Impregnation stories

impregnation stories

>be me
>date girl for few years, pic related
>break up
>keep hooking up

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>tells me she’s going off birth control since she’s not in a relationship
>ask her about creampies in text
>gives low score because she says since it isn’t safe, it’s not a turn on
>start using condoms

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>after being off the pill for a month she sends me a creampie story over skype
>lierally two weeks after she says she doesn’t like creampies
>maybe her animal instincts are kicking in idk
>don’t cum for a week in anticipation of hooking up
>go over to her place and ask if we can have unprotected sex
>she says no
>start fucking missionary with condom
>ask to switch position
>remove condom while switching to doggy

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>pussy literally feels amazing without condom
>feels warmer and wetter bc I guess she’s ovulating
>ask her if I can cum
>she thinks condom is still on
>”yeah you can cum, make it count”
>tell her to work my dick doggystyle
>start blasting superthick load in her
>she has no idea every drop is shooting in deep while she milks my dick

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>pull out
>she feels torrent of my cum dripping
>she’s super pissed at me for days
>doesn’t get herself morning after pill though??
>got pregnant
>after a bit ask her if I can see her prego tits over skype
>pic related

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>she has a boy and has been a happy single mother for four years now
would show pics of prego belly but she blocked me on fb

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I have tons more nudes of her since we dated for so long. Also got another girl pregnant too, will share stories upon request.

you are less good at sexting than her. Also, you fail to respond to her weaknesses and insecurities, but whatev.

Hahahaha you are black right?

Yeah no I suck at sexting. What do you mean about the weaknesses and insecurities thing?

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lol no I'm not. Handsome white boy :)

fake, areolas aren't dark, tits aren't veiny and swollen. these are regular tits not pregnant tits. nice LARP though faggot.

"would show pics of pregnant belly but don't have any lol" cause they don't exist

this is like only a few weeks after we found out. But no worries you can believe whatever you want!

even a few weeks after the areolas would already be darkened. the fact that you don't know this confirms you are full of shit.

Why the fuck don't you care about your kid then? Junkie? Do you inject the weed?

lol inject weed. I do care, I just liked knocking her up a lot more than dealing with her afterwards. ofc I still see my kid.

he's a nigger. niggers always abandon their babies.

From what I gather that woman is crazy, I'd stay away from her too

Again you're free to believe whatever you want! I'm not worried about convincing you otherwise lol

Then stop posting

Then this kid is retarded, you don't fuck crazies without a condom.

>still see my kid
>blocked out of the mother's life

you can't even keep your story straight for 5 posts lol.

she's literally insane but goddamn was she a fun fuck

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and yet she has sole custody. hmmmmmm.

I deal with her parents more than I deal with her. But yeah keeping thinking you have the world totally figured out guy!

AKA she has a restraining order against your psycho ass.

which explains why you don't have custody, or even pics of the pregnancy progression.

My 18 yr old son has moved in to his girlfriend mom's house because I won't allow her to move into our house (much bigger, lot's of food, easy living). Within a couple months, he knocks her up. He's now almost on his knees to come home with her and her meal ticket. Fuck that, son, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I'm not going to be raising your mistakes, I already raised mine.
>Bring junior over on the weekends so he can find out how stupid his dad is

now this is a good dad. OP take notes.

More spread eagle on the back

show a pic of the girl, I hope she's hot at least.

Yay! Incel LARP thread!

You mean doggystyle like this?

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Her lying on the back and spreading legs open


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you are the white equivalent of a black father

lol thank you

that's disgusting, her back looks like it belongs to a man

Man ass. Is Xir post-op?

nice african flag in your room, nigger

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This. Wow so fake and gay. I’ve dated a lot of women before I was married and this type of discussion never happened. Nice story though OP back to your waifu.

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Very nice. How old ?
More like that

No pics, but she's got some looks. Problem is that she's a lazy native american who's family has lived off of govt hand outs all their lives. She found herself a potential rich white kid but she miscalculated that I would open my pocket book to pay their way. God, my boy is such a sucker.

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lol okay so your limited life experience must be how it is for everyone right? lmao

The best fucks I've had were bat shit crazy chicks. If you can deal with crazy or insane, your penis will have a grand time.

>all these defensive lols and lmaos

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I think she's 22 there. I didn't get her pregnant till years later.

