So is Yea Forums basically just a collection of spambots now or what?
So is Yea Forums basically just a collection of spambots now or what?
yeah basically
Still reporting spam and nothing’s changed.
Are you a bot?
Is anything interesting still happening on here?
nah, there is a JIDF raid happening
they do seem about as smart as an bot tho...
yes, there are too many white people here.
Have you ever seen the mods do their damn jobs?
If only reports would do something.
Hah, i can post it once more because we have the same shit everywhere:
If the goal of JIDF or whoever was to push race mixing, wouldn't posting white male x black female or x asian chick make a whole lot more sense on a website that is 99.95% white and male?
What is JIDF?
The mods take down whatever posts I put up that isn’t bait, a sob story, or porn. I’ve given up makigg threads cuz they don’t care about the rules.
I used to think of Yea Forums as panning for gold in a river of liquid shit.
Only, these days, whatever nuggets I do find aren't the golden kind anymore.
And faggot mods who delete shit for no real reason but leave all the trash up. Idk why I come here anymore... this place sucks dirty dick
So are you /pol/iticians actually wtiting these threads yourself or are you using a spambot for the constant stream of "bbc destroys white men" threads?
The hack of Bob Buckhorn was news hours back.
Jewish internet defense front I think.
I'm not into the jew boogeyman meme, but I have noticed a lot of pro israel threads in conjunction with the Israeli government being up to their usual shenanigans.
What the fuck are you still coming here for?
What about Yea Forums is worth dealing with all the bullshit spam?
Who the hell is Bob Buckhorn?
I have been on Yea Forums for at least five years and not once have I seen a pro israel thread.
Yeah this place has gone even more to shit than it had previously.
It's obviously spambots and raids from Reddit.
Well I've seen threads claiming to be pro Israel, whether they actually were though is anyones guess.
The occational heart to heart discussion about ethics and dilemmas. Sometimes talking with people in tough situations and giving advice. Sometimes R34. But yea, i ask myself that a lot aswell.
It really turned to shit during the last presidential election. It's just bots arguing with each other about nothing.
A bunch of faggots post the same stupid threads every day; I just hide all the porn threads at this point.
yes, usually spamming some type of pornography.
pornography should be banned to it's own board.
City of Tampa, Florida Mayor. His Twitter got hacked hours ago and Anons suggested input in a thread. Funny shit.
>Idk why I come here anymore... this place sucks dirty dick
I guess it's just become a habit over the years like smoking. But thinking about it like that makes me realize what a wast of time it is.
>A bunch of faggots post the same stupid threads every day; I just hide all the porn threads at this point.
True. It's:
Regular porn
Porn that isn't allowed on other boards
Why don't you kill yourself today
Pro trump threads disguised as anti trump threads
Anti trump threads disguised as pro trump threads
Bbc shill to anger white people
Cuck und share your gf threads (I don't think that those are bots tho)
Log threads
Did I miss something?
Did he do something wrong or are you just doing it for fun?
>Sometimes R34
Kill yourself.
You're a part of the problem.
Cartoon porn is fucking shit and stupid and so are you.
Yea Forums is an NPC board now.
Imagine having your life revolve around trap porn and cock rate threads.. real bot posting hours.
Where the trap porn and cock rate threads at? Link me bro.
You're a big boy, you can find them.
Yep. That and Russian politishills, too.
get kid to rage at blacked thread
kid takes daddies gun and kills niggers
4/chins/ gets shut down
and they're all human beings.
that's the most sad part about this.
Humanity has fallen farther now than ever before.
no. also that's a dank bonsai tree. must be like 100 years old or some shit.
This or just retardet samefags that are so fucking obsessed with some stupid shit. It is very sad.