Other urls found in this thread:
Ylyl Discord edition!!!
Join For E-Girls, Lewds, and a couple dudes
Fuck all of the other spam and weird shit discords
just kidding. fuck this lame ass 'meme'
It's fake.
His name is Ray Pissed.
Pony fucker.
get a new fucking hobby, you loser.
It's fake.
and you're a fucking braindead mutant
It's fake.
What about his 13 year old girlfriend?
This thread sucks already
Care to contribute then Yea Forumsro?
It's good to type things up in Word before you put them in your image macro. That way you are alerted to spelling and grammar errors.
is thisreally how you begin your YLIL ? im sadder and sadder about this aboard
fuck.... now I can hear the song when I see the picture. Well played user, well played
nature is awesome
he finally got his call back
stop suking each others diks, then, non fags
what happened?
Small pox in exchange for syphillis. A fair exchange.
Yeah ok then
Thread still sucks tho
you wish, faggot
look how it started lol
Aren't Swedish girls pretty?
brought it back briefly. i actually laughed.
Love Swedish girls
Hungarian masterrace reporting in
Post boipucci
Worst ylyl I've ever seen
all these years and just now I noticed he has a phone on his head
take your meds
just do it
this is how
this is me and my medication
Meds is love
ylyl discord edition
jesus christ
Why are you giving that daft cunt a platform
>To be fair you have to have a really high in to understand this man's reasoning...
The rape guy memes are getting old lol i dont know the back story but they are ruining these threads.
The swedish chicks joke is pretty meh tbh
No laughs no lost
I have archived every YLYL thread since this site began. This is the very worst of them all.
it's a kid, full of rage coz this guy stole his crush.
Fuck off slav
I prefer the memes to the shitposting, honestly. The memes at least have some creativity to them.
Man I remember when I was 15 and shit like this was still funny. Oh to go back
Weak and predictable
Shits annoying just not funny lol almost as bad as bannana memes
so send something funny
I want to die so fucking bad. I just want to slit my wrists and wander out into a forest and die.
Holy shit the pressure of existence is real.
I want to die.
I know how it feels to wanna kms, I tried once. I overdosed on sleep meds. But the main reason I want to ask you not to is that a very close friend of mine succeeded in killing himself and it broke my heart and everyone who loved him. I’m sure there are people that love you that would hurt if you did it.
more like this god tier advertisments pls
The fuck.
To this?
I lost to this?
found one
Haven't seen any "new" ones of these for awhile.
Worst ylyl ever
as far as i know nobody makes these anymore
just realized that holy shit
>for your mom
New captcha is both more annoying and less funny.
Good job, user-chan
>implyin shitskins wouldn't be an improvement to that shithole
Because the banana ones really elevated them...
except you can't fucking maximize it because it has a fixed window size
So many of these are genuinelly facebook tier.
>living in an authoritarian police state
it could be so much more
This is a good one
This is a subtle one. But I like it.
Go away evil dogger
First time in a long time I had a laugh at something on a ylyl thread
And it was that?
I don't recommend it, you're going to die eventually so why not see where the ride takes you? If you want to kill yourself, at least do all of the things you wanted to do before you died.
I lost
Good, I'm glad I made you laugh.
You can still see where it says "the game" in the second frame.
Plz no
>wander out into a forest
What? No.
You best do something funny.
Maybe in your death, you can save a YLYL thread from being the worst ever.
Lol what
what this guy said
isn't that the joke?
i assumed that was the joke
No, the user just forgot to edit one extra thing.
>Actual true story inbound:
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
okay, NOW it's the worst YLYL ever
This feels comfy now.
Fuck this spamming faggot
+1 image limit and SAGE his faggot threads
Mancubus mutation...
then it'd be 5 holes, i mean... the bullet got through
Who IS this she has sexy looks
With her eyes
one hole all the way through, it's a cylinder.
Mam what you got me
Decent content
Six. Women have one behind there left knee.
This is the all time worst usage of that image in Yea Forums history. Kys
riley reid
This is
Thomas M. Lane III A640654
Ohio State Penitentiary
878 Coitsville-Hubbard Rd
Youngstown, OH 44505
Send a letter
congratulations, you're a fucking loser. what a wonderful designation.
ouch man. is this better?
Who is this faggot
Jealous germ
kek why whats he done? molest kids or something?
Shitpost server, join fags.
i know this is old but i lost
fuck you
Why did you save someone else's edit of A Ray & repost it ?
Something about Justin tho I'm starting to hate him too
Any source for some video material, scientific purposes?
31 year old here, i still find shit like this funny.
you fucked up in life user. i'm so sorry.
yeah let's jump on anything new like bandwaggoning faggots
i feel like someone found "leggy boys" funny so they made up 5 other shitty names to finish the meme
im with this guy
just face the fact that it isnt clever at all. there are much better attempts at 'shocking'/'over the top racist' humor out there.
'blah blah blah'
'blah blah?'
(punchline delivered)
First of all, the word "NIGGER" isn't what makes it funny by itself. But you're too stupid to know that.
Second of all, you're so retarded you replied to the wrong fucking comment, yet you think your opinion about anything matters.
lol. you're right that i did in fact respond to the wrong coffin, yet you knew what i was on about. also, NIGGER is literally the joke. you can go on about how sophisticated the preceding lines of dialogue are, but who are you fooling?
with love
your fellow user
Please. Not. The. Bananas.
Is there one with tits?
Ohhhhh I saw another one and didn't get it, but in this context it seems that black people are holding white people back. I'm not sure if it makes sense as I forgot the other one.
Captcha is brutal right now.
Fox breakdown
Why are there no black school shooters?
Wow I forgot about these. Most of them were gold tbh
You reminded me that I have some.
Why was the kike spreading autism through vaccine? BECAUSE HE WAS KIKE
Crazy I'm listening to Snoop Dogg rn lol
Nice haha
Shit got caught up in another thread, got 8 more after this... I mighty get tired of clicking traffic lights though
the madelyn one is my favorite btw.
Woot quads!
Last one, rip captcha comics
What are you talking about, Hungarians are clearly the orcs.
Aaaaah stoop iiiit my siiiides
NEW new ylyl
Well done you glorious faggot. Sensible chuckle achieved.
thats a good one
is this that stupid hexicode thing some sjw's tried to do once to track people?
Liberal propaganda?
On my ylyl?
The only dangers of anti Vax kids is if their government brings in a bunch of dirty disease carrying niggers from third world countries
Not him and I feel like a dip for not asking, but thank you kind user.
For $750 I could have two pocket bikes
I'm oddly tempted.
For $7.50 I could have two Hot Pockets
Just noticed the similar file names
Nigger are you serious?
Wow, never spotted that. Cool.
I will rape your femenin dick with a baseball bat you scared prick
Raiding server ! JOIN US !!!
Fuck youuu nigger
My dick is in intense pain, how could I have missed this gem when I went through deep anal abyss
user, you have pretty good jokes for a nigger
Lost hard. Gg good sir
I wandered off into the freezing cold recently. Death wish. Still here and sad. Something maybe in the air and we all caught it rn
who's that bitch?
niggers dont go to school duh
Jenaveve Jolie i think
That’s cool.
This guy is stuck in 2012.
Get out iFunny nigger.
yup, thanks fam