I mean it is slightly offensive to have these know-it-all dbags calling me a liar.

maybe if you stopped lying you wouldn't get called out for lying. :v

ah man what a situation. despite her being shitty def take care of that grandchild. And also congrats on being a grandpa!

Yeah I mentioned that I did get someone else pregnant and she was also super crazy. Actually knocked her up twice. abortion both times.

weird that impregnation is your fetish but you have no pictures confirming a pregnancy. no test results, no chat, no belly pics, nothing.

post pics of the ultrasound

Definitely getting a girl pregnant is super hot to me but that's where it ends.

sortof goes with the reply above but this thread is about knocking up my ex. not about putting my kid on display

in other words
>i don't have any proof because i made it up

if you are telling the truth post pics of her in the hospital with the baby. every dad worth a damn has his first baby pics. blur out the kid's face but not the girl's.

>inb4 bullshit excuse

Call it what you want but I'm not going to do that.

>can't post a single shred of evidence confirming a pregnancy, even censored
like i said, nice LARP kiddo.

Feel like sharing oc of my wife and talking about getting her drunk and knocked up. Post kiks if you’re interested.

don't have a kik but just post ITT

Why does OP have to turn 4chin into a house of lies? Back to your shota OP

I dearly want to impregnate leagues of women. I do, however, take as much precaution as possible without being celibate; I definitely never want kids. This is my strongest cognitive dissonance and I am acutely aware of it on a regular basis.

Let me get this straight, you guys don't think it's super weird that I'm giving you details about fucking my ex, and you're asking for pictures of my kid?? No, end of story.

>fuck buds passed out wife
>cream in her with massive load
>both super happy as they have been trying for over a year
>boy with green eyes
>I have green eyes and runs in my family
>mfw they think is amazing boy has green eyes after they do a online test of the probability
>odd less than one percent
>I do test again with my history 50%...

I totally understand that. I think the urge to breed is just instinct. But the ramifications are immense. If I were ridiculously rich like Elon Musk I'd prob have a bunch of kids like he did.


you have a pic of his wife?

did you miss the part where i said blur out the kid's face? as illiterate as you are irresponsible.

post positive test, ultrasound, belly pics, chat where she tells you she's pregnant... plenty of options not involving the kid.

still waiting on a single iota of evidence proving you didn't pull this whole story out of your ass as revenge on an ex whose nudes you saved.

yeah no im still not comfortable with that at all.
Again this is about GETTING her pregnant which was hot as hell. The aftermath was just hell and not hot at all. I'm not going to dig through past convos and arguments to satisfy you.

>be me 23 user
>gf of 4 years breaks up with me
>met at college
>get super depressed about it
>fat black girl i'm friends with is into me
>she's kind of a super slut
>but helps me out of my depression
>end up hooking up
>she says she's on pill
>i go full retard and trust her
>she gets pregnant
>get married
>30 now
>got 4 kids now 3 girls 1 boy
>life is overall pretty good

wow damn, good on you for sticking it out. I absolutely want a daughter someday. Just have to get lucky again and find someone who's down

Idk if this counts, but the other night after doing some coke my wife and I start really fucking hard. She’s on all 4’s head down, ass up and she starts screaming “breed me daddy!” Over and over again. She’s never done this before, but it was so fucking hot I came buckets, like it was oozing out of her for 10 minutes afterwards.
Ironically, I may have actually bred her, and now I may in fact, be a daddy.

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Nice, that kind of sex is super hot. How old are you guys? Can you post a pic of your wife?

So something I noticed every time I've gotten someone pregnant is that their pussy feels different when they're ovulating. Like I said it's warmer and wetter. Literally all three times I knew I did it pretty much right away. In other words I think you'd know.

Dummy. She's already pregnant and is just trying to make you think it's yours

You know less than you think you do.

Not all women respond identically,

Thanks for that comment. His opinion doesn't change what happened so I'm not worried about it.

i'm not a he, that's how i know you're lying. :)
>implying you know more than a woman who has been pregnant and given birth
okay sweetie. whatever you say.

Well you're wrong so I don't know what else to tell you.

