, the only difference will be people coming in to berate you and tell you to kill yourself.

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>rules and ideals that this site hold true.

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Too many faggots hurt my brain

That's what I was trying to get at in , but he's clearly a deranged lunatic or Australian.

I am a long time Yea Forumstard the kys and name calling makes me feel at home

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>he must be Australian
Top kek!

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KYS you fucking retarded nigger

I love you to friend

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It seems like this isn't even about the pony porn, it sounds like the people on your containment board are just boring compared to the people you run into on Yea Forums.
I'm judging this by the lack of pony porn in what is supposed to be a pony porn thread btw.

If you really have a problem, report them for breaking the pony rule and move on. Nothing more can be done

>judging this by the lack of pony porn in what is supposed to be a pony porn thread
Tell me about it, I asked for fillies and got only 1 pic.

you know whats funny if you go to /mlp/ and post a threads telling them to stop posting here, the fucking mods will delete it.. and block you for glolal rule 4 "no cross board raid shit" but if you post a thread here to tell the pony fuckers to get the fuck off Yea Forums that rule doesnt apply. fuck you mods

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>report them for breaking the pony rule and move on

doesnt work, ive reported some threads and they continued to exist. mods have gone batshit

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Just tried to post porn on /mlp/ got banned.
Can confirm

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pony discord here


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>Just tried to post porn on /mlp/ got banned.
That's why you have .

never fapped to pony but thats hot

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Theres always a first time

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Holy fuck. More??

where is the rest though? i cant fap to no action

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>please call me filthy

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We can keep to our threads like the furfags do

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pene negro

More comics like this?

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Thank God for color

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Not a ponyfag, but b is a containment board same as trash. The only differences between b and trash is the name and notoriety.

Attached: 06561e8c71fc79f2ac386e2cfd8c872d.png (1020x616, 395K)

So is this gonna get taken down or..? Not that I have anything against MLP but their boards don't tend to stay up very long.

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The people jacking it don't care what the purpose of the drawing is you mongoloid. What if someone has a longneck fetish? That picture exists for their broken, feeble, disgusting mind.

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Attached: 2935942 - Felicity Rainbow_Butterfly_Unicorn_Kitty lonbluewolf.png (1500x1500, 1.48M)

I'm waiting to see a load of

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bump for pony

Attached: 6d9fac0ba27e9cfa7b0502ab57801b703e32ff17.jpg (900x1050, 585K)

I'll just make a new one. If the furfags stay. I stay

Loli pony only, sorry

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Attached: lolibooru 148453 1girl born-to-die flat_chest highres long_hair lying my_little_pony my_little_pony_ (1920x1080, 1.3M)

>pony content outside mlp

omae wa mou shindeiru


The ol ripstart