Ask a guy who has a therapy license and 2 cats anything

Ask a guy who has a therapy license and 2 cats anything.

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what is therapy license?

Would you suck a log of shit out of Andy sixxs asshole

It is a license.

Min is in music therapy

You ever get high and jack off?

>the rapy music

No, but that is a good question. One probably best left to the minds of Homer and Aristotle

why do i consistently seek women when i know ill just get hurt? am i just a autist? prolly

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Why am I crazy

Never been high, except on a plane rides. And if that counts then yes

Maybe that’s because you are setting yourself up for failure with the expectation of getting hurt. That or you aren’t ready for a relationship/ the partners you have picked weren’t compatable with you

What do you do... When your entire fucking MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS has been REPLACED... When you're persistently and completely out of your fucking MIND ON weed???? HOLY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDD Haha I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off! You are a faggot like Bob Saget!

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You’re not crazy because you’ve already realized that somethings wrong

Why do you expect failure? Because then it's easy to meet your expectations and you're a lazy faggot who looks for the easy way out.

Check your space suit

best suicide method?

hm maybe i should just be more cognitive of being a man? instead of just being like I NEED WOMEN TO MAKE ME BETTER REEEEEEEEEE? right? i think i get it?

Natural death

I'm depressed. Can you recommend a song?

What kind of music do you like?

No, you should look at yourself as a person who comes from a position of strength who brings a lot to a relationship and therefore you have plenty of time to find someone and talk to them and determine if it's a fit. Sometimes it's not, but that's not a success or a failure, but if your relationships always end in heartbreak you might want to have that looked into. If you say "why am I going to start this when I know it's going to go to shit?" don't start it, that's either true or false. It's either self-sabotage or it's an accurate assessment of the situation.

papa bless

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