Pregnant, before, or right before?

right before

> me and sis-in-law pretty close
> she's married, couple years getting annoyed because hubs is hardly home so barely have sex often enough for her to try to get pregs
> she is ready to have a kid, he could care less
> wife, sis-in-law, and their friends out for sis-in-laws bday
> me plays driver for a truckload of drunken milfs (i've had worse jobs)
> wife tells me to take sis-in-law home last. she's pretty wasted and alone. wife worried she will get hurt.
> get sis-in-law home, she's complaining about her hubs, how she is always alone, starts going off on how much she's spent on sex toys and whatever to try and lure him. said she found a date online a few weeks back. felt super guilty but was really horny.
> she told me all about it, in detail.
> I got worked up, so did she
> we fucked for a while
> we have never discussed if it's my niece of my daughter

user this is OPs wish of what his life would be. He’s just another 350 pound mamas healthy baby boy who gets up bright and early at 4 pm to get his tendies and watch anamie

yup, sure got me pegged dumbass. someone already zoomed in on me (the niggerflag post). Clearly I'm not a fatass.
It's amazing to me how self-righteous and people like you and the other doubters can be. You simply can't even imagine being wrong about anything. You're what's wrong with the world.

let's see this girl

Right before

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She seems okay. Is it weird knowing they're raising your kid?

>skips the best part with a one liner

fuck off

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lots of time there's little interest in green text

because you post bullshit like that.

Wow she's actually pretty hot! Nice job

Mixed feeling. Her fucked a GF I had right out of high school gave me the “sorry bro” story. Since then I kept the illusion of the friendship. This opportunity came up so I came in it. Their happy, I’m happy so who cares I guess.

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very hot
little slut too

clearly, she let another dude nut in her. Did you impregnate her missionary?

>obesity bn womans dortio chip popa jon
>not same species
Am NOT allow!

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As shitty as it sounds, having another couple raise your kid is pretty prime from an evolutionary standpoint.

Very fuckable well done

man shes got an awesome pussy

with her wrists tied to her headboard
and lightly choking her

Yeah, fucked up part is the guy is in poor health from being an alcoholic. She got tested and was dropping eggs, he was about to get tested for shooting blanks-so if they try for number two I’m curious to see what happens. I just moved away for work. So if it goes bad part of me wants to show up to pick up the pieces. She’s actually a nice girl.

That's super cool of you. I mean the kid is definitely going to find out one way or another. As soon as they do a 23 and me test.

>23 me tells ancestry not parentage


Thanks! Yeah I kindof love the fact that I got her pregnant. Like no one else will have that pussy the way I did.

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any nudes?

How to spot an actual incel.

Got my 14 year old cousin pregnant.
I was 9. That was...

Dont grow up poor.

Been trying to find a chick to bareback and creampie that's not on the pill on doublelist, but I've had shitty luck. Alot of fat chicks. It's pretty much been my fantasy every since this 43 year old married woman fucked me a few times when I was teen. She wasn't on birth control and wanted me to nut in her every time. It was super intense and I honestly wanted her to get pregnant.

I know, that person is an idiot.
>hurdy gurdy I never sexted so nobody can sexted

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A paternity suit and having to hang out with a pregnant woman who may, or may not, be carrying your child?
Then 13 years of looking after a squalling shitty kid?
You need to think this through.

Yeah it's a super shitty craigslist casuals replacement. Has a fraction of the traffic craigslist did and every post has to be approved. It's about the best thing I've seen in my area to be discrete.

lmao @ thinking I'm giving personal details or even a real name. This is a pump and dump fantasy my dude. Only goal is to spread seed.

Okay this. It's so hard to find a girl who's down for all that AND is hot AND lets you keep cumming in her continuously.
I've fucked some hot ass bitches who've let me cum in them but more often than not it's either a one time thing or they get plan b etc. If you can find yourself a hotty who's not on bc and lets you nut in her day in and day out then she's a keeper.


bump for moar

hah would you knock her up? Her tits used to be so nice. She got me into big nipples.

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raw anal bro , cum deep in her ass

She was my FWB. She's married but we fucked a few times a week without protection. Knocked her up and the husband thinks its his.

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I have fucked her in the ass but she wasn't a fan.

