Ways to get away with murder thread?

Ways to get away with murder thread?

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watch season 5 episode 14 "The box" of brooklyn nine nine.

Don't get caught

Late night/early morning, ride around on bicycle (no car), find random person walking home alone, ride up next to and stab their temple, ride home.

You already fucked up step 1
>don’t search/talk about it on the internet

it's not easy to break through skin let alone skull, much better to use a hatchet or hammer with alot of leverage (which you don't have much of riding a bike) to break through the skull


A regular kitchen knife, well-placed at the temple is like a hot knife in butter; barely any resistance, and not hard to time riding up next to someone. It's a pretty certain death as well. A hammer is not! A hatchet might not be bad tho, I agree there.

icicle through the eye... evidence melts, no DNA

depends if you want to murder a specific person for a specific reason or if you just want to murder any random person for the thrill of it

as soon as you have a motive, it becomes a lot more difficult to not get caught, because someone will probably figure out that motive.

if you want to just murder a random person for the sake of murdering someone, just kill some random person in a city that you dont live in and make sure you dont bring your cell phone with you when you do it.

oh yeah and also weapons. if you use a weapon to do them in, you have to be sure that the weapon can not be traced back to you. itd be best to steal a hammer or blade or something from someones garage in a town nowhere near your house, and then ditch the weapon in a river or lake or bury it in the middle of the forest or burn it if possible.

Why murder someone when you can get them a long prison sentence and then a terrible and long life after their release?

>obtain a gun
>place gun to head
>cops can't arrest you

No one here is going to tell you how to kill someone you asshole

Kill someone no one cares about. Hey you fit the bill op, do it.



Stab someone with an icicle, then when it melts there is no longer a murder weapon.

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murder is bad

can't get in prison if the person you murdered is yourself

reported to FBI

y'all should get together for a mexican standoff