Was in the Marines from 2014 to 2018.
I've been all over the Asian Pacific.
Ask me anything
Was in the Marines from 2014 to 2018
how many ladyboys have you fucked?
None, surprisingly. Almost did once.
wtf? which one is OP?
How many ladyboys did you fuck overseas?
Oh shit, this user beat me to it.
ah you deleted your first response. you did have ladyboy ass while in the marines. regret has settled in already. shame on you boy.
Do you need therapy?
How do you feel about the marines? I'm Army and I feel bad for them.
My experience has been
>navy wishes they were you
>army believes they're better
>airforce doesn't think about you
>coastguard doesn't think at all
he originally posted one as the answer but then deleted it. OP is fucking gay. LOL.
how menny spooges did u do
To dumb to get a real job?
>you did have ladyboy ass while in the marines
Okay fine, I admit it. I got a hummer from a lady once But I didn't she was a ladyboy, I swear! She passed so well.
My dick didn't touch any orifices, if that's what you're asking ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)
Currently undergoing therapy for PTSD and DPDR.
The Corps as a whole is alright. A lot of shitty leadership; people who care more for how they look on paper than their Marines. I've seen staff jeopardize their own Marines' careers in order to further their own. It's bullshit.
You're only half-right
I felt like I had something to prove. I was a 240 pound fuck before I joined. After my fiancee left me for some slut, I decided I was done and got out asap.
>staff jeopardize their own Marines' careers
Care to elaborate on this?
Nearly got in, got laid off because the chief corporal hated my guts.
Not in the USA though.
There was this time in our recruitment that some guy was dehydratating and the platoon chief left him dry so much that the poor fucker got fever. A couple weeks later got laid off because of medical reasons. Fuck the military man.
lol to dumb
How do you feel about good ol' Gen Neller and his cuck tendencies?
Sooooo glad I'm out.
>I've been all over the Asian Pacific.
>Ask me anything
Is the Earth round ?
I've heard stories about Marines experiencing weird shit, so have you experienced some weird shit?
>No orifices
>Got a hummer
I'm suspecting you fucked him and enjoyed it but are ashamed.
OP is legit a fag
There is no unit, no military on earth, that uses a Cheif Corprol as a rank. That signifies two separate things
MOS? how did you avoid getting deployed somewhere in the Middle East?
ur an idiot
Dictionary result for orifice
Learn to pronounce
an opening, as of a pipe or tube, or one in the body, such as a nostril or mouth
i wanted to go for the equivalent in my country, but decided in the end to make a civil carrer, how would you rate this choice in the US ?
can i suck your butthole?
Did you mean Lt corporal, fuckaroo? You sound upset, son
i've been all over the A&P as well. fuckin place was dirty as hell. saw a roach in the deli window, happens everytime a nigger takes over as manager
Nah, it's earth-shaped.
Depends on what you mean by weird. We had a guy pretend to be posessed by demons once.
Nah the hummer dude wasnt me. I blew her, she blew me. I was a lonely semi-fag.
Here's one for you, OP
why do pony Fags like this weird Hitler pony I've seen 9586558 times today?
Don't they know that the nazis would have seen this as a mental illness and killed them too?
Sorry for mistranslating and the rest of the world not having the same hierarchy as the US.
It would something along the lines of "Cadet's Corp Chief" or "Chief of the Cadet's Corp".
Fair enough. Get any dick from your CUMrades in arms?
For example, a staff-sergeant was trying to frame a sergeant for drinking excessively in China. No one saw this happen, so he made a bunch of junior Marines make false reports. That sergeant got an NJP, and it ruined his motivation. He ended up not re-enlisting, and that staff-sergeant is now a master-sergeant, or at least last I heard.
Oh yeah, plenty.
Can you even survive in the desert fake motherfucker bitch ass nigga??????
That sounds like a glorified youth group for wayward teens
You are aware we're taking about actual military service, right Wee-blow?
Story time? Semi to semi.
A. Boi can dream....
grandfathers fought, bled, and died to defeat the nazis, just to have their future grandsons create and jack off to nazi cartoons. if only they knew.
Aye marin u step on snek?
post on my own i am the Warrior chief motherfucker
Haven't seen it, surpringly. As much as I want to say that because I'm half-German I should hate stuff like that, but the reality of it is that they're just going to do what they want. Getting angry at it wont change it.
Sorta. It's like a school for the officers of the Coast Guard's.
It was really fucking weird from beginning to end. Didn't felt like the military at all.
I mean, we got to run from dawn to dawn, we were sleep depraved, we nearly starved, nearly dehydratated and these assholes were always trying for everybody to get fucked.
Only once I experienced a cadet that wanted us to be some leaders and got laid off because "Can't adapt into the system and doesn't fully comply with orders" or some bullshit like that.
Fuck that.
3043, Supply. Short answer: I was a shit pog who was attached to some grunt unit based in Cali who's rotate out constantly to Okinawa.
Shit you right.
Ask nicely
For clarification, I was stationed in Okinawa. The grunts would rotate out from Cali.