Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

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Other urls found in this thread:


How Dietz Nuts taste?

Vchan again?

>tits not required
tits or gtfo newfag

Yep it's me again lol



I'm involved with two women -- wife and mistress who know about the other and are on friendly terms. Both are quite happy to have me taking care of them financially and romantically. Both are totally submissive sexually, liking to be "used" (one of them quite roughly, calling me Daddy and stuff).

And, they both claim to be feminists and talk about the "patriarchy".

Q: Why do some women claim feminism and decry patriarchal society when what they really want is a good man to take care of them, and occasionally hold them down and creampie them?

Feminism is being able to choose to want those things.


Yes. I suppose. But there's irony there.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

How far can I go with my home theater in my living room before it repels women? Are all electronics a no no or if it is very clean am I okay to go pretty far?

why do you pretend to be women on the internet?

It's not so much the electronics as the smell, get a few takeaways and keep the wrapping

What is the best way to keep my living room smelling great? I am very clean i hope it is just neutral in there.



Tits or GTFO

What's your favorite sex toy that you own that makes you cum best?


Sorry my poor is showing lol

Nah I'm good


Where's the clitoris? A website says at the crest of the labia. What does that mean?

>Man detected

You sound like a spic. Absolutely disgusting.

Does this site look like google?

yeah she sounds like some half nigger half spic welfare baby


no...I dont have google

why are you shy about posting your tits?

what leads me to believe you aren't larping as a girl?

>4.5"x5" penis (erect)
>ugly face
Should I even try

I just upgraded ours and my wife usually rolls her eyes when she sees what goes into it, but then any time she travels for work and has to watch TV in the hotel she can't believe how crappy everything sounds.

I can't imagine someone would be REPELLED by an amazing home theater...just have a great demo ready and blow their minds, they'll understand your obsession.

The clitoris is listed on the OP pic


LOL ok

Tips for going down on a fat girl? I love giving oral but the girl I'm seeing now is quite plump and she's not quite comfortable with me having an all you can eat buffet between her legs.

She's posted tits before


I've never ever posted tits before user lol


I'm not OP, but I have direct experience.

You, sir, need a couple bottles of wine, and some foreplay. Once you've gotten well underway, just go for it. I have a girl who is shy about being naked, etc. and so when she seems ready, I undress her and gently do the voodoo that I do.

Then she sends me mushy texts all the next day.

What's it like to wear a bra? Do you have any tips for a guy who might want to wear one?



If you didnt hold them down once in a while they begin to forget about the patriarchy

I'm not gay or trans, just curious about the daily experience of wearing such restrictive clothing. From what I've heard, taking your bra off at the end of the day is a heavenly feeling that most men will never experience.


You don't make the fucking rules here, bub! This community has standards!


Wow...being this new must be embarassing

You work out?

Where compression shorts for 4-6 hours and take those off.

TOGTFO. It's not a "guideline."

what's your underwear you wear?



It's not a rule either user.
God you're cringey



M4GA !!!!!!!

Tits or GTFO !!!!!

>confirmed troll

Thanks for the detailed answers! Do you own a lot of bras? What's your favorite bra color and style? (demi cup, full coverage, strapless, etc.)

Do girls find ass hair repulsive?
And pubes in general?

little bit of a REQUEST HERE
*send nudes p[ls*

Personally I like really, really hairy guys but most people would prefer at least trimmed pubes.

Anna here.

Some women use the logic that it’s ok to separate their political philosophies from their personal life, I find it hypocritical myself. I’m submissive and anti-feminist.

I wouldn’t bother me at all, I love electronics, first console was an Atari 2600. If it’s your house do what you like user.

I’m not.

Just a plan small vibrator, shopping for sex toys is difficult for me since I’m small, it just seems like the standard size is too big.

You can find it in the OP pic.

Size isn’t terribly important as long as you’re proficient in using your mouth and fingers. Also get a bit more self confidence user, women find that attractive.

Tell her that she has nothing to be ashamed of and that you love pleasuring her in that way, try foreplay before going down on her so that she’s already worked up and will perhaps be more receptive.

Uncomfortable, why in the world would you want that ffs.

Just regular panties.


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Not really...body hair isn’t an issue with me.



Hey anna!
Based on your answer I feel like I'm the only weird bitch that enjoys wearing a bra lol

Opinions on chastity cages?

Hey Vchan. Nah, when I was your age I used to enjoy bras and bra shopping, I guess as you get older everything becomes so tiresome, ha. Also it’s much more exciting when you have someone who’s going to be seeing them later, haven’t really had that in a long ass time.


Dude! You'r efucking brilliant! And it only took you 15 mins!

I lost the under bet tho. I had it at 23 mins before you got a clue...but oh well.

It's a redundant control.

Probability you'll get laid is minimal at best.

I think it's interesting that you enjoy wearing bras but only own a single one. I wish I could hand wash it for you & help you buy more. I would be your bra bitch.