>chatting up a senior at homecoming year after graduation (we were friends but she was always in a relationship)
>go out after the football game with some of her friends
>asks me to take her home since she didn't drive
>starts jerking me while I drive
>I pull into an abandoned business park (it's midnight)
>start making out, she lays the seat fully back, I climb on top
>she pulls my pants off with her feet
>she took off her panties while we were driving and I didn't notice
>slides my dick in and I flip out because no condom
>assures me shes on the pill
>I go wild and blast her full of cum
>she's cumming hard the whole time
>get dressed just as we see a security light shine on us
>cop comes over (windows all fogged
>assure him we were just talking, he tells us to move it
>on way home she says the words, "I feel like you just got me pregnant"
>ghost the shit out of her but stalk her on myspace (yes I'm that old)
>get a message from some high school chick telling me the whole story

Turns out she got knocked up a month or so prior by some black kid and was looking for a daddy, she the little halfling came out I *phew*ed so hard

love me some short hair girls

post them all!

shame. buttsex is best sex

Crazy that that's the third story of someone knocking up someone else's wife. I would prob be super down for that situation.

lol that's sooo fucked. Show a picture of her! pre baby if you can find one.
If you HAD stayed why tf does she think that would've worked out? You obvs wouldn't have stayed if she tricked you but then the baby comes out black.

Yeah she had short hair the whole relationship. I hated it tbh

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> be me 31, bdsm fag
> browse fetlife looking for some slaves,
> find acc of another master who likes to get t his slave pregnant by stranger's at gangbangs and have her abort the baby after she gets emotionally attached to it
> get in contact with other master, and tell my slave abt the idea of her kicking the pregnant one in the stomach
> my slave is disgusted by the idea but the other master loves it

these people sound gross af but who knows, maybe you're all actually beautiful people. post pics

Wish I could creampie a girl. Have too much stamina, I've never orgasmed when fucking a girl. Last girl I dated fucked me for an hour thirty and I didn't cum. :/

No you don't have too much stamina retard. You just don't know how to slow down and actually cum. It's a learned skill if you're circumcised with a sensitivity loss, jerk it constantly or with a death grip, or are on a SSRI. It's also not uncommon.

Don't worry, I have the same problem, user. You just have to find someone who appeals to your kinks. Maybe you need a submissive girl who wimpers during sex or need a girl who takes control more aggressively.
For me it's easy, I love knocking girls up. I've been chasing the dragon ever since this first one and succeeded with another girl later. But if a girl is on birth control I rarely cum. My current gf is on the pill and I'm constantly bugging her about it. Most of the time we have sex I don't cum.

That's the problem, though. First girl I tried it with was too submissive, and I never got close, and the next girl took control and still couldn't make me cum.

I didn't mind it. She never let him cum in her but she begged me for it. now hes stuck with the kid.

any more pooper pics?

tbh after seeing the husband he should be grateful someone else knocked her up. Dude is goofy af.

hmm, what kind of porn do you get off to? Be open with your partner about what turns you on. I'm actually pretty open with girls about my fetish and most of the time they're cool with it.

Best of everything!

not really

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dude, you got to pist it all!

Probably this. Women are manipulative.

I'm into POV porn, threesome porn, catsuit porn... I'm open to a lot of different types of porn, but my main fetishes are feet and catsuits.

get yourself a girl who does both

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You know what else that was? Not possible.
9 year olds don't produce sperm and don't ejaculate.

unlikely, but I guess not impossible. What a weird existence for that person if they're not lying

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Be me, male 4 years ago .
>Started working at a new place, get to know one of the chicks, we connect really well.
>She's 21, a few years younger than me, and engaged.
>After working there around 6 months, her fiancee is away on work and she's very bummed out, i suggest going out for a few drinks and just talking. (Had no thoughts about getting with her, but gotta admit she is a 8\10 in my eyes, with great tits and an amazing ass.)
>Its Thursday and not a lot of people out, we get a table and a few beers, then it turns to shots.
>She tells me they're trying to have a kid but after several months of trying they dont seem to get anywhere.
>To lighten the mood i take her to dance a little and we keep drinking and having fun.
>After several hours she gets really drunk, so i decide to take her home and plan on taking a taxi bak to my place.
>She's one of those girls that gets real close and clingy when drunk, so we get to her place, and apparently she's also horny when drunk, so one thing leads to another... and suddently we're in they're bed, fucking each others brains out.
>I'm a pleaser, so i've learned how to get chicks off, she comes at least 3 times.
>69, fuck her from behind, cowgirl, and towards the end missionary.
>Right when i'm about to blow she pulls me close and holds me while i fill her up.
>Didnt think about it right there but i assumed she took a "day after" pill.
>Spend the night and we go to work together (agreeing not to tell anyone).
>After a few weeks she breaks the news.. .shes pregnant, and it's most likely my kid...

