I'm seeing more white women with Indian men where i live...

I'm seeing more white women with Indian men where i live, not as many as those getting BLACKED but still a lot and it's increasing. I noticed that a lot of these women are better quality white women than even the blacks are getting. For instance the Indians are getting educated, childless, librarian young white girls who are in uni

What is drawing these white women towards these Indians since they don't have the bbc that the black men have?

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Next question

Fuck off pajeet

The future isn't set OP.
No wait, yes it is.

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Indian men are fucking gross

white gurls getting that bbc (big bharat cock) white men cannot compete

If your last name is Singh or Patel fuck off

Because they want to be on the right side of history. White women know that Pewdiepie is a lost cause and that T-series' victory is all but confirmed. Really, it's about survival of the fittest.

Take the Poision wimins, you are way too clever fo us whiteys.

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Oh no, how can we possibly recover from this devastating loss?

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second that... pretty hot girl I used to date at College had an Indian fetish... ended up with the most ugly ones... I blame bollywood movies and pseudo spiritual GOA shit...

White man trash is the colored mans treasure.

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Now he a muslim. its nice.

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Nice, post nudes of her.

LOL...can't even find a picture of an Indian dude fingering a white woman so you have to use a shopped on.

Former gf cheated on me with an indian guy from our class. They sent each other pics and he had maybe more pube than dick

Indians are some of the most subhuman jfl. You probably live in either Britain or Canada anyways, white men are still overwhelmingly preferred by women of all races. What you see is a minute difference and anyways a gl man regardless of ethnicity can get a white woman.

my ex left me for some indian guy she met at college.don't really care she was fucking awful most of the time anyhow let her be his problem

It’s something different.
The few white girls ive dated all said they grew up in white filled neighborhoods so they’ve kinda grown blind, or not as interested, to white guys. They were common. But in high school or universities it was a different experience. It’s not that they find white guys unattractive, they’re just more interested in “the uncommon”.

I can relate. I’m from Hawaii. Half Hawaiian half Japanese. And I don’t find polys or Asians as attractive as white or Latin girls. Why would I date a girl that looks like my mom and sister?

that's a valid point.also i think it has to do with Indian men being brazen as fuck not caring if the girl has anyone else.they go for it regardless and try

Ya I’ve kinda noticed that too. It’s like they got too used to rejection and have a “fuck it” attitude lol.

Like black people, I RARELY find Indian people attractive.

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>wonder why group with strong educational culture leading to many doctors, programmers, and other well paid knowledge professions is pulling intelligent well to do women

Same happens with anyone when they go from a high concentration of a demographic to another. That's something that even works when you have something like a different accent that whatever new area you move to enjoys. Well that is so long as the other party is moderately attractive or even passing in terms of looks. When I moved to the Southwest I found hispanic chicks really hot, then it became old hat after a few years being there because it wasn't new or "exotic" any more. Most people don't like to recognize the fact it's a need to experience something they haven't had, mainly because some people when they see anyone from their particular racial demographic going off with someone else they feel threatened to some small degree subconsciously. Which is funny because if they just make themselves more appealing to the opposite sex you can enjoy the same benefit from other groups as well. Just be more confident in the appeal you have I guess and if you don't make the cut then elevate yourself to the point you weed out competition. Otherwise you're just being a baby back bitch and envious that someone else is doing better than you are.

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>trying to get being “diarrhea’d“ meme’d
You faggot

it might be all those doctoral degrees

I know you can't expect intelligence from racist haters on Yea Forums, but Indian men are far more attractive than those ching chongs, africans and albinos. Indians unlike other races have tribes and their features vary tremendously between tribes. Keep hating though.

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Low tier race bait. Reverend Al Sharpton frowns upon your actions.

Indian men are most attractive in all of asia. Keep dreaming.

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albinos are disgusting. they look like fried tomatoes. gooks look like aliens. africans look like fucking apes. Indian and olive men were made from the persian empire having sex with the alexandrians (the true bad asses of history). Alexander's army left the kiddy fuckers like your ancestors behind to inbreed.

>there aren't sexy and intelligent people of pretty much any demographic

>intelligent well to do women
more like money grabbing trophy wives but okay then

This man obviously paid money for the situation he's in.

Pajeet > (ding dong, Beiber, Jose and Jamal)

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>Indian and olive men were made from the persian empire having sex with the alexandrians (the true bad asses of history). Alexander's army left the kiddy fuckers like your ancestors behind to inbreed.
Even ignoring your poor knowledge of racial dispersal, you realize Alexander was literally a giant homo that enjoyed stabbing and conquering empires when not stabbing and conquering his BFF's butthole, right?

>wHiTe wOmEn aRe mArRyInG sHiTsKiNs, iTs tHe eNd Of tHe wOrLd
>tHeY aRe lOw tIeR gArBaGe wOmEn nOt mY pUrE wAiFuBaIt
are you mad or indifferent?
make up your fucking mind, you two faced autist

who wouldn't want to upgrade?

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Same reason mansluts go for dumb bimbos, I guess.

>are you mad or indifferent?
>make up your fucking mind, you two faced autist
you clearly mentioned money as being an end goal for the women and those are the type of women who latch on to wealthy men. it had nothing to do with race and i didn't say anything about skin color because personally i don't give a fuck one way or another.

You all smell like baby vomit and jovan musk

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do they really have a smell?

whate girls with pajeets makes zero sense.
i would expect a white girl to not shit in the street and understand why pajeets are lower than a nigger

They hate their race and they probably still want a decent quality of life while popping out black abies. You cant get that with a nigger. If they can stand the stench of a Pajeet and thats what they want then good riddance.

I love how the indian idea of beauty is who looks the least indian