Kind of a cuck-ish thing to me. I’m into dominant guys and chastity cages are a major turn of. But hey, whatever your into, as long as you’re not hurting anyone do whatever you enjoy.



so much was wrong with that.

you don't want attention yet you start a thread.

tits are hardly private.

you are definitely shy, my dude. i can hear it in your voice.

if a woman was starring at me in streets then what did she mean by this? whats an appropriate reaction would be like?
p.s. average looking guy with extreme social anxiety

being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people.

you practically said that as you went on about your mom; also, how do you feel disappointing her?

remember, if you aren't a virgin or married, you are a slut by the original definition.

I know what guys get out of Yea Forums. We're fairly obvious about it. What do women get? Is it about attention, or more than that?


Have you ever told a guy to kiss your ass? what was his reaction?

Gf says she sees no future with me but we can keep seeing eachother (on weekends, due to work).

She cums buckets with me, so what happens?

I broke up with her btw.

I wish I had a girl to talk to.



so shy. you hide it well, but we both know you are.

Lurking since '06 cunt

femanons always post tits or GTFO




What's your size


Basically you were a good fuck but not hubby material

Go find one user. They're everywhere.

???? Ok lol

Good for you...?

Size as in....?

>that awkward feeling when vchans been here since 04.

She's got 2 years on you, faggot.


LOL I actually wasnt going to say anything.
he seemed so proud of himself!

Oh I'm a 36 C

Four years together and two more as great friends.

How long until my cock is replaced?

Single mom, ballerina, comes from rich family but has no money, cant stay a month without making trouble. That tell you something? Should I still fuck her?

If you’re not doing anything weird I’d image it’s because she’s either attracted to you or curious about you, doesn’t seem nefarious anyway.

For me it’s a sense of community and belonging. I’m kind of socially retarded and do t really have any friends irl.

You’re good in bed and she doesn’t want to use that, but doesn’t see you as marriageable.

Bra size? 36DD.




Did you participate in the Scientology protests? how did you feel about it during the time? When did Yea Forums become cancerous?

And why did she send me an emotional video of our adventures together since I first met her for Valentine's day?

Yep, I let go because I do love her. Not sure if I should start nasty-fucking her (she's shit in bed)

What kind of dopamine high do you get from this nonsense?

Have you ever done a self review of that? If not, you should.

Lol you mean Project Chanology?
I did not participate. I had no interest in it.

I feel like things really started to go downhill around 2012. Its really hard for me to think of a year and I'm a pretty laid back person so I usually am cool with a lot of dumb shit but I feel 2012 was when it started getting just retarded bad

Hm? Not sure who this is directed towards, I’ve never protested Scientology, but it’s a batshit insane cult.

Hmm, that’s a bit more than what a friend would do honestly. She’s sending mixed signals.


>tits not required
you must be 18 or older to post here



Sadly I'm almost 30 lol

You dont sound like a spic because you dont sound like a valley girl. You sound like a spic because you sound like a spic.

Wow that logic tho

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Right? You seemed to be struggling with it though. You were coming up with reasons why. I thought I'd clear the air as to why it's "come up a lot".

Do you know any beta males V-chan? How do you feel about them? Would you let them do your chores and shit?

>As always tits not required but encouraged
How can you be such a Betamax faggot?

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If a girl gives you her number and tells you that if I want to go out for a beer I should send her a text. This was after an amazing 2 hour professional tantric massage with body to body. My first time doing anything like this and she was so happy that I was serious about the rituals and spiritual part. I was only allowed to touch legs and hug her. She told me a lot of clients laugh at the earlier mentioned rituals because a lot of girls offer just an erotic massage disguised as "tantric" but it's just sexual and not spiritual. She advertised herself as a spiritual person and she told me she felt an extreme amount of energy from me that made her feel very happy and she felt a strong spiritual connection. We've seen each other naked and she ended the massage with a happy ending so that part is already out of the way and she was gorgeous.

So my question is, does her giving me her real number without asking for mine a sign she is DTF? We are both free on Monday but I'm clueless because I never went out with a girl before. At the very least I hope we have a good time talking because we talked for an hour after the massage and she told me she wanted to hear more about me, but another client was on his way so we had to stop talking and I don't want to be spotted by a potential person who knows me that sees me walking out of her apartment.

TLDR: Masseur gave me her number and didn't ask for mine. The number was real and we are going out on Monday. Is she DTF or just wanting to talk with me? I have 0 dating experience and still virgin and know little about the dating games or how girls operate.

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Eh well I guess that's just the price I pay for being an la native lol

Guess I knew a couple. I had am ex who was a beta bitch.
I dont boss them around I just ignore them and in the case of my ex I dumped him.

Alright well I'm done for today everyone!
Have a good day!

I’d say take it slow and follow her lead, assume she just wants to talk, watch her body language, you should be able to tell her intentions by the end of the evening.

Bye Vchan, see you in the next thread, take care.


Thanks. Keeping my expectations low. Good night!

My pleasure user, good luck.


