What would you do if you could stop and start time at will?

what would you do if you could stop and start time at will?

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A lot of dirty sanchez

Win a lot of fucking money from casinos and poker.
Also can I bring people into the time thing?

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Take Bruce Willis back in time to fuck that comet up and save the Sinodaurs.

Every single thing that I did in TimeShift.

Scream za warudo and beat the shit out of people

>stop time
>acquire shit ton of weed
>go to cookie factory
>dump weed into dough
>repeat across the country
>resume time
>wait for cookies to finish
>stop time again
>put weed cookies everywhere
>resume time
>see what happens

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ZA WARUDO!!!!!!!!!
lol I could see doing this to rich assholes. Just be like "Za Warudo" and smack the shit out of them like 5 times with a fucking strap of leather. lol

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hookers and blow

>stop time
>create a bunch of threads on multiple computers at once
>unstop time
>Yea Forums is littered

stop time so that my penis will forever be erect.

Endless sleep without wasting any time ? Yes please

Kill all the niggers. All of them.

I will wait for september and then stop time so you can't fap never more.

With the ability to stop time and all you can still think of is jealousy over some minority dick.
Seek some fucking help you fat retard.
This is a thread for fun and people doing fun shit. Not you fat jealous ass shit posting your israel puppet masters maga shit.
Like in real life, no one wants you around fag.

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Sorry but what does killing niggers have to do with jealousy? How is he being jealous?

You don’t know him at all,
He could live in a really shitty place,
Packed to the rim with niggers.

Eradicating niggers, in my opinion, is a righteous gesture and a good use of time travel.

Murder and rape.
Mostly of white men.
Id leave a little Jew beanie behind every time so they would blame the Jews and be powerless to stop it.

Get some moneyyyyy

Not physically possible & white people have raped and murdered more than any other ethnicity on Earth.

Hell, slavery was alive and well right up to 1863 in the United States.

Really think about that, it was only 156 years ago when countless black females were being whipped and raped every single day by rich white men.

If you’ve seen D’jango unchained, picture that but without the happy ending.

It was just day in, day out fucking niggers and whipping the fucking shit out of them. Literally.

>Not physically possible
Which part?
Discounting the time stopping magic power part, of course.

get my ex-gf back

Why win it when you can just take as much as you want from those armor cars or ATM reloading teams?

Guess I'd stop and start time when ever I felt like it.

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Does the world's timeline stop, or does the person just move faster than light to seem like they stopped time for themselves?

Sleep a lot. Wait, do I still age normally?

Cos maybe he wants to win it legally before someone finding out and/or taking his time machine away?

>win legally
>uses stop time powers to win at gambling
right... legally.

this is bernard now

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Freeze time right on cue for Friday prayers everywhere in the UK. Walk to every mosque in the UK. Saw through every structural support.

stop time and kidnap a hot whore i find. when i get her somewhere secluded rape all her holes until i get bored of her. rinse and repeat

Stop time and have the longest nap of my life.

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I would go into a large public bathroom (female) and find an attractive lady with a turd half-way out. I would enjoy playing with her bottom unnoticed. Seriously, I've thought about this.

Oh friend the reason for the gamble is because it looks like luck and legit, not robbery.
Dont bring attention to your powers is the priority till you know everything.
Which stopping time and reading everything ever or finding out everything would also be extremely amazingly powerful.
Thats why you were the only two saying it while veryone else was laughing and fantasizing about crazy cool shit. You are obssessed with minorities like some beiber fan girl who thinsk he betrayed her but still wants beibers dick.
get a fucking clue ya closet dick sucker.

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I find it really interesting that there is far less rape in this thread here than when the same question was asked on reddit

Post link to reddit question?

I'd be able to take a long shit without being disturbed.

I would
How would time powers help you there?

End the Joestar bloodline

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Prolly just do general pranks and shit. Like stuff nigger assholes with rocks or fireworks.

I would go to the store, steal a nintendo switch and then rape my childhood crush while playing mario

In my younger years I use to fantasize about this for all kinds of sexual escapades

But now... I'd use it for sleep.

stop time
cum on all the faces
start time


Rape and pillage

you don't need to stop time to do that

true, but it would make it easier not getting caught

fuk that chik from the other thred and because shes hot and totally wants it

Drive to dispensaries.
Smoke endless weed and endless rapes

>Pic related

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Pants everyone on earth, all at once. Put people in harm's way, feel bad about it and then move them back to safety. Steal whatever I wanted. Go into places I'm not supposed to have access to. Definitely look at lots of titties. Nap whenever I felt like it. Fuck with rude people. Become a professional magician.

Yeah I havent given this any thought at all