TLDR: fucked a colleague, got her pregnant and now have a kid thats a little over two years old

nope, I started at 8 or 9 too

post a pic of this girl!

Yet another getting someone else's wife prego thing. Did she call off her engagement? If not does the guy know it's not his kid. If she did break it off with him are you guys still together?

Well look whos the expert in nine year old boys junk.
Seriously though, it happens. But nine is considered within normal for the onset of regular puberty. Theres this thing called precocious puberty, or early puberty if its any earlier.

If they were engaged, she wasnt anybody's wife yet.

wow thank you for that astounding insight and clarification. notice in the next sentence I say "engagement"? get wrecked

no the flag is clearly Jamaican.

you did a good work user

Just didn't know many married fiances.


Naw, Dont have any "private" pics of her, and def. not taking something from Facebook :P
I can tell you tho, long blonde hair, firm body (dont really work out, she's just naturally firm and slim) tits are c cups i think, and a decently sized ass that i would fucking die for.
I got a new job a few months later and moved away, she went into maternity leave at the same time and we kind of lost contact.
Still got her on FB tho, and the kid clearly recembles me at the same age.. lol
I'm pretty sure she never told her fiancee.

10/10 Dad. Honestly he'll figure it out soon as he's tired of living like a fool

She seems insane but so do you lol. Perfect match tbh

Wow if your kid is half as retarded as you your hopeless. You can’t even answer a simple question faggot

haha thank you
We're barely on speaking terms. I have another girl and she's currently single.

That's a jamaican flag you tard

Well what my children lack in intelligence I make up for it in number. clearly.

and you never got sued to pay her alimony?

You mean child support? no, her family is super supportive.

Thanks, it was on the weekend of his birthday celebration too.

Charles? Show me shoe on head.

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So you had a girl that would agree to fuck you, and you fucked it up and raped her without a condom. Good job cuck

minus ten points from gryffindor for improper use of the term cuck

so, they're married now right?

honestly I wouldn't change a thing. And when I knocked her up that had to be one of the best orgasms of my life.

Do you pay child support?

already answered that

>be 30yo virgin
>finally ask a girl out, 10 years younger
>tell her I don’t want kids, tells me she doesn’t
>2 months in gets pregnant
>decides to keep the baby
>wants to marry, I say no
>but if I don’t stay with her, have to pay child support
>pretty much trapped
Man I got to fuck one girl in my whole life

Hello Femanon


why weren't you more careful? Is the girl pretty attractive?

Props for being man enough to own up to your kids.

Just look for the name of the pic on facebook and you'll find her. Some faggot clearly wanted to dox her.

It was the first/only girl to ever fall in love with me, and at the time I thought maybe it was my only chance. She’s not bad but I could do better.
But once the baby comes, you aren’t the centre of attention anymore. It feels like she’s not even attracted to me, and sex is a chore. Says she will feel more attracted if I marry her, but it’s not really worth losing half my stuff when we inevitably break up.

You realise if she changes her mind anytime in the next 20 years, she can backdate the child support and you will owe her tens of thousands of dollars?

I'm sorry for your situation but I promise you'll be stoked once the baby comes

I'm really not worried about it. her parents are loaded and literally pay for everything for her.

Post a titty pic, at least, user.

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I started jacking off when I was 12, but I'd get boners when I was 5.

I wouldn't be surprised if I started producing sperm at a younger age than that.

for sure, i'm the opposite. didn't have my first orgasm till I was 14

I've impregnated my gf of almost 2 years, her decision, gonna have a girl in may. Kik curbcobain99 for details

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I wouldn't even have even known about jacking off if it wasn't for my fat yakuza-looking japanese friend who kept talking about it all the time.

btw I should say that there was a brief time that I kept cumming in her when she wasn't on birth control in the beginning of the relationship. But then she got scared and went on the pill for years. So basically I kept creampieing this girl all the way up to the point that she was finally having my baby

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