Would you ignore me if I paid you? What's your venmo/paypal/cashapp

Hi Anna I have a question

Why do women let themselves get so fat? Do you not know how easy it is to just put down the fork and pick up some weights or try jogging?

You don’t have to just fill your time with Netflix and snack cakes. I get the whole “fat is beautiful” movement but it really isn’t.

Why do women think it’s okay to be disgusting piggies?

my girlfriend and me were sexting last night, and I just wondered – do you find huge cumshots attractive? I was just about to send her mine, but suddenly got suspicious about her possible reaction to it.

Laziness mostly, it’s just too easy not to exercise and eat right. Fast food is quick and convient. I eat a primarily Mediterranean diet, like the food I grew up with, though I love a good burger and steak like the next person. I just have better respect for my body than most women. I feel like outside of laziness women also get complacent, most of the time they ballon up is after they’re married with a kid and feel like they don’t ‘need’ to be attractive anymore. It’s sad really.


No absolutely not. That is a very degenerate thing and not many girls actually like cum, we just tolerate it because it makes our men happy.

Was this a real question? I have to assuming you’re tolling.

~ Anna ~

Personally I do, but everyone is different. Why not ask?


Not you again. Ugh.


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Oh good... the imposter is back.

Don’t you have anything better to do?


Do you user lol? Come up with something entertaining, sometimes you’re clever and make me laugh.


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Femanon, are you happy.

candles, be careful that you don't brn the place down.

febreeze, other room sprays

if youre richer than you could get an essential oil diffusour sorry i can't spell and have your living room smell like lavender

i have a tiny, 5$ vibrator that looks like lipstick. does its job well

i like fucking dudes in the ass with a strapon. ive also had regular sex, and unless she's really going for the sweet boypussy then she wont even notice ass hair

i like them, but a lot of girls are turned off by it

she likes you. don't take it too seriously.

fucking good, user. you can't have that in your life

ive been here since 2010, and regret everything i missed out on those six . would love for someone to tell me stories of the good ol days

reply or mom die

Happy? I suppose as happy as I can be given my present situation. I don’t think I’ll ever be truly ‘happy’, but I’ve come to accept that fact.


I was a concubine for a week 25 years ago
Now i let it define my every move and ruin my life in every way and deny me of happiness
He loved me tho...

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It was two weeks not one

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My bad

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No problem
Want some grayons?

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No thanks im trying to cut back

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Mmm, maybe.


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Anna, are you horny?

Meh user, I’m always horny.


Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are enforced.

- Rule No. 13
Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 are enforced.

- Rule No. 13
Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

wanna fake an orgasm on a vocaroo with moans?

I don’t outside of these threads. I’ve been reported numerous times. Mods seem cool with it as long as it’s quarantined to these threads. We initially didn’t use sigs, but people kept getting us mixed up.

I guess I can.


>I guess I can.

do it then, I will fap to it


I guess this really is a daily thing. Thanks OP

Do a real one

Do itim gonna masturbate too

Hang on.


Do a real one not fake



There anons.


You better be flicking that bean Anna i got a hardon and im waiting

What is the difference in vagina smells ? Like , how drastic?
I’ve only had one gf and while she was hot and I loved her, I just did not like the smell of her pussy. She would clean it and everything , just wasn’t my smell. I’m just curious if some smell different than others

I hate it

My first wife had a strong smell, i loved it
Second wife barely smells but her pubes have a strong pheromone smell, not necessarily like a pussy smell, more like sweat, that drives me insane
How's your smell anna?

good, if you complement it with boobs it'll be perfect

I think a man would be better equipped to answer that question, after all, the only pussy I smell regularly is my own.


Thanks user, but I don’t do nudes.


Honestly? It smells kind of ‘fruity’ a lot, almost like a citrusy smell.


there is no irony in trusting a partner to fulfill a cosmetic power imbalance

I would love to lick it
Post a pic im horny now
Post anus

ide like to see

I don’t do nudes...BUT there is a pic of questionable nature floating around the b archive if you’re inclined to look. You’d have to search ‘Gaddafi’.


Oh come on just post it theres gotta be millions of gaddafi posts


Not from b, happy hunting.

Papa never loved you
You were just a hole to him

Think I’ll head out anons, thread seems fairly dead. See you all in the next one...


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Well, I guess I should address this at least. He wrote to me for over a decade according to my father, he had to have felt something, responsibly? Love? I can’t say.


Coming back in for a few minutes in guess lol



It 100% is though. The whole point was in support of another rule, specifically that the internet is devoid of girls.
It isn't literal, the point is that gender, like identity in general, has no place here, and that claiming to be female, usually for attention or to strengthen ones own point, must be proven with tits. It's a question of evidence and relevance.


Is it gay for a woman to fuck a man in the ass with a strap-on?

Because I'm not fucking stupid.

Definitely hurts sometimes. Nothing exciting. There's no tips I can think of.

I wear a size 7 shoe!

Honestly, yeah!

It's not gay for a man and woman to have sex, no.
