92 hidden threads

>92 hidden threads
Why did it have to get so bad?
Why can't the redditfags go back?

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when did it get so bad

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post your filters

It got really shit during the last election and never got back to normal.
It's mainly spambots now.

Post your filters

>a retarded gook took over
>hires sjw jannies that only delete CP and attention whore threads because they're 100x hotter than them
>lets the board flood with BBC trash
>probably even bump them or contribute

Post your filters

Post your filters gaylord


Why do you have 92 hidden threads

>a retarded gook took over
You know you can get banned just for saying that right?

It's not Reddit users who fag up the boards. Ivan Suckscockalot and his Russian shill /pol/ cancer and all the fucking AIDS-infested faggots fucked Yea Forums up. Newfags who were tolerated rather than destroyed when they posted cancer are why Yea Forums sucks.

Because I hide every stupid thread as I scroll.

>Catalog usually counts up to 30 generic porn threads
>Multiple 'You mad white boy' / 'BBC' bait threads
>Andy Sixx threads
>Le orange man bad threads
>Suicide threads
>Trap threads
>Pepe image threads in 2019
And now we have the fucking pony autist clogging up the place again, which I feel like it's more of just a group of people trolling and not actually bronies since they never seem to discuss anything about the show other then wanting to fuck cartoon horses, and don't even get me started on the user demographics here

Attached: Explosive Anger.jpg (1500x1500, 306K)

We're never getting rid of the r-fags. X-2 is the best we've got. In additions to smart filters (based on presets, topics and keywords). you can combine multiple boards into one catalog (4channel results are still kind of glitchy, though). If you're an oldfag, be sure to check out the hidden boards. We've brought all of them back.

t. Gook mod


Ponyfags have as much right to be here as any of the others you mentioned.

no they don't. check the rules.

>It got really shit during the last election and never got back to normal.
It was the same after the second Obama election, and the first Obama election. As a matter of fact it just keeps going to shit, deeper into the shit and further into the shit regardless of elections or any events. Yea Forums started out sucking and it's never once had a day that it has improved.
>using filters
>i dont want to see this or that
The severity of your faggotry is unmatched.

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Go fuck yourself.

The reason for gr15 doesn't exist anymore is what I'm saying.

Attached: Gore+gore+gore+4chan+channel+pony+thread+hey+fj+post_7a3713_3089033.jpg (300x197, 21K)

I support anything that makes you this upset.

Then how come there were no ponyshit on this board for years until the past week? Why all of a sudden are they posting here like they just got the rights to post here again if they had that opportunity this whole time?

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>I support anything that makes you this upset.

Attached: AWWW-YEAH-Now-thats-what-i-call-20-cooler.jpg (360x284, 19K)

It's just annoying that there is always a dickhead to ruin everything.

Huh, it's almost like this place was already fucking shit even before you fags got here, it's almost like it's just adding insult to injury. I wonder why we would be upset at the current state of this board, where it just constantly adds on things that make this place worse. Gee I wonder why people are upset about this, about the 5 pony porn threads in the catalog that's obviously flooding

>Then how come there were no ponyshit on this board for years until the past week? Why all of a sudden are they posting here like they just got the rights to post here again if they had that opportunity this whole time?

I happened!

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some autist finally learned how to ban evade

NordVPN, bitch!

>He buys a VPN just to lower the quality of a board even more
How little of a life do you have to have?

I've got all the life in the world! Also I have access to all of Netflix.

>having to use a VPN to ban evade
nevermind, he didn't learn.

same, i may have 1 thread not hidden on page one when i refresh. sad times
do they even discuss the show on /mlp/ ? never went there, genuine question

Nah, it's mostly cartoon porn and Hitler memes.

Face it like that hot blonde white bitch. White race extinct by 2100 tick tock. And you can do nothing about it just cry like a baby mimimi. Thank god i mean thank BBC your crying will soon be over forever. BBC dominates you

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humanity wouldn't survive a year without the white race

ever been to AFRICA? it's a shit hole.