Hey Yea Forums. Simple thread.
You have this time machine. Where do you go? Do you fix a past relationship? Do you go see a medieval war? What would ya do?
Hey Yea Forums. Simple thread.
You have this time machine. Where do you go? Do you fix a past relationship? Do you go see a medieval war? What would ya do?
If I can go into the future I'd go about 40 years ahead to see if it was going to be worth living for.
I think there’s good reason behind such things as time travel not being possible, or at least available to a being like myself. I’m a weird guy. In the sense that I do strange things just to entertain myself, not for the sake of anyone else’s amusement.
For example: If right now, I could travel through time, I would go back to just a few days before your mother became pregnant with you. Given the fact that I could do things without consequences or I could at least commit a crime and then time travel to make an escape, I would impregnate your Mother just before your father impregnated her with you. I would physical beat her too. There’s literally nothing you could do to stop me. In fact, I would be the prevention of your birth. I would give her my seed and she would birth my spawn. As for your father, I would make sure he and your mother never met. Your mother on the other hand, I would relentlessly penetrate for hours on end.
Going into the future is a terrible idea.
What if the world was not there or everyone has died due to war? How could you live knowing that was coming?
What if you found out you had died prematurely? How could you cope knowing that?
You’re a stupid piece of shit, aren’t you?
>going into the future is a terrible idea.
Oh really? Okay I’ll just fuck your sister before she turns 18 then. I’ll fucking hit her too.
i was typing out a reasoned response to what you said but then this retard jumps in
I'm assuming the time machine is what's in OP, and not a DeLorean. I use the time machine to improve myself until I am the best that I can be in the present, taking advantage of both my inevitable future selves, and the split seconds where the machine no longer exists after it has left.
Then I install a timer on the machine, and begin creating contemporary duplicates of myself. Next comes immortality. Once that's done, all flesh-bound copies off themselves in a paradox-free way. Maybe I'll build a giant pyramid on Mars and wait for someone to come. Maybe I'll just leave the solar system. Maybe I get lonely, and play old world god with prehistoric man.
Going into the future can be a terrible idea. You have no idea what's coming. Imagine someone seeing you time travel, and then that same someone putting a solid object exactly where you were. When you come back, you get telefragged.
Well, depending on how time travel is working in the hypothetical universe, you could end up changing your own personal future by seeing your "original" self die prematurely.
Or, seeing yourself die prematurely causes you to die prematurely. Time travel is a blast.
Going back to 0 BC. Fuck Mary and start my own religion
I go back about twenty years, to this one time where some guy shouted "FUCK YOU!" at me. This time though, instead of looking at the floor and trying not to cry... THIS time, I run away as fast as I can, then, when at a safe distance, I shout- "NO! EFF YOU, MISTER!"
I know exactly what’s in my future. I’m literally going to find your relatives and if you have a sister I’m going to physically beat her and fuck her and you won’t do shit pussy.
I'll be long gone from this timeline by then.
That's Easy. Grateful Dead Spring Tour 1977
Go to 1 AD and analy ream baby Jee-Jee. Cos I'm edgey as fuuuuuuk
I go back 5 seconds before you made the post to samefag it and I punch you in the head
This would be fucking awesome. Don't you see the possibilities? I do! Finally, and I mean fucking finally will I be able to fulfill my deepst desires. I will be able to go back in time, and mold a fleshlight out of the anus of Adolf Hitler. No more fapping to the pictures, crying that I was born in the wrong time, no sir, I could FEEL it.
>mold a fleshlight out of the anus of Adolf Hitler
half of Yea Forums would go back and rape anne frank, the other half would turn her in, several would probably do both.
I’ll travel all over time just to fucken rape you
Would be a fucking grand idea. Walk into her house in Amsterdam in an SS-uniform, informing that they can either be deported, or I can have my way with Anne. Afterwards, I thank them, say "we must all make sacrifices in this war" and leave, heading straight to the nearest gestapo office to report them.
I would kill Alexandria Occasio Cortez.
I would raid this board with blacked/cuck porn back in 2004
I would change the past by not making stupid mistakes. To bad its not real :C
I can think of one big mistake your mother made
>have a machine that moves through time
>wind up in deep space with no celestial bodies within lightyears
>because the machine doesn't follow the earth as it moves around the sun, as that moves around the galaxy, as that floats through the universe.
why is this never a point of contingency when we discuss time travel [within a vessel]. with portals, there's possible ways of getting around this issue, but I don't see how a device used to move through time could stay stationary on something constantly moving, if it's on a separate plane, in order to travel through time.
personally, I'm in the line of thinking that "time travel" wouldn't be as such, in reality. instead of moving along your own timeline, you'd move into a different timeline, that happens to intersect your own.
>Implying place is absolute, and not relative to everything else, and that there exists a 'same place in a different time'
>implying ones relative place to the earth isn't as good a fixation point as any for the purposes of hypothetical time travel
Not to mention galactic drift. You go back a million years none of the stars are in the position they are as you read this.
Also how could you go back to witness the big bang for example, unless you were somehow viewing from outside the space/time continuum?
What I meant by personal future was that the series of events you yourself would perceive are relative to you and only you, including getting in the time machine, seeing your own grave, getting back in the time machine, and potentially trying to avoid dying and never experiencing what grave-you did. You have to experience something, and that something has to be causal if we're adhering to the laws of physics instead of wholesale science fiction. So to you, for you, for all the particles that constitute you, their collective world-line follows one independent of the world-line that follows if you never get in that time machine and just die. Or, they do, and you die because you got in the time machine, and you get in the time machine because you die, and...
Assuming things work such a way, if I can change what I do 5 seconds from now, I will never get back to the place where I never change what I do 5 seconds from now, exactly. The cue ball is following a different path now. It got struck from a different angle this time around. I have to be there for the change to exist, and the change has to exist for me to be there. Trying to correct that in a world where you can't violate causality in an absolute sense, means you'd have to make multiple strikes at multiple angles in a really tedious way. Long of the short is that nothing I said discounts the existence of different timelines intersecting your own personal experience of events, just that there's no way for someone to use a time machine to alter your distinct experience of going from 2019A to 2019B as if it were all just 2019, but also have it still be that you still did all this.
If you start at A, cause B before A, and arrive at C after A, the order of events for you is A, B, and then C. But from an observer's perspective, assuming a linear interpretation of events, the order is B, A, and then C. Originally, it was A, B, and then C. Does that make sense?
I would write a suicide note for my family in this timeline and go back in time half a second and spend the rest of my life with two of me. Live two lives like in the movie prestige.
>local man vaporizes himself without a trace
>scientists baffled
lol isnt this the plot of the cloverfield paradox?
they travel time but not space and so they end up millions of miles from earth
like the earth is moving so if you travel time but not space you wont be on earth anymore
Id love to try full fledged vr, thats about it. Wouldnt change anything about my past. Who knows how it would turn out. Ive done alot of shit i regret, havent done many things i wish i had. Still, people i met along the way, i would not risk a scenario in which i may not have met them.