Fellow anons. I come to you in need. I will deliver the most spectacular mega of nudes (or cash monies in either BTC...

Fellow anons. I come to you in need. I will deliver the most spectacular mega of nudes (or cash monies in either BTC, ETH, LTC) if you can find this in stock for me online or in store.

Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia Limited Edition 2018

This is SERIOUS BUSINESS. I need this fellas. Come through.

It is a matter of National Security. And by National Security, I mean the rewards for us both will be amazing.

>pic related

Attached: guccihalp.jpg (902x700, 334K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I know there's one overseas from some Ebay-like dickhead with a terrible rating, and I know about Poshmark having one for $500.

Can I at least get an occasional bump. Many thanks

Bamping gl



But thank you. I saw that one. The idiot selling has a shittier rating. I appreciate you looking however.

doesn't exist

Yea Forums can do ANYTHING! It HAS to exist!

Attached: madisyn.shipman.jpg (1280x1600, 265K)

I have an extension that searches like 100+ sites, all the major ones obviously and a fuck ton of others. those two were the only that came up. sorry brother

Oh damn. What's the extension, if you don't mind me asking. I'd like to use it daily until I find this. Thanks again man!

Praying you get it and get one as cute as her. bump

Attached: 8A5812DC-48E1-488D-A454-08B60E18FBCD.jpg (498x900, 276K)

macy's in san fransico sells this and holds a decen size in house

Oh shit thank you. That's a long ass drive :( Called them, they are out of stock she said.

I called the one in Union Square, out of stock. Is that the one you're referring to?

dub dub bump

I’d like that extension too user





Attached: 318321BA-7EF9-46AE-B9C6-BC3171AEDD5C.jpg (960x1280, 393K)

RIP :(

Final bump

Attached: E3CA88FD-C9CE-4852-8B08-E8A7BAE6E53C.png (600x320, 264K)

yes the union square one was what I meant, was just there sat and saw at least 10 there

i looked it up on the official site in germany, it's available for 77€ at the store. why would anyone pay 500$ for this shit? is this something special?

The lady was really helpful, even referred me to Bloomingdale’s. I wouldn’t think she would be lying?

Limited addition

Edition * final bump pls God

They were probably just the standard perfume and not the yellow limited.

Can the german store ship to the US, do you know?